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Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-03-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: Wikipedia


mésangeai imitateur


siberian jay

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: IATE


quand le mésangeai du canada se pose au sol, il ne marche pas, il sautille!


when the gray jay (like all jays) lands on the ground it does not walk, it hops.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


geai (geai bleu, geai de steller, mésangeai) artiste, curiosité, beauté, amitié


jay (blue jay, steller’s jay, grey jay) artist, curiosity, beauty, friendship

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


on retrouve le geai du canada (mésangeai) presque partout à l’exception du sud des prairies.


the grey jay (or canadian jay) can be found just about everywhere, except in the southern prairies.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


beaucoup d'ornithologues viennent y observer le mésangeai du canada, que l'on rencontre normalement plus au nord.


many birdwatchers visit the park to see grey jays.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


le mésangeai du sichuan ("perisoreus internigrans") est une espèce d'oiseau appartenant à la famille des corvidae.


the sichuan jay ("perisoreus internigrans") is a species of bird in the corvidae family.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


abeille achigan aigle albatros alouette anguille antilope araignée balbuzard baleine, rorqual barbotte bec-scie, harle bécasse, bécasseau et bécassine belette bison blaireau bourdon brochet bruant butor calmar canard barboteur canard plongeur carcajou cardinal caribou carpe castor cerf de virginie cerf mulet chauve-souris cheval chèvre des montages chien coccinelle colibri coque, couteau, mactre, mye (clam) corbeau cormoran corneille couguar, puma couleuvre, serpent coyote crabe crapaud criquet crotale cygne dauphin dindon doré Écrevisse Écureuil Éperlan Épervier, buse, busard escargot esturgeon Étourneau faisan faucon, crécerelle fou de bassan fourmi geai (geai bleu, geai de steller, mésangeai) goéland, mouette grèbe grenouille grive gros-bec, durbec grue guêpe hareng hermine héron hibou, chouette hirondelle homard huard (plongeon) huître jaseur lagopède lézard libellule lièvre, lapin loup loutre lynx, loup-cervier macareux maringouin, anophèle marmotte marsouin martin-pêcheur martinet martre méné, cyprinidés merle mésange meunier moineau moqueur morse morue mouche mouffette mouflon moule oie, bernache orignal oriole otarie ours oursin papillon paruline pékan pélican perchaude perdrix, gélinotte huppée pétoncle, peigne phoque, loup-marin pic pie pieuvre, poulpe, seiche pigeon pingouin pluvier porc-épic puce raie râle rat rat musqué raton laveur renard requin, aiguillat roselin salamandre sarcelle saumon souris sterne talève, gallinule taon taupe tétras tortue tourterelle truite urubu, vautour vison wapiti


albatross american badger ant antelope auk bass fish bat bear beaver bison bittern brown bullhead bumblebee butterfly canada goose, geese cardinal caribou carp chickadee codfish common merganser cormorant cougar, puma coyote crab crane crayfish crow dabbling ducks deer fly and horse fly diving ducks dog dolphin dove dragonfly eagle eel ermine falcon, kestrel finch fisher flea fly fox frog gallinule, moorhen grasshopper – locust grebe grosbeak grouse hare, rabbit hawk heron herring honey bee horse hummingbird jay (blue jay, steller’s jay, grey jay) kingfisher lady beetle (ladybug) lark lizard lobster loon lynx, bobcat magpie marmot marten mink minnow, cyprinidae mole moose mosquito, anophele mountain goat mountain sheep mouse mule deer muskrat mussel northern gannet octopus, cuttlefish oriole osprey otter owl oyster pelican perch pheasant pigeon pike plover porcupine porpoise ptarmigan puffin raccoon rail rat rattlesnake raven robin ruffed grouse salamander salmon sea gull sea lion sea urchin seal, sea elephant secretive, rich, corpulent shark, dogfish shell, jack knife, clam skates, rays and mantas skunk smelt snail snake sparrow sparrow spider squid squirrel starling sturgeon sucker swallow swan swift teal tern thrasher thrush toad trout turkey turkey vulture turtle walleye (yellow pickerel) walrus wapiti warbler wasp waxwing weasel whale white-tailed deer wolf wolverine woodcock, sandpiper and snipe woodpecker

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE

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