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about the other party to the marriage



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in addition , the mutual obligations of the participant and the ecb shall automatically be set off against each other , and the party owing the higher amount shall pay to the other the difference .


in addition , the mutual obligations of the participant and the ecb shall automatically be set off against each other , and the party owing the higher amount shall pay to the other the difference .

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


moreover, following such interpretation, the rules could be circumvented by granting aid not to the polluters, that under community law would not be obliged to take care of the other company's pollution, but to the companies taking care of the pollution.


moreover, following such interpretation, the rules could be circumvented by granting aid not to the polluters, that under community law would not be obliged to take care of the other company's pollution, but to the companies taking care of the pollution.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


[13] deutsche bundesbank, månedsrapporten for april 2005.[14] i en pressemeddelelse har den europæiske centralbank udtalt, at den var: "seriously concerned about the proposed changes to the sgp (...) all parties concerned to fulfil their respective responsibilities", ecb, 2005.


7.8 o processo de reforço da governação económica europeia exige a participação de todos os estados-membros, já que representa uma oportunidade de crescimento para a união europeia.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2008-03-04
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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