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president commissioner

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-10-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


evaluasi peran polisi terhadap kasus pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh ajun komisaris mahmud bin hadi mulyanto


evaluation of the role of the police in sexual harassment cases by adjunct commissioner mahmud bin hadi mulyanto

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-02-16
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


kapolres penajam paser utara ajun komisaris besar supriyanto mengatakan, kasus ini bermula dari laporan warga ke polisi pad


one family in penajam paser utara (ppu), east kalimantan (kaltim) was found dead in a pool of blood. the perpetrator of the murder was revealed to be a teenager with the initials j (16) who was the victim's neighbor. the incident occurred at the victim's house in babulu lalut village, babulu district, on tuesday, february six, two thousand and twenty-four around two o'clock in central indonesia time. penajam paser utara police chief adjunct commissioner supriyanto said, this case started from reports from residents to the police pad

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


komisaris tinggi pbb untuk hak asasi manusia meminta agar sanksi ekonomi diringankan bagi negara yang terdampak pandemi, termasuk iran.


the un high commissioner for human rights has demanded economic sanctions to be eased for nations most affected by the pandemic, including iran.

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-08-25
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


piagam audit internal (internal audit charter) ini dibuat bertujuan sebagai komitment dari dewan komisaris dan direksi atas fungsi audit internal dalam struktur organisasi perusahaan sehingga dapat menjadi pedoman bagi setiap auditor internal dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya.


this internal audit charter was created as a commitment from the board of commissioners and board of directors to the internal audit function in the company's organizational structure so that it can be a guideline for every internal auditor in carrying out their activities.

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-01-09
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


selamat siang pemirsa, senang sekali kabar blora kembali hadir menyapa anda bersama saya serlyna wahyu meyla putri nomor presensi 29. inilah kabar selengkapnya. polres blora menetapkan seorang pedagang sebagai tersangka dalam peristiwa kebakaran pasar ngawen. diketahui, pasar ngawen blora mengalami kebakaran hebat pada 9 januari 2024 lalu. akibat kebakaran tersebut para pedagang mengalami kerugian yang tidak sedikit dan kehilangan barang dagangannya. kapolres blora, ajun komisaris besar polisi


good afternoon viewers, it's great that kabar blora is back to greet you with me serlyna wahyu meyla putri attendance number 29. here's the full news. blora police named a trader as a suspect in the ngawen market fire. it is known that ngawen blora market experienced a severe fire on january 9, 2024. as a result of the fire, the merchants suffered a lot of losses and lost their merchandise. blora police chief, adjunct chief commissioner of police

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-02-18
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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