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the people of noah who lived before and the confederate tribes who lived after them rejected our revelations. every nation schemed against its messengers to seize them and disputed against them to defeat the truth.
před nimi lhářem nazval noema lid jeho a spojenci učinili tak po nich: silně zasazoval se každý národ proti proroku svému, snažíce se zmocniti se jej, a odporovali mu nepravdou, aby utlumili v něm pravdu.
they think that the confederate tribes have not yet gone. if the confederate tribes were to attack them, they would have wished to be left alone among the bedouin arabs where they would only follow the news about you.
a domnívali se, že spojenci neodejdou; a jestliže spojenci přijdou, tu nejraději by se uchýlili do pouště mezi araby kočovné a dotazovali se jich na zprávy o vás.
member of the ИСС (bulgarian economic and social council), member of the european economic and social committee, confederate secretary of КТ „Подкрепа“ (confederation of labour ‘podkrepa’)
member of the ИСС (bulgarian economic and social council), member of the european economic and social committee, confederate secretary of КТ „Подкрепа“ (confederation of labour „podkrepa“)