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ma agata disprezzava ognuno di questi doni.


but agatha scorned each of these gifts.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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rendendolo ancora più visibile ai suoi occhi furiosi e disprezzava assolutamente la palla di fuoco incandescente per questo.


or it could just be that taehyung had an urgent wish to strangle jungkook's strong neck and feel the unblemished skin twist under his itching hands,

Dernière mise à jour : 2024-04-17
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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in quanto tedesco, fu costretto a combattere contro i russi nella seconda guerra mondiale, sotto il dittatore che più disprezzava.


as a german he was forced to fight the russians in world war ii under the dictator he most despised.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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l’ufficiale disprezzava il governo che aveva portato il suo paese in guerra, ma era la sua patria, e lui aveva giurato di servirla.


the officer disliked the government that had brought his country to war, but it was his country, and he had sworn to serve it. he like many others did not feel that war as especially unfair, as it was, because he was a son of his times, and was taught that european countries waged war in africa to spread civilization.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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mi chiedevo perché minnie venuto pressione peer se disprezzava saga. ho risposto ad una espressione nel libro che era "la classe solito".


i wondered why minnie came peer pressure if she despised saga. i responded to an expression in the book that was "the usual class."

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


mi chiedevo perché minnie seguita la pressione dei pari, se disprezzava saga. ho risposto ad una espressione nel libro che era "la classe regolare."


i wondered why minnie came peer pressure if she despised saga. i responded to an expression in the book that was "the common class."

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


gli atlanti possedevano una religione divina che, considerando l'assoluto come fonte di tutte le cose ed unica realtà, disprezzava considerare la vita fisica e la finalità dell'uomo dopo la morte.


the atlanteans had a divine religion that, by considering the absolute one as source of all things and unique reality, was reluctant to reflect about physical life and the purpose of man after death.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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si trattava dell' espressione di una resistenza disperata contro l' arbitrio del potere che per calcolo politico tacciava un innocente di colpevole, disprezzava il precetto della giustizia nonché la dignità della persona e la gettava in pasto all' opinione pubblica sobillata.


it was the expression of his despairing resistance against a despotic power which had branded an innocent man guilty in a calculated political manoeuvre, flouted the dictates of justice, ignored the dignity of man and sacrificed him to the opinion of an enraged public.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-03-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 4
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