Vous avez cherché: care of the patient when sitting 4 (Danois - Italien)

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moreover, following such interpretation, the rules could be circumvented by granting aid not to the polluters, that under community law would not be obliged to take care of the other company's pollution, but to the companies taking care of the pollution.


moreover, following such interpretation, the rules could be circumvented by granting aid not to the polluters, that under community law would not be obliged to take care of the other company's pollution, but to the companies taking care of the pollution.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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derfor er det altid værd at overvejealternativer,navnlig på baggrund af mr-teknikkensvoksende rolle. the uk national radiological protection boardhar formuleret flere generelleanbefalinger med hensyn til cti sin publikation ombeskyttelse af patienten ved computertomografi(protection of the patient in x-ray computed tomography) [26].


È quindi necessario prendere in considerazione possibili indagini alternative, specialmente in rapporto al ruolo sempre maggiore della rm.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-02-06
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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