Vous avez cherché: saat nya kau bucara (Indonésien - Anglais)

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saat nya kau bucara



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saat nya, dan saya pun tidur. nah itu lah cerita saya di hari merdeka.


at the moment, and i went to sleep. now that's my story on merdeka day.

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-08-31
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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selesai nyuci piring aku mau cuci kainn, btw video muter sama ngebilas nya hilang, tapi gapapa, ini kain nya udah di puter di pengering saat nya kita jemurr deh


finished washing the dishes i want to wash the cloth, btw the video muter same rinsing is gone, but gapapa, this cloth is already in the puter in the dryer when we dry it

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-02-25
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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kisah belalang dan semut suatu hari, ada seekor belalang yang tengah bersantai sambil bernyanyi di bawah pohon yang rinding. ia memperhatikan kawaran semut dari kejauhan. belalang melihat bagaimana para semut yang sangat kecil ini bekerja keras mengumpulkan bahan makanan untuk musim dingin. sesekali, belalang mentertawakan apa yang sedang dikerjakan para semut. ketika tiba saat nya musim dingin, belalang pun menangis dan meringis kelaparan serta bedinginan karena tidak mempersiapkan kebutuhan


the story of locusts and ants one day, there was a grasshopper who was relaxing while singing under a shading tree. he watched the control of ants from a distance. the locusts saw how these very small ants worked hard to gather food for the winter. every now and then, the grasshoppers laugh at what the ants are doing. when it came to winter, the grasshoppers cried and grimaced with hunger and cold because they did not prepare for the needs

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-01-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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