Vous avez cherché: mother said jon was a former's son (Anglais - Hindi)

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mother said jon was a former's son



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his mother said he was a little whimsical .


उनकी माता उन्हें कुछ सिरफिरा कहती थी ।

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-05-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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y . s . parmar , a former chief minister of the state , who was a district and sessions judge in the erstwhile sirmur state , before independence was expelled from the state on account of suspected loyalty .


राज्य के एक भूतपूर्व मंत्री डा . वाई . एस . परमार आजादी से पहले भूतपूर्व सिरमौर रियासत में जिला और सत्र न्यायाधीश थे जहां से उनकी वफादारी पर शक करके बाहर निकाल दिया गया था ।

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-05-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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maniappa was a farmer. he worked from dawn to dusk in his field. amidst the crops in the field, a sparrow had built a nest. she roosted in the nest. she got two children. the little sparrows lived with their mother happily. days passed by. and the harvesting season fast approached. the corns were ripe. and everywhere people started their harvests. the little sparrows said to their mother, "mummy! we will have to flyaway". the mother sparrow replied, “not so soon babies! the farmer is not ready. one day, they heard the farmer saying "i must call my neighbours and make them do the harvest." the little sparrows said, “mummy, tonight we shall fly away." the mother said, “not so soon babies. the farmer won’t make it." the words of the mother came true. the neighbours did not turn up the next day. the farmer was heard saying, "i will call my relatives and make them do the harvest". this time also the little ones wanted to flyaway. but the mother asked them to relax. once again, the words of the mother came true. now, they heard the farmer saying "tomorrow i will do the harvest myself'. on hearing these words, the mother said, “come my children. it is time for us to leave this field". moral : self-help is always respected


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Dernière mise à jour : 2016-11-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 3
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