Vous avez cherché: currebat (Latin - Anglais)

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canis currebat.


a dog was running.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-02-01
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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fillius per agros cum partre currebat


and ran through the fields, with their portions be the son of

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-01-12
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


ingens aper calydonem vexabat; segetes delebat, agricolas interficiebat. itaque meleager omnes amicos fortissimos ad aulam suam invitavit, et inter eos atalantam, optimam venatricem. novem dies cenabant et decimo die ad venationem exierunt. quamquam aprum ingentem per silvas diu vestigaverunt, prope adire non poterant. sed atalanta aprum conspexit et sagittam emisit, quae aprum vulneravit. nunc aper tardius currebat, et tandem meleager appropinquare et aprum transfigere poterat. tum


was vexed by a large boar of calydon; crops and united farmers killed. and so, to the palace in his great strength, he invited all his friends in meleager, atalanta, and among them, the most good hunter. nine days and ten days of hunting were dining out. although for a long time through the woods, a huge wild boar hunted out and they could not approach near. but palermo boar sight and arrow out by the wild injured. the boar was running more slowly now, at last, meleager and the boar in close and making himself was able to pierce. then

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-06-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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Référence: Anonyme

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