Vous avez cherché: a bad workman quarrels with his tools (Anglais - Hindi)

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a bad workman quarrels with his tools



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a bad workman blames his tools


नाच न जाने आंगन टेढ़ा

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-12-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


a bad workman blames his tool


एक बुरा कारीगरी अपने उपकरण को दोषी ठहराया

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-12-26
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


a bad man quarrel with this tools


एक शहद जीभ एक दिल

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-09-25
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


a bad tradesman blames his tools.


नाच न जाने, आँगन टेढ़ा।

Dernière mise à jour : 2019-07-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


he picks up a quarrel with his wife and beats her .


वह पत्नी से लड़ता व उसे पीटता है ।

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-05-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


title: buddy act i we see a man named jack, walking down the street with his dog, buddy. jack looks tired and stressed out. he's carrying a briefcase and seems preoccupied. buddy, on the other hand, is happy and carefree, wagging his tail and sniffing everything in sight. jack stops at a coffee shop and ties buddy to a lamp post outside. he goes inside, orders a coffee, and sits down at a table. he takes out his laptop and starts working on a project. meanwhile, buddy is outside, getting into mischief. he chases a squirrel up a tree, barks at a passing cyclist, and sniffs a discarded pizza box. suddenly, he hears a loud noise and gets scared. he starts barking and pulling on his leash, trying to break free. act ii jack hears buddy barking and rushes outside. he sees that buddy has tangled himself up in his leash and is struggling to free himself. jack tries to calm him down, but buddy is too agitated. just then, a car backfires, and buddy bolts. jack chases after him, calling his name. they run through the streets, dodging traffic and pedestrians. jack is desperate to catch buddy, but he's getting tired. finally, he catches up with him in a park. buddy is hiding behind a tree, whimpering. jack approaches him slowly, trying not to scare him. he kneels down and opens his arms. buddy crawls into his lap, shivering. act iii jack takes buddy home and gives him a bath. he brushes his fur and feeds him some dog food. as he's doing this, he realizes how much he loves buddy. he remembers all the times they've spent together, playing fetch, going for walks, and cuddling on the couch. he also remembers the time he adopted buddy from the animal shelter. he had just gone through a bad breakup, and he was feeling lonely and lost. buddy had been there for him, licking his face and wagging his tail. jack decides to take buddy for a walk in the park. they walk for a while, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. then they sit down on a bench, and jack pets buddy's head. "i don't know what i'd do without you, buddy," he says. "you're my best friend." buddy wags his tail and licks jack's hand. suddenly, jack starts crying. he buries his face in buddy's fur and sobs. buddy licks away his tears, nuzzling his face. fade to black. title: buddy act i we see a man named jack, walking down the street with his dog, buddy. jack looks tired and stressed out. he's carrying a briefcase and seems preoccupied. buddy, on the other hand, is happy and carefree, wagging his tail and sniffing everything in sight. jack stops at a coffee shop and ties buddy to a lamp post outside. he goes inside, orders a coffee, and sits down at a table. he takes out his laptop and starts working on a project. meanwhile, buddy is outside, getting into mischief. he chases a squirrel up a tree, barks at a passing cyclist, and sniffs a discarded pizza box. suddenly, he hears a loud noise and gets scared. he starts barking and pulling on his leash, trying to break free. act ii jack hears buddy barking and rushes outside. he sees that buddy has tangled himself up in his leash and is struggling to free himself. jack tries to calm him down, but buddy is too agitated. just then, a car backfires, and buddy bolts. jack chases after him, calling his name. they run through the streets, dodging traffic and pedestrians. jack is desperate to catch buddy, but he's getting tired. finally, he catches up with him in a park. buddy is hiding behind a tree, whimpering. jack approaches him slowly, trying not to scare him. he kneels down and opens his arms. buddy crawls into his lap, shivering. act iii jack takes buddy home and gives him a bath. he brushes his fur and feeds him some dog food. as he's doing this, he realizes how much he loves buddy. he remembers all the times they've spent together, playing fetch, going for walks, and cuddling on the couch. he also remembers the time he adopted buddy from the animal shelter. he had just gone through a bad breakup, and he was feeling lonely and lost. buddy had been there for him, licking his face and wagging his tail. jack decides to take buddy for a walk in the park. they walk for a while, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. then they sit down on a bench, and jack pets buddy's head. "i don't know what i'd do without you, buddy," he says. "you're my best friend." buddy wags his tail and licks jack's hand. suddenly, jack starts crying. he buries his face in buddy's fur and sobs. buddy licks away his tears, nuzzling his face. fade to black.


हम जैक नाम के एक आदमी को देखते हैं, जो अपने कुत्ते, बडी के साथ सड़क पर चल रहा है। जैक थका हुआ और तनावग्रस्त दिखता है। वह एक ब्रीफकेस ले जा रहा है और चिंतित लगता है। दूसरी ओर, बड्डी खुश और लापरवाह है, अपनी पूंछ हिला रहा है और सब कुछ सूँघ रहा है। जैक एक कॉफी शॉप में रुकता है और बडी को बाहर एक लैंप पोस्ट से जोड़ता है। वह अंदर जाता है, एक कॉफी का आदेश देता है, और एक मेज पर बैठ जाता है। वह अपना लैपटॉप निकालता है और एक परियोजना पर काम करना शुरू कर देता है। इस बीच, बडी बाहर है, int हो रही है

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-03-19
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme
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