Vous avez cherché: ten o clock morning (Anglais - Chinois (simplifié))

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ten o clock morning



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Chinois (simplifié)




Chinois (simplifié)


Dernière mise à jour : 2012-08-01
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


close to ten o'clock

Chinois (simplifié)


Dernière mise à jour : 1970-01-01
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


ten o'clock sharp on thursday, 17 march.

Chinois (simplifié)


Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


some children are working after 10 `o-clock in the evening.

Chinois (simplifié)


Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


a guard was supposed to come and unchain them at 7 o=clock every morning to allow them to go the toilet, but, according to them, he did not come every day.

Chinois (simplifié)


Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


section 34 of the employment act 1955 which provides that no employer shall require any female employee to work in any industrial or agricultural undertaking between the hours of ten o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning nor commence work for the day without having had a period of eleven consecutive hours free from such work;

Chinois (simplifié)

* 1955年《就业法》第34条规定,雇主不得要求女性雇员在晚上10时至上午5时之间从事工业或农业工作,也不得要求女性雇员在从事这种工作后未连续歇息11个小时就开始一天的工作;

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


♫ it's nine o' clock on a saturday ♫ ♫ the record store's closed for the night ♫ ♫ so i fire up the old itunes music store ♫ ♫ and soon i am feelin' all right ♫ ♫ i know steve jobs can find me a melody ♫ ♫ with one dollar pricing that rocks ♫ ♫ i can type in the track and get album names back ♫ ♫ while still in my pjs and socks ♫ ♫ sell us a song, you're the music man ♫ ♫ my ipod's still got 10 gigs to go ♫ ♫ yes, we might prefer more compatibility ♫ ♫ but steve likes to run the whole show ♫ ♫ i heard "desperate housewives" was great last night ♫ ♫ but i had a bad piece of cod ♫ ♫ as i threw up my meal, i thought, "it's no big deal" ♫ ♫ i'll watch it tonight on my 'pod ♫ ♫ and now all of the networks are joining in ♫ ♫ two bucks a show without ads ♫ ♫ it's a business those guys always wanted to try ♫ ♫ but only steve jobs had the 'nads ♫ ♫ they say we're young, don't watch tv ♫ ♫ they say the internet is all we see ♫ ♫ but that's not true; they've got it wrong ♫ ♫ see, all our shows are just two minutes long ♫ ♫ hey ♫ ♫ i got youtube ♫ ♫ i got youtube ♫ and now, ladies and gentlemen, a tribute to the recording industry association of america -- the riaa!

Chinois (simplifié)

♫星期六的晚上九点钟♫ ♫唱片行已经打烊♫ ♫于是我打开itune网上音乐商店♫ ♫心情很快随之好转♫ ♫我知道史蒂夫乔布斯会为我找到一首歌♫ ♫只需一美元却很酷的歌♫ ♫只需键入曲目,即知专辑名♫ ♫而我仍穿着睡衣和温暖的袜子♫ ♫音乐人啊~买我们歌曲吧~♫ ♫我的ipod还有10g空间♫ ♫是啊,还有更多相容性更好的♫ ♫但是史蒂夫喜欢当老大♫ ♫我听说昨晚的《绝望主妇》很棒♫ ♫但是我吃鳕鱼排食物中毒了♫ ♫昨晚在呕吐的时候我想“这没什么大不了的”♫ ♫我今晚就在ipod上看好了♫ ♫现在所有电视网络都加入了♫ ♫一集两美元还没广告♫ ♫这是这些家伙一直都想做的生意♫ ♫只有史蒂夫乔布斯够厉害♫ ♫他们说我们年轻人不看电视♫ ♫他们说网络就是我们的一切♫ ♫但这不是事实,他们都错了♫ ♫因为我们看的节目都只有两分钟♫ ♫嘿♫ ♫我有youtube♫ ♫我有youtube♫ 女士们、先生们 向美国唱片工业会(riaa)致敬 有名的riaa

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-10-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia
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