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tumpat, kelantan. district located at the end of the state bordering with neighboring country, thailand. placements, socio-cultural and religious conflicts are no longer forever here except the railway is the power of transportation and relationship throughout the east coast. here is also a local company that has been founded and developed since late the 60s. also known as terap batik, batik cop and batik pukul, batating using block is one of the early techniques of batik manufacturing in malaysia and it has produced proud local products.


make batiktumpat, kelantan. district located at the end of the state bordering with neighboring country, thailand. placements, socio-cultural and religious conflicts are no longer forever here except the railway is the power of transportation and relationship throughout the east coast. here is also a local company that has been founded and developed since late the 60s. also known as terap batik, batik cop and batik pukul, batating using block is one of the early techniques of batik manufacturing in malaysia and it has produced proud local products.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-12-12
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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