Vous avez cherché: i'm in my bed trying to sleep (Anglais - Indonésien)

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i'm in my bed trying to sleep



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that's where the cry broke back in my pelling. i can't help but see him like that, i'm trying to encourage him, strengthen him, and support him if he doesn't love him here


di situlah tangisan pecah kembali dalam pelling saya. aku tidak bisa membantu tapi melihatnya seperti itu, aku mencoba untuk mendorongnya, memperkuat dia, dan mendukungnya jika dia tidak sendiri, masih banyak yang mencintainya di sini

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-03-27
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


thank you've ever attended in my life over the past 5 months and never made me feel the happiest woman karna became the lover of you and thank you for your patient your lovers so i face my behavior that sometimes make you tired despite the late mya now you leave me because the reason your parents don't like karna did not fit with my custom of trying to make sense of it even though the weight for me


terimakasih sudah pernah hadir di hidup saya selama 5 bulan dan pernah membuat saya merasa wanita paling bahagia karna menjadi kekasih anda dan terimakasih selama saya jadi kekasihmu anda bersabar menghadapi tingkah saya yang terkadang membuat anda lelah walaupun akhir mya sekarang anda meninggalkan saya karna alasan orangtua anda tidak suka karna tidak cocok dengan adat saya berusaha memahami itu walau berat bagi saya

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-07-21
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


every morning i always wake up at 5 am immediately pray at dawn and after that i clean my bed in my bedroom there is a study desk and wardrobe every day i always tidy up and clean


setiap pagi saya selalu bangun jam 5 pagi langsung sholat subuh dan setelah itu aku membersihkan tempat tidur ku didalam kamar tidur ku ada meja belajar dan lemari pakaian setiap hari selalu aku rapi kan dan bersihkan saya sangat senang dan selalu semangat belajar dan sekolah

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-11-30
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


my first day at home i just spent time doing homework, lying in bed and watching tv sometimes i would also spend a lot of time with my family. then the next day i tried to do an activity that caught my attention trying to draw a landscape and the results were satisfactory enough to motivate me to draw again in my spare time. input


hari pertamaku di rumah aku hanya menghabiskan waktu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, berbaring di tempat tidur dan menonton tv terkadang aku juga akan menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama keluargaku. lalu keesokan harinya saya mencoba melakukan kegiatan yang menarik perhatian saya yaitu mencoba menggambar pemandangan dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan sehingga memotivasi saya untuk menggambar lagi di waktu senggang. masukan

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-10-29
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


what am i doing during my semester hike vacation is not going anywhere i'm just at home if i don't sleep eat play cell phone play gem watch on the app already gaada again my activities besides that i don't go out even though even in the new year i'm in the room crying others at play mercon or see fireworks out there but i'm just at home on vacation in the room if it's said to be bosen anyway yes bosen yaa that's how it is oiyaa i also have activities in my house selling well


apa yang saya lakukan semasa liburan kenaikan semester saya tidak kemana mana saya cuman dirumah saja kalo tidak tidur makan main hp main gem nonton di aplikasi sudah gaada lagi kegiatan saya selain itu saya tidak keluar sekalipun bahkan tahun baru pun saya dikamar sambil menangis orang lain pada main mercon atau melihat kembang api di luar sana tapi saya dirumah saja liburan nya di kamar kalo dibilang bosan sih iya bosan ya begitulah oiyaa saya juga ada kegiatan di rumah saya jualan nah jualan

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-01-11
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


here i will tell you a sad story in my life, on november 2, 2021 my father's birthday and we as a family celebrated everything went as usual but on november 3, 2021 at noon my father called my first brother that he had a premonition of death then my second brother called me asking about my father's condition, i told him that my father's condition was fine not sick. suddenly at 12 noon my father went limp and i told him to sleep kar


disini saya akan menceritakan kisah sedih di hidup saya, pada tanggal 2 november 2021 ayah saya ulang tahun dan kami sekeluarga merayakannya semua berjalan seperti biasanya tapi pada tgl 3 november 2021 siang hari ayah saya telp kakak pertama saya bahwa dia punya firasat meninggal kemudian kakak kedua saya menelpon saya menanyakan keadaan ayah saya, saya beritahu bahwa keadaan ayah saya baik baik saja tidak sakit. tiba tiba pada pukul 12 siang ayah saya lemas dan saya menyuruhnya untuk tidur kar

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-04-28
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


the house is the most comfortable place in my opinion, because i've been occupying it since i was in the womb until it's as big as it is now. cool eve from my neighborhood also adds to the comfort of home. my favorite place for me is actually my room, i don't know why but just be comfortable when i'm in my room.


rumah adalah tempat yang paling nyaman menurutku, karena aku sudah menempatinya sedari aku kecil sampai sebesar sekarang. rumahku juga sangat sejuk, karena banyak dedaunan subur di terasku. tempat favorit untukku sebenarnya adalah kamarku, tidak tahu kenapa tapi nyaman saja saat berada di kamarku.

Dernière mise à jour : 2022-11-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


on december 14, 2022, after school i rushed to tidy up the clothes i was going to bring to go to bali. my school will hold a study tour to bali on december 15, 2022, so i immediately choose what clothes i will bring in my suitcase. after i put all my belongings in my suitcase and backpack i rested, at night i went back to check my belongings after that i went to sleep.


pada tanggal 14 desember 2022 , se pulang sekolah aku bergegas merapikan baju baju yang akan aku bawa untuk pergi ke bali. sekolahku akan mengadakan study tour ke bali pada tanggal 15 desember 2022 , jadi aku langsung memilih baju apa saja yang akan aku bawa di koper. setelah semua barang barangku sudah aku masukkan ke koper dan tas ransel aku beristirahat , malam nya aku kembali mengecek barang barangku setelah itu aku pun tidur.

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-04-30
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


hello, i want to tell about my routine every day. before the covid-19 pandemic i woke up at 5 in the morning. then i made my bed. after that i took a shower and prayed. at 6 am i have breakfast with my family. after finishing breakfast i got ready to go to campus. at 7 am i went to campus by motorbike. at 8 o'clock lectures start until 4 pm. after lectures finished i returned home. when i got home i immediately took a shower. at 7 pm i have dinner with my family. after finishing dinner i studied and did assignments. after i finished doing my assignment, i went to sleep at 10 pm. this was my routine activity before the covid-19 pandemic.


Dernière mise à jour : 2020-08-12
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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