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arrêt c-127/02 waddenvereniging et vogelbeschermingsvereniging environnement et consommateurs


judgment c-127/02 waddenvereniging and vogelbeschermingsvereniging environment and consumers

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-05-14
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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(rec.2004,p.i-5039) c-419/01 arrêt du 15/05/2003 , commission / espagne (rec.2003,p.i-4947) c-420/01 arrêt du 19/06/2003, commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-6445) c-421/01 arrêt du 16/10/2003, traunfellner (rec.2003,p.i-11941) c-422/01 arrêt du 26/06/2003 , skandia et ramstedt (rec.2003,p.i-6817) c-423/01 arrêt du 16/10/2003, färber (rec.2003,p.i-11985) c-424/01 ordonnance du 09/04/2003 , cs austria (rec.2003,p.i-3249) c-425/01 arrêt du 12/06/2003, commission / portugal (rec.2003,p.i-6025) c-426/01 radiation du 27/03/2003 , accea finances c-427/01 radiation du 12/02/2004 , dülger trans uluslararasi tazimacilik c-428/01 ordonnance du 27/01/2004 , f.lli costanzo (non publiée) c-429/01 arrêt du 27/11/2003, commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-14355) c-430/01 ordonnance du 21/03/2002 , herbstrith (non publiée) c-431/01 ordonnance du 12/09/2002 , mertens (rec.2002,p.i-7073) c-432/01 radiation du 25/03/2003 , gunz c-433/01 arrêt du 15/01/2004, blijdenstein (rec.2004,p.i-981) c-434/01 arrêt du 06/11/2003, commission / royaume-uni (rec.2003,p.i-13239) c-435/01 radiation du 06/01/2003 , commission / belgique c-436/01 arrêt du 13/03/2003 , commission / belgique (rec.2003,p.i-2633) c-437/01 arrêt du 25/09/2003, commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-9861) c-438/01 arrêt du 05/06/2003, design concept (rec.2003,p.i-5617) c-439/01 arrêt du 16/01/2003 , cipra et kvasnicka (rec.2003,p.i-745) c-440/01 p(r)-dep voir c-39/03, artegodan / commission c-440/01 p(r) ordonnance du 14/02/2002, commission / artegodan (rec.2002,p.i-1489) c-441/01 arrêt du 22/05/2003 , commission / pays-bas (rec.2003,p.i-5463) c-442/01 arrêt du 26/06/2003, kaphag (rec.2003,p.i-6851) c-443/01 radiation du 28/08/2002 , nørgaard c-444/01 radiation du 12/12/2002 , owusu c-445/01 ordonnance du 25/02/2003 , simoncello et boerio (rec.2003,p.i-1807) c-446/01 arrêt du 12/06/2003 , commission / espagne (rec.2003,p.i-6053) c-447/01 ordonnance du 21/03/2002 , dld trading company import-export (non publiée) c-448/01 arrêt du 04/12/2003, evn et wienstrom (rec.2003,p.i-14527) c-449/01 ordonnance du 06/03/2003 , abbey life assurance (non publiée) c-450/01 radiation du 11/06/2002 , commission / grèce c-451/01 radiation du 11/06/2002 , commission / grèce c-452/01 arrêt du 23/09/2003, ospelt et schlössle weissenberg (rec.2003,p.i-9743) c-453/01 radiation du 11/06/2002 , commission / grèce c-454/01 arrêt du 10/06/2004, commission / allemagne (non publié) c-455/01 arrêt du 16/10/2003, commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-12023) c-456/01 p arrêt du 29/04/2004, henkel / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5089) c-457/01 voir c-456/01, henkel / ohmi c-458/01 radiation du 19/06/2002 , commission / italie c-459/01 radiation du 27/01/2004 , commission / irlande c-460/01 arrêt du 14/04/2005, commission / pays-bas (rec.2005,p.i-2613) c-461/01 p ordonnance du 05/12/2002 , tessa et tessas / conseil (non publiée) c-462/01 arrêt du 16/01/2003 , hammarsten (rec.2003,p.i-781) c-463/01 arrêt du 14/12/2004, commission / allemagne (rec.2004,p.i-11705) c-464/01 arrêt du 20/01/2005, gruber (rec.2005,p.i-439) c-465/01 arrêt du 16/09/2004, commission / autriche (rec.2004,p.i-8291) c-466/01 radiation du 06/05/2003, commission / grèce c-467/01 arrêt du 19/06/2003 , eribrand (rec.2003,p.i-6471) c-468/01 p arrêt du 29/04/2004, procter & gamble / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5141) c-469/01 voir c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-470/01 voir c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-471/01 voir c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-472/01 voir c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-473/01 p arrêt du 29/04/2004, procter & gamble / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5173) c-474/01 voir c-473/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-475/01 arrêt du 05/10/2004, commission / grèce (rec.2004,p.i-8923) c-476/01 arrêt du 29/04/2004, kapper (rec.2004,p.i-5205) c-477/01 p(r) ordonnance du 27/02/2002, reisebank / commission (rec.2002,p.i-2117) c-478/01 arrêt du 06/03/2003 , commission / luxembourg (rec.2003,p.i-2351) c-479/01 radiation du 17/04/2002 , commission / belgique c-480/01 p(r) ordonnance du 27/02/2002, commerzbank / commission (rec.2002,p.i-2129) c-481/01 p(r) ordonnance du 11/04/2002, ndc health / ims (rec.2002,p.i-3401) c-482/01 arrêt du 29/04/2004, orfanopoulos et oliveri (rec.2004,p.i-5257) c-483/01 arrêt du 15/05/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-4961) c-484/01 arrêt du 15/05/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-4975) c-485/01 arrêt du 06/03/2003 , caprini (rec.2003,p.i-2371) c-486/01 p arrêt du 29/06/2004, front national / parlement (rec.2004,p.i-6289) c-486/01 p-r ordonnance du 21/02/2002, front national et martinez / parlement (rec.2002,p.i-1843) c-487/01 arrêt du 29/04/2004, gemeente leusden et holin groep (rec.2004,p.i-5337) c-488/01 p-r voir c-486/01, martinez / parlement c-488/01 p ordonnance du 11/11/2003, martinez / parlement (rec.2003,p.i-13355) c-489/01 arrêt du 16/10/2003, commission / royaume-uni (rec.2003,p.i-12037) c-490/01 radiation du 07/05/2002 , commission / suède c-491/01 arrêt du 10/12/2002, british american tobacco (investments) et imperial tobacco (rec.2002,p.i-11453) c-492/01 p ordonnance du 06/02/2003 , dieckmann & hansen / commission (non publiée) c-493/01 voir c-482/01, oliveri c-494/01 arrêt du 26/04/2005, commission / irlande (rec.2005,p.i-3331) c-495/01 arrêt du 15/07/2004, commission / finlande (rec.2004,p.i-6889) c-496/01 arrêt du 11/03/2004, commission / france (rec.2004,p.i-2351) c-497/01 arrêt du 27/11/2003, zita modes (rec.2003,p.i-14393) c-498/01 p ordonnance du 01/12/2004, ohmi / zapf creation (rec.2004,p.i-11349) c-499/01 p ordonnance du 13/05/2002, rühmkorf / conseil e.a. (non publiée) c-500/01 arrêt du 07/01/2004, commission / espagne (rec.2004,p.i-583) c-501/01 arrêt du 06/11/2003, pays-bas / commission (rec.2003,p.i-13263) c-502/01 arrêt du 08/07/2004, gaumain-cerri et barth (rec.2004,p.i-6483) c-1/02 sa saisie-arrêt du 27/03/2003, antippas / commission (rec.2003,p.i-2893) c-1/02 arrêt du 01/04/2004, borgmann (rec.2004,p.i-3219) c-2/02 arrêt du 16/10/2003, färber (rec.2003,p.i-12043) c-3/02 ordonnance du 05/04/2004 , mosconi et ordine degli ingegneri di verona e provincia (non publiée) c-4/02 arrêt du 23/10/2003, schönheit (rec.2003,p.i-12575) c-5/02 voir c-4/02, becker c-6/02 arrêt du 06/03/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-2389) c-7/02 voir c-487/01, holin groep c-8/02 arrêt du 18/03/2004, leichtle (rec.2004,p.i-2641) c-9/02 arrêt du 11/03/2004, de lasteyrie du saillant (rec.2004,p.i-2409) c-10/02 arrêt du 18/11/2004, fascicolo e.a. (rec.2004,p.i-11107) c-11/02 voir c-10/02, berardi e.a. c-12/02 arrêt du 02/10/2003, grilli (rec.2003,p.i-11585) c-13/02 radiation du 22/07/2004 , casearia bresciana ca.bre e.a. c-14/02 arrêt du 08/05/2003 , atral (rec.2003,p.i-4431) c-15/02 voir c-73/00, moser e.a. c-16/02 radiation du 26/06/2002 , commission / france c-17/02 radiation du 18/06/2002 , commission / italie c-18/02 arrêt du 05/02/2004, dfds torline (rec.2004,p.i-1417) c-19/02 arrêt du 09/12/2004, hlozek (rec.2004,p.i-11491) c-20/02 p ordonnance du 13/05/2002, rühmkorf / conseil e.a. (non publiée) c-21/02 radiation du 13/12/2002 , commission / italie c-22/02 arrêt du 11/09/2003, commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-9011) c-23/02 ordonnance du 12/02/2003 , alami (rec.2003,p.i-1399) c-24/02 ordonnance du 22/03/2002, marseille fret (rec.2002,p.i-3383) c-25/02 arrêt du 09/09/2003, rinke (rec.2003,p.i-8349) c-26/02 radiation du 26/02/2003 , espagne / conseil c-27/02 arrêt du 20/01/2005, engler (rec.2005,p.i-481) c-28/02 radiation du 01/08/2003 , commission / espagne c-29/02 arrêt du 16/01/2003 , commission / espagne (rec.2003,p.i-811) c-30/02 arrêt du 17/06/2004, recheio - cash & carry (rec.2004,p.i-6051) c-31/02 voir c-502/01, barth c-32/02 arrêt du 16/10/2003, commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-12063) c-33/02 radiation du 19/06/2003 , commission / autriche c-34/02 arrêt du 19/06/2003, pasquini (rec.2003,p.i-6515) c-35/02 ordonnance du 17/10/2003, vogel (rec.2003,p.i-12229) c-36/02 arrêt du 14/10/2004, omega (rec.2004,p.i-9609) c-37/02 arrêt du 15/07/2004, di lenardo et dilexport (rec.2004,p.i-6911) c-38/02 voir c-37/02, dilexport c-39/02 arrêt du 14/10/2004, mærsk olie & gas (rec.2004,p.i-9657) c-40/02 arrêt du 23/10/2003, scherndl (rec.2003,p.i-12647) c-41/02 arrêt du 02/12/2004, commission / pays-bas (rec.2004,p.i-11375) c-42/02 arrêt du 13/11/2003, lindman (rec.2003,p.i-13519) c-43/02 radiation du 29/08/2002 , landesbausparkasse baden-württemberg c-44/02 radiation du 02/07/2002 , commission / portugal c-45/02 radiation du 10/07/2002 , commission / portugal c-46/02 arrêt du 09/11/2004, fixtures marketing (rec.2004,p.i-10365) c-47/02 arrêt du 30/09/2003, anker e.a. (rec.2003,p.i-10447) c-48/02 radiation du 10/02/2004 , cargo ray uluslararasi tasimacilile ve e.a. c-49/02 arrêt du 24/06/2004, heidelberger bauchemie (rec.2004,p.i-6129) c-50/02 radiation du 11/07/2002 , commission / italie c-51/02 radiation du 05/06/2002 , commission / irlande c-52/02 radiation du 28/01/2004 , commission / royaume-uni c-53/02 arrêt du 01/04/2004, commune de braine-le-château e.a. (rec.2004,p.i-3251) c-54/02 radiation du 10/12/2003 , italie / commission c-55/02 arrêt du 12/10/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-9387) c-56/02 arrêt du 22/05/2003, rebmann (rec.2003,p.i-5499) c-57/02 p arrêt du 14/07/2005, acerinox / commission (rec.2005,p.i-6689) c-58/02 arrêt du 07/01/2004, commission / espagne (rec.2004,p.i-621) c-59/02 radiation du 12/07/2002 , commission / grèce c-60/02 arrêt du 07/01/2004, x (rec.2004,p.i-651) c-61/02 radiation du 19/12/2002 , commission / autriche c-62/02 radiation du 08/09/2003 , commission / royaume-uni c-63/02 arrêt du 16/01/2003 , commission / royaume-uni (rec.2003,p.i-821) c-64/02 p arrêt du 21/10/2004, ohmi / erpo möbelwerk (rec.2004,p.i-10031) c-65/02 p arrêt du 14/07/2005, thyssenkrupp / commission (rec.2005,p.i-6773) c-66/02 arrêt du 15/12/2005, italie / commission (rec.2005,p.i-10901) c-67/02 arrêt du 11/09/2003, commission / irlande (rec.2003,p.i-9019) c-68/02 radiation du 03/09/2002 , commission / autriche c-69/02 ordonnance du 22/03/2002, reichling (rec.2002,p.i-3393) c-70/02 radiation du 20/09/2002 , commission / italie c-71/02 arrêt du 25/03/2004, karner (rec.2004,p.i-3025) c-72/02 arrêt du 24/06/2003 , commission / portugal (rec.2003,p.i-6597) c-73/02 voir c-65/02, thyssenkrupp / commission c-74/02 arrêt du 25/09/2003, commission / allemagne (rec.2003,p.i-9877) c-75/02 p ordonnance du 28/03/2003, diputación foral de alava e.a. / commission (rec.2003,p.i-2903) c-76/02 radiation du 02/07/2002 , commission / autriche c-77/02 arrêt du 11/09/2003, steinicke (rec.2003,p.i-9027) c-78/02 arrêt du 06/11/2003, karageorgou e.a. (rec.2003,p.i-13295) c-79/02 voir c-78/02, petrova c-80/02 voir c-78/02, vlachos c-81/02 radiation du 28/07/2004 , rohringer (faillite eurokeramik) c-82/02 ordonnance du 27/02/2003 , lalemant et tivoli (rec.2003,p.i-2105) c-83/02 arrêt du 05/06/2003 , commission / grèce (rec.2003,p.i-5639) c-84/02 radiation du 04/09/2002 , schaper & brümmer c-85/02 arrêt du 13/02/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-1693) c-86/02 radiation du 07/03/2003 , commission / allemagne c-87/02 arrêt du 10/06/2004, commission / italie (rec.2004,p.i-5975) c-88/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , dolomite italiana c-89/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , dolomite franchi c-90/02 arrêt du 01/04/2004, bockemühl (rec.2004,p.i-3303) c-91/02 arrêt du 16/10/2003, hannl + hofstetter (rec.2003,p.i-12077) c-92/02 arrêt du 04/12/2003, kristiansen (rec.2003,p.i-14597) c-93/02 p arrêt du 30/09/2003, biret international / conseil (rec.2003,p.i-10497) c-94/02 p arrêt du 30/09/2003, biret et cie / conseil (rec.2003,p.i-10565) c-95/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , ugine c-96/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , tomar c-97/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , rezzola scavi c-98/02 radiation du 15/11/2002 , villa gemma c-99/02 arrêt du 01/04/2004, commission / italie (rec.2004,p.i-3353) c-100/02 arrêt du 07/01/2004, gerolsteiner brunnen (rec.2004,p.i-691) c-101/02 radiation du 21/10/2003 , commission / italie c-102/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, beuttenmüller (rec.2004,p.i-5405) c-103/02 arrêt du 07/10/2004, commission / italie (rec.2004,p.i-9127) c-104/02 arrêt du 14/04/2005, commission / allemagne (rec.2005,p.i-2689) c-105/02 arrêt du 05/10/2006, commission / allemagne (rec.2006,p.i-9659) c-106/02 radiation du 12/02/2002 , commission / allemagne c-107/02 radiation du 04/03/2003 , commission / allemagne c-108/02 radiation du 12/12/2002 , commission / allemagne c-109/02 arrêt du 23/10/2003, commission / allemagne (rec.2003,p.i-12691) c-110/02 arrêt du 29/06/2004, commission / conseil (rec.2004,p.i-6333) c-111/02 p arrêt du 29/04/2004, parlement / reynolds (rec.2004,p.i-5475) c-112/02 arrêt du 01/04/2004, kohlpharma (rec.2004,p.i-3369) c-113/02 arrêt du 14/10/2004, commission / pays-bas (rec.2004,p.i-9707) c-114/02 arrêt du 10/04/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-3783) c-115/02 arrêt du 23/10/2003, rioglass et transremar (rec.2003,p.i-12705) c-116/02 arrêt du 09/12/2003, gasser (rec.2003,p.i-14693) c-117/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-5517) c-118/02 arrêt du 25/03/2004, industrias de deshidratación agrícola (rec.2004,p.i-3073) c-119/02 arrêt du 24/06/2004, commission / grèce (non