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feel the world let them sknow it's christmas time



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it's christmas time before the world! from 500 usd!


e 'tempo di natale di fronte al mondo! a partire da 500 usd!

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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make sure they are aware of the laws prohibiting the sexual exploitation of children - everywhere in the world. let them know that the police in your country can do something about the problem, providing they have clear information about the crime, i.e. time, place, and persons involved.


assicurati che sappiano che le leggi proibiscono lo sfruttamento sessuale di bambini in ogni parte del mondo.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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replenish yourselves with holy spirit that illumines, sanctifies, make you talk, opens the mouth, opens the heart, and say to the world: “let us get converted, time has come”. let us save ourselves. god is with us. jesus is waiting for us, loves us; let us go to church, fill the house of the father; let us help our parish priests, let us love them and arrange for them not to feel the lack of a family, because the parish is the family of the priest.


riempitevi di spirito santo che illumina, santifica, fa parlare, apre la bocca, apre il cuore, e dite al mondo: “convertiamoci, è giunta l’ora. salviamoci. dio è con noi. gesù ci aspetta, ci ama, andiamo in chiesa, riempiamo la casa del padre, aiutiamo i nostri parroci, amiamoli e facciamo sì che non sentano la mancanza di una famiglia, perché la parrocchia è la famiglia del sacerdote.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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