Vous avez cherché: craftiness (Anglais - Maori)

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but he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, why tempt ye me?


otira i kitea e ia to ratou hianga, a ka mea kia ratou, he aha koutou ka whakamatautau nei i ahau

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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he taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.


mau ake i a ia te hunga whakaaro i to ratou tinihanga: pororaru iho nga whakaaro o te hunga kotiti ke

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with god. for it is written, he taketh the wise in their own craftiness.


ki te atua hoki he kuware noa nga whakaaro mohio o tenei ao: kua oti hoki te tuhituhi, ka mau i a ia te hunga whakaaro i runga i to ratou tinihanga

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;


kia mutu ai to tatou tamarikitanga, te akina, te kahakahakina e nga hau katoa o te whakaako, he whakawiringa ke na te tangata, he maminga, he whakapohehe

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of god deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of god.


engari kua whakarerea e matou nga mea huna o te whakama, kore ake matou e haere i runga i te tinihanga, kahore hoki e maminga ki te kupu a te atua: ka waiho ia ko te whakapuakanga o te pono hei whakaatu i to matou pai ki te hinengaro tangata i te aroaro o te atua

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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