publié) c-120/02 radiation du 12/12/2002 , commission / luxembourg c-121/02 radiation du 10/07/2002 , commission / luxembourg c-122/02 arrêt du 16/01/2003 , commission / belgique (rec.2003,p.i-833) c-123/02 arrêt du 16/06/2005, parlement / rsa (non publié) c-124/02 arrêt du 16/06/2005, parlement / aig europe (non publié) c-125/02 arrêt du 16/06/2005, parlement / hdi international (non publié) c-126/02 radiation du 23/10/2003 , commission / belgique c-127/02 arrêt du 07/09/2004, waddenvereniging et vogelsbeschermingvereniging (rec.2004,p.i-7405) c-128/02 p ordonnance du 04/04/2003 , schulte / conseil et commission (non publiée) c-129/02 radiation du 17/12/2002 , commission / france c-130/02 arrêt du 04/03/2004, krings (rec.2004,p.i-2121) c-131/02 radiation du 12/06/2003 , commission / autriche c-132/02 radiation du 29/05/2002 , commission / belgique c-133/02 arrêt du 22/01/2004, timmermans transport et hoogenboom production (rec.2004,p.i-1125) c-134/02 voir c-133/02, hoogenboom production c-135/02 radiation du 30/09/2003 , commission / allemagne c-136/02 p arrêt du 07/10/2004, mag instrument / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-9165) c-137/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, faxworld (rec.2004,p.i-5547) c-138/02 arrêt du 23/03/2004, collins (rec.2004,p.i-2703) c-139/02 p ordonnance du 11/07/2002, gluiber / commission (non publiée) c-140/02 arrêt du 30/09/2003, anastasiou e.a. (rec.2003,p.i-10635) c-141/02 p arrêt du 22/02/2005, commission / max-mobil (rec.2005,p.i-1283) c-142/02 radiation du 15/09/2003 , commission / luxembourg c-143/02 arrêt du 20/03/2003 , commission / italie (rec.2003,p.i-2877) c-144/02 arrêt du 15/07/2004, commission / allemagne (rec.2004,p.i-6985) c-145/02 arrêt du 13/01/2005, denkavit (rec.2005,p.i-51) c-146/02 radiation du 06/05/2003 , commission / autriche c-147/02 arrêt du 30/03/2004, alabaster (rec.2004,p.i-3101) c-148/02 arrêt du 02/10/2003, garcia avello (rec.2003,p.i-11613) c-149/02 radiation du 06/03/2003 , commission / pays-bas c-150/02 p ordonnance du 05/02/2004, streamserve / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-1461) c-151/02 arrêt du 09/09/2003, jaeger (rec.2003,p.i-8389) c-152/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, terra baubedarf-handel (rec.2004,p.i-5583) c-153/02 arrêt du 13/11/2003, neri (rec.2003,p.i-13555) c-154/02 arrêt du 23/10/2003, nilsson (rec.2003,p.i-12733) c-155/02 radiation du 10/04/2003 , commission / autriche c-156/02 radiation du 06/06/2005, purschke c-157/02 arrêt du 05/02/2004, rieser internationale transporte (rec.2004,p.i-1477) c-158/02 radiation du 25/10/2002 , marcaletti c-159/02 arrêt du 27/04/2004, turner (rec.2004,p.i-3565) c-160/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, skalka (rec.2004,p.i-5613) c-161/02 arrêt du 19/06/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-6567) c-162/02 radiation du 14/08/2003 , commission / allemagne c-163/02 radiation du 14/08/2003 , commission / allemagne c-164/02 ordonnance du 28/01/2004, pays-bas / commission (rec.2004,p.i-1177) c-165/02 voir t-99/05, espagne / commission (non publiée) c-166/02 ordonnance du 24/07/2003, messejana viegas (rec.2003,p.i-7871) c-167/02 p arrêt du 30/03/2004, rothley e.a. / parlement (rec.2004,p.i-3149) c-168/02 arrêt du 10/06/2004, kronhofer (rec.2004,p.i-6009) c-169/02 ordonnance du 06/11/2003, dansk postordreforening (rec.2003,p.i-13329) c-170/02 p arrêt du 25/09/2003, schlüsselverlag j.s. moser e.a. / commission (rec.2003,p.i-9889) c-171/02 arrêt du 29/04/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-5645) c-172/02 ordonnance du 30/04/2004, bourgard (rec.2004,p.i-5823) c-173/02 arrêt du 14/10/2004, espagne / commission (rec.2004,p.i-9735) c-174/02 arrêt du 13/01/2005, streekgewest (rec.2005,p.i-85) c-175/02 arrêt du 13/01/2005, pape (rec.2005,p.i-127) c-176/02 p ordonnance du 30/01/2003, laboratoire monique rémy / commission (non publiée) c-177/02 radiation du 19/10/2004, azienda agricola fava alessandro e delledonne carla c-178/02 voir c-177/02, serpelloni c-179/02 voir c-177/02, azienda agricola coato giovanni, lorenzo & vaccaro ivana c-180/02 voir c-177/02, malzani c-181/02 p arrêt du 29/04/2004, commission / kvaerner warnow werft (rec.2004,p.i-5703) c-182/02 arrêt du 16/10/2003, ligue pour la protection des oiseaux sauvages e.a. (rec.2003,p.i-12105) c-183/02 p arrêt du 11/11/2004, demesa et territorio histórico de Álava / commission (rec.2004,p.i-10609) c-184/02 arrêt du 09/09/2004, espagne et finlande / parlement et conseil (rec.2004,p.i-7789) c-185/02 arrêt du 28/10/2004, commission / portugal (non publié) c-186/02 ordonnance du 14/09/2006, comunidad autónoma de la rioja / ramondín e.a. (rec.2006,p.i-91*,pub.somm.)


