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un o gryfderau'r papur gwyn hwn yw ei fod yn cydnabod y gwironedd hwn ac yn rhoi rôl bwysig i awdurdodau lleol er mwyn ymdrin â phenderfynyddion afiechyd , yn enwedig drwy ddatblygu cynghreiriau iechyd lleol


one of the strengths of this white paper is that it recognises this reality and gives local authorities an important role to address the determinants of ill-health , particularly through the development of local health alliances

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


ond a fu yn y bala'n ddiweddar ? beth yw pris rhad ? a geir gwerth am arian mewn gwironedd pan fo diffyg dewis yn arwain yn y pen draw at chwalu cymunedau cymraeg gwledig ? ai cael gwerth am arian yw tanseilio neu anwybyddu anghenion lleol y gwahanol rannau o gymru , neu fwrw heibio'r cyfrifoldebau ychwanegol y mae ysgolion yn ymgymryd â hwy gyda golwg ar ofal bugeiliol , presenoldeb a chyflawniadau myfyrwyr ? os bydd symud cyrsiau i golegau addysg bellach yn fodd i sicrhau ansawdd da , fel y carai sheila drury inni gredu , a gawn amrywiaeth hefyd ? yn ôl the western mail , dywed y prif weinidog na fydd hynny'n bosibl mewn ardaloedd gwledig ac na fydd modd ychwaith i ddilyn pynciau drwy gyfrwng y gymraeg


but has she been to bala lately ? what price is cheap ? is it really value for money when lack of choice leads ultimately to the break-up of rural welsh-speaking communities ? is it value for money to undermine or ignore the local requirements of different parts of wales , or to cast aside the additional responsibilities that schools undertake with regard to pastoral care , attendance and student achievement ? if moving courses to fe colleges is going to provide quality , as sheila drury might like us to believe , will we also get variety ? according to the western mail , the first minister says that this will not be possible in rural areas and neither will pursuing subjects through the medium of welsh

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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