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allah's mercy



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except such as receive allah's mercy: for he is exalted in might, most merciful.


cid eebe u naxariisto mooyee, illeen waz adkaade naxariistee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and as to those whose faces turn white, they shall be in allah's mercy; in it they shall-abide.


kuwuu caddaado (nuuro) wajigoodu naxariista eebe dhexdeeday ku waarayaan.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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maintain the prayer and give the zakat, and obey the apostle so that you may receive [allah’s] mercy.


ooga salaadda, bixiya zakada oo addeeca rasuulka waxaad mudantihiin in laydiin naxariistee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and as for those whose faces shall have become whitened-- they shall be in allah's mercy; therein they shall be abiders.


kuwuu caddaado (nuuro) wajigoodu naxariista eebe dhexdeeday ku waarayaan.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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indeed allah’s mercy has been upon him, from whom the punishment has been averted on that day; and this is the clear success.


ciuddii laga lilo cadaabka maalintaas wuu u naxariistay eebe taasina waa liibaanta cad.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and for those whose faces will become white, they will be in allah's mercy (paradise), therein they shall dwell forever.


kuwuu caddaado (nuuro) wajigoodu naxariista eebe dhexdeeday ku waarayaan.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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anddo not make mischief in the earth after it has been set in order, and call upon him with fear and longing. surely allah's mercy is close to those who do good.


hana fasaadinina dhulka inta la wanaajiyey ka dib, baryana eebe cabsi iyo doonidba naxariista eebana waxay u dhawdahay kuwa samaha fala.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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my sons! go and try to find out about joseph and his brother and do not despair of allah's mercy. verily only the unbelievers despair of allah's mercy."


(wuxuu yidhi yacquub) wilashayow taga oo soo daydaya (warkii) yuusuf iyo walaalkiis hana ka quusanina naxariista eebe (farajkiisa) kama quusto farajka eebe qoom gaala ah mooyee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and do not cause corruption on the earth after its restoration, and supplicate him with fear and hope: indeed allah’s mercy is close to the virtuous.


hana fasaadinina dhulka inta la wanaajiyey ka dib, baryana eebe cabsi iyo doonidba naxariista eebana waxay u dhawdahay kuwa samaha fala.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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see, then, the tokens of allah's mercy: how he revives the earth after it is dead. verily he is the one who will revive the dead. he has power over everything.


ee day naxariista eebe raadkeeda sida eebe, ugu nooleeyo dhulka intuu dhintay ka dib eebaha wuxuu nooleeyaa wixii dhintay wax walbana waa arkaa.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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"on that day, if the penalty is averted from any, it is due to allah's mercy; and that would be (salvation), the obvious fulfilment of all desire.


ciuddii laga lilo cadaabka maalintaas wuu u naxariistay eebe taasina waa liibaanta cad.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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look then at the effects of allah's mercy: what wise he quickeneth the earth after the death thereof. verily. he is the quickener of the dead, and he is over every-thing potent.


ee day naxariista eebe raadkeeda sida eebe, ugu nooleeyo dhulka intuu dhintay ka dib eebaha wuxuu nooleeyaa wixii dhintay wax walbana waa arkaa.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke him with fear and hope; surely, allah's mercy is (ever) near unto the good-doers.


hana fasaadinina dhulka inta la wanaajiyey ka dib, baryana eebe cabsi iyo doonidba naxariista eebana waxay u dhawdahay kuwa samaha fala.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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but those whose faces will be (lit with) white,- they will be in (the light of) allah's mercy: therein to dwell (for ever).


kuwuu caddaado (nuuro) wajigoodu naxariista eebe dhexdeeday ku waarayaan.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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then contemplate (o man!) the memorials of allah's mercy!- how he gives life to the earth after its death: verily the same will give life to the men who are dead: for he has power over all things.


ee day naxariista eebe raadkeeda sida eebe, ugu nooleeyo dhulka intuu dhintay ka dib eebaha wuxuu nooleeyaa wixii dhintay wax walbana waa arkaa.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and we made a curse to follow them in this world, and on the day of resurrection, they will be among al-maqbuhun (those who are prevented to receive allah's mercy or any good, despised or destroyed, etc.).


waxaana raacinay adduunayadan lacnad, maalinta qiyaamana waxay noqon kuwa la dheereeyey (la halaagay).

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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"o my sons! go you and enquire about yusuf (joseph) and his brother, and never give up hope of allah's mercy. certainly no one despairs of allah's mercy, except the people who disbelieve."


(wuxuu yidhi yacquub) wilashayow taga oo soo daydaya (warkii) yuusuf iyo walaalkiis hana ka quusanina naxariista eebe (farajkiisa) kama quusto farajka eebe qoom gaala ah mooyee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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(allah) will say: "like this, our ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came unto you, but you disregarded them (i.e. you left them, did not think deeply in them, and you turned away from them), and so this day, you will be neglected (in the hell-fire, away from allah's mercy)."


wuxuu yidhaa (eebe) waa saas waxaa kuu timid aayadahanaga waadna halmaantay saasaana maanta lagaaga tagi (sida halmaan).

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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