(rec.2004,p.i-5039) c-419/01 judgment of 15/05/2003 , commission / spain (rec.2003,p.i-4947) c-420/01 judgment of 19/06/2003, commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-6445) c-421/01 judgment of 16/10/2003, traunfellner (rec.2003,p.i-11941) c-422/01 judgment of 26/06/2003 , skandia and ramstedt (rec.2003,p.i-6817) c-423/01 judgment of 16/10/2003, färber (rec.2003,p.i-11985) c-424/01 order of 09/04/2003 , cs austria (rec.2003,p.i-3249) c-425/01 judgment of 12/06/2003, commission / portugal (rec.2003,p.i-6025) c-426/01 removed from the register on 27/03/2003 , accea finances c-427/01 removed from the register on 12/02/2004 , dülger trans uluslararasi tazimacilik c-428/01 order of 27/01/2004 , f.lli costanzo (unpublished) c-429/01 judgment of 27/11/2003, commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-14355) c-430/01 order of 21/03/2002 , herbstrith (unpublished) c-431/01 order of 12/09/2002 , mertens (rec.2002,p.i-7073) c-432/01 removed from the register on 25/03/2003 , gunz c-433/01 judgment of 15/01/2004, blijdenstein (rec.2004,p.i-981) c-434/01 judgment of 06/11/2003, commission / united kingdom (rec.2003,p.i-13239) c-435/01 removed from the register on 06/01/2003 , commission / belgium c-436/01 judgment of 13/03/2003 , commission / belgium (rec.2003,p.i-2633) c-437/01 judgment of 25/09/2003, commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-9861) c-438/01 judgment of 05/06/2003, design concept (rec.2003,p.i-5617) c-439/01 judgment of 16/01/2003 , cipra and kvasnicka (rec.2003,p.i-745) c-440/01 p(r)-dep see case c-39/03, artegodan / commission c-440/01 p(r) order of 14/02/2002, commission / artegodan (rec.2002,p.i-1489) c-441/01 judgment of 22/05/2003 , commission / netherlands (rec.2003,p.i-5463) c-442/01 judgment of 26/06/2003, kaphag (rec.2003,p.i-6851) c-443/01 removed from the register on 28/08/2002 , nørgaard c-444/01 removed from the register on 12/12/2002 , owusu c-445/01 order of 25/02/2003 , simoncello and boerio (rec.2003,p.i-1807) c-446/01 judgment of 12/06/2003 , commission / spain (rec.2003,p.i-6053) c-447/01 order of 21/03/2002 , dld trading company import-export (unpublished) c-448/01 judgment of 04/12/2003, evn and wienstrom (rec.2003,p.i-14527) c-449/01 order of 06/03/2003 , abbey life assurance (unpublished) c-450/01 removed from the register on 11/06/2002 , commission / greece c-451/01 removed from the register on 11/06/2002 , commission / greece c-452/01 judgment of 23/09/2003, ospelt and schlössle weissenberg (rec.2003,p.i-9743) c-453/01 removed from the register on 11/06/2002 , commission / greece c-454/01 judgment of 10/06/2004, commission / germany (unpublished) c-455/01 judgment of 16/10/2003, commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-12023) c-456/01 p judgment of 29/04/2004, henkel / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5089) c-457/01 see case c-456/01, henkel / ohmi c-458/01 removed from the register on 19/06/2002 , commission / italy c-459/01 removed from the register on 27/01/2004 , commission / ireland c-460/01 judgment of 14/04/2005, commission / netherlands (rec.2005,p.i-2613) c-461/01 p order of 05/12/2002 , tessa and tessas / council (unpublished) c-462/01 judgment of 16/01/2003 , hammarsten (rec.2003,p.i-781) c-463/01 judgment of 14/12/2004, commission / germany (rec.2004,p.i-11705) c-464/01 judgment of 20/01/2005, gruber (rec.2005,p.i-439) c-465/01 judgment of 16/09/2004, commission / autriche (rec.2004,p.i-8291) c-466/01 removed from the register on 06/05/2003, commission / greece c-467/01 judgment of 19/06/2003 , eribrand (rec.2003,p.i-6471) c-468/01 p judgment of 29/04/2004, procter & gamble / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5141) c-469/01 see case c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-470/01 see case c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-471/01 see case c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-472/01 see case c-468/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-473/01 p judgment of 29/04/2004, procter & gamble / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-5173) c-474/01 see case c-473/01, procter & gamble / ohmi c-475/01 judgment of 05/10/2004, commission / greece (rec.2004,p.i-8923) c-476/01 judgment of 29/04/2004, kapper (rec.2004,p.i-5205) c-477/01 p(r) order of 27/02/2002, reisebank / commission (rec.2002,p.i-2117) c-478/01 judgment of 06/03/2003 , commission / luxembourg (rec.2003,p.i-2351) c-479/01 removed from the register on 17/04/2002 , commission / belgium c-480/01 p(r) order of 27/02/2002, commerzbank / commission (rec.2002,p.i-2129) c-481/01 p(r) order of 11/04/2002, ndc health / ims (rec.2002,p.i-3401) c-482/01 judgment of 29/04/2004, orfanopoulos and oliveri (rec.2004,p.i-5257) c-483/01 judgment of 15/05/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-4961) c-484/01 judgment of 15/05/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-4975) c-485/01 judgment of 06/03/2003 , caprini (rec.2003,p.i-2371) c-486/01 p judgment of 29/06/2004, front national / parliament (rec.2004,p.i-6289) c-486/01 p-r order of 21/02/2002, front national and martinez / parliament (rec.2002,p.i-1843) c-487/01 judgment of 29/04/2004, gemeente leusden and holin groep (rec.2004,p.i-5337) c-488/01 p-r see case c-486/01, martinez / parliament c-488/01 p order of 11/11/2003, martinez / parliament (rec.2003,p.i-13355) c-489/01 judgment of 16/10/2003, commission / united kingdom (rec.2003,p.i-12037) c-490/01 removed from the register on 07/05/2002 , commission / suède c-491/01 judgment of 10/12/2002, british american tobacco (investments) and imperial tobacco (rec.2002,p.i-11453) c-492/01 p order of 06/02/2003 , dieckmann & hansen / commission (unpublished) c-493/01 see case c-482/01, oliveri c-494/01 judgment of 26/04/2005, commission / ireland (rec.2005,p.i-3331) c-495/01 judgment of 15/07/2004, commission / finlande (rec.2004,p.i-6889) c-496/01 judgment of 11/03/2004, commission / france (rec.2004,p.i-2351) c-497/01 judgment of 27/11/2003, zita modes (rec.2003,p.i-14393) c-498/01 p order of 01/12/2004, ohmi / zapf creation (rec.2004,p.i-11349) c-499/01 p order of 13/05/2002, rühmkorf / council and others (unpublished) c-500/01 judgment of 07/01/2004, commission / spain (rec.2004,p.i-583) c-501/01 judgment of 06/11/2003, netherlands / commission (rec.2003,p.i-13263) c-502/01 judgment of 08/07/2004, gaumain-cerri and barth (rec.2004,p.i-6483) c-1/02 sa seizure order of 27/03/2003, antippas / commission (rec.2003,p.i-2893) c-1/02 judgment of 01/04/2004, borgmann (rec.2004,p.i-3219) c-2/02 judgment of 16/10/2003, färber (rec.2003,p.i-12043) c-3/02 order of 05/04/2004 , mosconi and ordine degli ingegneri di verona e provincia (unpublished) c-4/02 judgment of 23/10/2003, schönheit (rec.2003,p.i-12575) c-5/02 see case c-4/02, becker c-6/02 judgment of 06/03/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-2389) c-7/02 see case c-487/01, holin groep c-8/02 judgment of 18/03/2004, leichtle (rec.2004,p.i-2641) c-9/02 judgment of 11/03/2004, de lasteyrie du saillant (rec.2004,p.i-2409) c-10/02 judgment of 18/11/2004, fascicolo and others (rec.2004,p.i-11107) c-11/02 see case c-10/02, berardi and others c-12/02 judgment of 02/10/2003, grilli (rec.2003,p.i-11585) c-13/02 removed from the register on 22/07/2004 , casearia bresciana ca.bre and others c-14/02 judgment of 08/05/2003 , atral (rec.2003,p.i-4431) c-15/02 see case c-73/00, moser and others c-16/02 removed from the register on 26/06/2002 , commission / france c-17/02 removed from the register on 18/06/2002 , commission / italy c-18/02 judgment of 05/02/2004, dfds torline (rec.2004,p.i-1417) c-19/02 judgment of 09/12/2004, hlozek (rec.2004,p.i-11491) c-20/02 p order of 13/05/2002, rühmkorf / council and others (unpublished) c-21/02 removed from the register on 13/12/2002 , commission / italy c-22/02 judgment of 11/09/2003, commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-9011) c-23/02 order of 12/02/2003 , alami (rec.2003,p.i-1399) c-24/02 order of 22/03/2002, marseille fret (rec.2002,p.i-3383) c-25/02 judgment of 09/09/2003, rinke (rec.2003,p.i-8349) c-26/02 removed from the register on 26/02/2003 , spain / council c-27/02 judgment of 20/01/2005, engler (rec.2005,p.i-481) c-28/02 removed from the register on 01/08/2003 , commission / spain c-29/02 judgment of 16/01/2003 , commission / spain (rec.2003,p.i-811) c-30/02 judgment of 17/06/2004, recheio - cash & carry (rec.2004,p.i-6051) c-31/02 see case c-502/01, barth c-32/02 judgment of 16/10/2003, commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-12063) c-33/02 removed from the register on 19/06/2003 , commission / autriche c-34/02 judgment of 19/06/2003, pasquini (rec.2003,p.i-6515) c-35/02 order of 17/10/2003, vogel (rec.2003,p.i-12229) c-36/02 judgment of 14/10/2004, omega (rec.2004,p.i-9609) c-37/02 judgment of 15/07/2004, di lenardo and dilexport (rec.2004,p.i-6911) c-38/02 see case c-37/02, dilexport c-39/02 judgment of 14/10/2004, mærsk olie & gas (rec.2004,p.i-9657) c-40/02 judgment of 23/10/2003, scherndl (rec.2003,p.i-12647) c-41/02 judgment of 02/12/2004, commission / netherlands (rec.2004,p.i-11375) c-42/02 judgment of 13/11/2003, lindman (rec.2003,p.i-13519) c-43/02 removed from the register on 29/08/2002 , landesbausparkasse baden-württemberg c-44/02 removed from the register on 02/07/2002 , commission / portugal c-45/02 removed from the register on 10/07/2002 , commission / portugal c-46/02 judgment of 09/11/2004, fixtures marketing (rec.2004,p.i-10365) c-47/02 judgment of 30/09/2003, anker and others (rec.2003,p.i-10447) c-48/02 removed from the register on 10/02/2004 , cargo ray uluslararasi tasimacilile ve and others c-49/02 judgment of 24/06/2004, heidelberger bauchemie (rec.2004,p.i-6129) c-50/02 removed from the register on 11/07/2002 , commission / italy c-51/02 removed from the register on 05/06/2002 , commission / ireland c-52/02 removed from the