Vous avez cherché: bose dk (Anglais - Télougou)

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bose dk


బోస్ డికె

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-10-21
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


bosu dk


బోసు డికె

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-10-21
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


rasbihari bose


rasbihari బోస్

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-08-25
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


bose dk meaning in telugu


బోస్ డికె తెలుగులో అర్థం

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


subhas chandra bose


సుభాష్ చంద్రబోస్

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-04-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 3
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia


bosu dk telugu meaning


బోసు డికె తెలుగు అర్థం

Dernière mise à jour : 2022-10-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


telugu lo subhash chandra bose


తెలుగు లో సుభాష్ చంద్రా బోస్ about writing subose chandra bose about writing

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-09-12
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


essay on netaji subhash chandra bose in telugu


తెలుగులో నేతాజీ సుభాష్ చంద్ర బోస్ వ్యాసం

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-10-01
Fréquence d'utilisation : 11
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


essay writing on gandhi , subhash chandra bose nehru,tilak


మహాత్మా గాంధీ, సుభాష్ చంద్ర బోస్ నెహ్రూ తిలక్ వ్యాస రచనా

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-06-26
Fréquence d'utilisation : 4
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


the life of a soldier a soldier is the pride of his nation. he defends the honor of his motherland with his life and blood. he has to rise above his own self to defend his nation. his profession brings out the best qualities in him like chivalry, discipline, team sprite, loyalty and steadfastness. his example serves as a beacon light to others who are tame and cowardly. his life is a source of inspiration to the youth of the nation. he has no politics in his makeup. he serves the nation to the best of his ability. we love the soldier as much as, if not more than as the scholar, the statesman and the poet. the soldier embodies in himself the sprite of youth. netaji subhash chandra bose lives in the memory of the indian youth much more than tilak or tagore. the great and glorious past he played in the ina movement will be cherished by generation to come. the brace deeds of our soldiers at kargil have become part of over folk love. the life of soldier is very tough and full of discipline. he has to be mentally and physically alert and keep his body in fine shape for any battles that may come up. his performance in the theatres of war has been heroic and daring. he is the finest specimen of humanity who is prepared to given the supreme sacrifice of his life for the lives of his fellow countrymen. he has to brave the tyrannies of nature and in thunder, lightning or rain, extreme hot or cold, in deserts, mountain or seas, day and night fight continuously for the know of his nation. he has to sacrifice his family life, be away from his children, only to the save the life of other children. these days soldiers are involved in many other types of activities. they help civilians in fighting terrorism, communal violence, fury of floods, building of bridges, crop cutting, locus fighting, road building etc. the soldiers is truly secular in character and serves people of all castes, creeds, religions. we should always salute our soldiers.


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 500 chars

Dernière mise à jour : 2017-07-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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