register on 28/01/2004 , commission / united kingdom c-53/02 judgment of 01/04/2004, commune de braine-le-château and others (rec.2004,p.i-3251) c-54/02 removed from the register on 10/12/2003 , italy / commission c-55/02 judgment of 12/10/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-9387) c-56/02 judgment of 22/05/2003, rebmann (rec.2003,p.i-5499) c-57/02 p judgment of 14/07/2005, acerinox / commission (rec.2005,p.i-6689) c-58/02 judgment of 07/01/2004, commission / spain (rec.2004,p.i-621) c-59/02 removed from the register on 12/07/2002 , commission / greece c-60/02 judgment of 07/01/2004, x (rec.2004,p.i-651) c-61/02 removed from the register on 19/12/2002 , commission / autriche c-62/02 removed from the register on 08/09/2003 , commission / united kingdom c-63/02 judgment of 16/01/2003 , commission / united kingdom (rec.2003,p.i-821) c-64/02 p judgment of 21/10/2004, ohmi / erpo möbelwerk (rec.2004,p.i-10031) c-65/02 p judgment of 14/07/2005, thyssenkrupp / commission (rec.2005,p.i-6773) c-66/02 judgment of 15/12/2005, italy / commission (rec.2005,p.i-10901) c-67/02 judgment of 11/09/2003, commission / ireland (rec.2003,p.i-9019) c-68/02 removed from the register on 03/09/2002 , commission / autriche c-69/02 order of 22/03/2002, reichling (rec.2002,p.i-3393) c-70/02 removed from the register on 20/09/2002 , commission / italy c-71/02 judgment of 25/03/2004, karner (rec.2004,p.i-3025) c-72/02 judgment of 24/06/2003 , commission / portugal (rec.2003,p.i-6597) c-73/02 see case c-65/02, thyssenkrupp / commission c-74/02 judgment of 25/09/2003, commission / germany (rec.2003,p.i-9877) c-75/02 p order of 28/03/2003, diputación foral de alava and others / commission (rec.2003,p.i-2903) c-76/02 removed from the register on 02/07/2002 , commission / autriche c-77/02 judgment of 11/09/2003, steinicke (rec.2003,p.i-9027) c-78/02 judgment of 06/11/2003, karageorgou and others (rec.2003,p.i-13295) c-79/02 see case c-78/02, petrova c-80/02 see case c-78/02, vlachos c-81/02 removed from the register on 28/07/2004 , rohringer (faillite eurokeramik) c-82/02 order of 27/02/2003 , lalemant and tivoli (rec.2003,p.i-2105) c-83/02 judgment of 05/06/2003 , commission / greece (rec.2003,p.i-5639) c-84/02 removed from the register on 04/09/2002 , schaper & brümmer c-85/02 judgment of 13/02/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-1693) c-86/02 removed from the register on 07/03/2003 , commission / germany c-87/02 judgment of 10/06/2004, commission / italy (rec.2004,p.i-5975) c-88/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , dolomite italiana c-89/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , dolomite franchi c-90/02 judgment of 01/04/2004, bockemühl (rec.2004,p.i-3303) c-91/02 judgment of 16/10/2003, hannl + hofstetter (rec.2003,p.i-12077) c-92/02 judgment of 04/12/2003, kristiansen (rec.2003,p.i-14597) c-93/02 p judgment of 30/09/2003, biret international / council (rec.2003,p.i-10497) c-94/02 p judgment of 30/09/2003, biret and cie / council (rec.2003,p.i-10565) c-95/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , ugine c-96/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , tomar c-97/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , rezzola scavi c-98/02 removed from the register on 15/11/2002 , villa gemma c-99/02 judgment of 01/04/2004, commission / italy (rec.2004,p.i-3353) c-100/02 judgment of 07/01/2004, gerolsteiner brunnen (rec.2004,p.i-691) c-101/02 removed from the register on 21/10/2003 , commission / italy c-102/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, beuttenmüller (rec.2004,p.i-5405) c-103/02 judgment of 07/10/2004, commission / italy (rec.2004,p.i-9127) c-104/02 judgment of 14/04/2005, commission / germany (rec.2005,p.i-2689) c-105/02 judgment of 05/10/2006, commission / germany (rec.2006,p.i-9659) c-106/02 removed from the register on 12/02/2002 , commission / germany c-107/02 removed from the register on 04/03/2003 , commission / germany c-108/02 removed from the register on 12/12/2002 , commission / germany c-109/02 judgment of 23/10/2003, commission / germany (rec.2003,p.i-12691) c-110/02 judgment of 29/06/2004, commission / council (rec.2004,p.i-6333) c-111/02 p judgment of 29/04/2004, parliament / reynolds (rec.2004,p.i-5475) c-112/02 judgment of 01/04/2004, kohlpharma (rec.2004,p.i-3369) c-113/02 judgment of 14/10/2004, commission / netherlands (rec.2004,p.i-9707) c-114/02 judgment of 10/04/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-3783) c-115/02 judgment of 23/10/2003, rioglass and transremar (rec.2003,p.i-12705) c-116/02 judgment of 09/12/2003, gasser (rec.2003,p.i-14693) c-117/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-5517) c-118/02 judgment of 25/03/2004, industrias de deshidratación agrícola (rec.2004,p.i-3073) c-119/02 judgment of 24/06/2004, commission / greece (unpublished) c-120/02 removed from the register on 12/12/2002 , commission / luxembourg c-121/02 removed from the register on 10/07/2002 , commission / luxembourg c-122/02 judgment of 16/01/2003 , commission / belgium (rec.2003,p.i-833) c-123/02 judgment of 16/06/2005, parliament / rsa (unpublished) c-124/02 judgment of 16/06/2005, parliament / aig europe (unpublished) c-125/02 judgment of 16/06/2005, parliament / hdi international (unpublished) c-126/02 removed from the register on 23/10/2003 , commission / belgium c-127/02 judgment of 07/09/2004, waddenvereniging and vogelsbeschermingvereniging (rec.2004,p.i-7405) c-128/02 p order of 04/04/2003 , schulte / council and commission (unpublished) c-129/02 removed from the register on 17/12/2002 , commission / france c-130/02 judgment of 04/03/2004, krings (rec.2004,p.i-2121) c-131/02 removed from the register on 12/06/2003 , commission / autriche c-132/02 removed from the register on 29/05/2002 , commission / belgium c-133/02 judgment of 22/01/2004, timmermans transport and hoogenboom production (rec.2004,p.i-1125) c-134/02 see case c-133/02, hoogenboom production c-135/02 removed from the register on 30/09/2003 , commission / germany c-136/02 p judgment of 07/10/2004, mag instrument / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-9165) c-137/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, faxworld (rec.2004,p.i-5547) c-138/02 judgment of 23/03/2004, collins (rec.2004,p.i-2703) c-139/02 p order of 11/07/2002, gluiber / commission (unpublished) c-140/02 judgment of 30/09/2003, anastasiou and others (rec.2003,p.i-10635) c-141/02 p judgment of 22/02/2005, commission / max-mobil (rec.2005,p.i-1283) c-142/02 removed from the register on 15/09/2003 , commission / luxembourg c-143/02 judgment of 20/03/2003 , commission / italy (rec.2003,p.i-2877) c-144/02 judgment of 15/07/2004, commission / germany (rec.2004,p.i-6985) c-145/02 judgment of 13/01/2005, denkavit (rec.2005,p.i-51) c-146/02 removed from the register on 06/05/2003 , commission / autriche c-147/02 judgment of 30/03/2004, alabaster (rec.2004,p.i-3101) c-148/02 judgment of 02/10/2003, garcia avello (rec.2003,p.i-11613) c-149/02 removed from the register on 06/03/2003 , commission / netherlands c-150/02 p order of 05/02/2004, streamserve / ohmi (rec.2004,p.i-1461) c-151/02 judgment of 09/09/2003, jaeger (rec.2003,p.i-8389) c-152/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, terra baubedarf-handel (rec.2004,p.i-5583) c-153/02 judgment of 13/11/2003, neri (rec.2003,p.i-13555) c-154/02 judgment of 23/10/2003, nilsson (rec.2003,p.i-12733) c-155/02 removed from the register on 10/04/2003 , commission / autriche c-156/02 removed from the register on 06/06/2005, purschke c-157/02 judgment of 05/02/2004, rieser internationale transporte (rec.2004,p.i-1477) c-158/02 removed from the register on 25/10/2002 , marcaletti c-159/02 judgment of 27/04/2004, turner (rec.2004,p.i-3565) c-160/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, skalka (rec.2004,p.i-5613) c-161/02 judgment of 19/06/2003 , commission / france (rec.2003,p.i-6567) c-162/02 removed from the register on 14/08/2003 , commission / germany c-163/02 removed from the register on 14/08/2003 , commission / germany c-164/02 order of 28/01/2004, netherlands / commission (rec.2004,p.i-1177) c-165/02 see case t-99/05, spain / commission (unpublished) c-166/02 order of 24/07/2003, messejana viegas (rec.2003,p.i-7871) c-167/02 p judgment of 30/03/2004, rothley and others / parliament (rec.2004,p.i-3149) c-168/02 judgment of 10/06/2004, kronhofer (rec.2004,p.i-6009) c-169/02 order of 06/11/2003, dansk postordreforening (rec.2003,p.i-13329) c-170/02 p judgment of 25/09/2003, schlüsselverlag j.s. moser and others / commission (rec.2003,p.i-9889) c-171/02 judgment of 29/04/2004, commission / portugal (rec.2004,p.i-5645) c-172/02 order of 30/04/2004, bourgard (rec.2004,p.i-5823) c-173/02 judgment of 14/10/2004, spain / commission (rec.2004,p.i-9735) c-174/02 judgment of 13/01/2005, streekgewest (rec.2005,p.i-85) c-175/02 judgment of 13/01/2005, pape (rec.2005,p.i-127) c-176/02 p order of 30/01/2003, laboratoire monique rémy / commission (unpublished) c-177/02 removed from the register on 19/10/2004, azienda agricola fava alessandro e delledonne carla c-178/02 see case c-177/02, serpelloni c-179/02 see case c-177/02, azienda agricola coato giovanni, lorenzo & vaccaro ivana c-180/02 see case c-177/02, malzani c-181/02 p judgment of 29/04/2004, commission / kvaerner warnow werft (rec.2004,p.i-5703) c-182/02 judgment of 16/10/2003, ligue pour la protection des oiseaux sauvages and others (rec.2003,p.i-12105) c-183/02 p judgment of 11/11/2004, demesa and territorio histórico de Álava / commission (rec.2004,p.i-10609) c-184/02 judgment of 09/09/2004, spain and finlande / parliament and council (rec.2004,p.i-7789) c-185/02 judgment of 28/10/2004, commission / portugal (unpublished) c-186/02 order of 14/09/2006, comunidad autónoma de la rioja / ramondín and others (rec.2006,p.i-91*,summ.pub.)

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