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but other than that everything was wonderful



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applications for leave to appeal may be dealt with summarily, without receiving oral or written argument other than that contained in the application itself.


aansoeke om verlof tot appèl kan summier hanteer word sonder die aanhoor van mondelinge of skriftelike betoog, behalwe diè in die aansoek self vervat.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


(5) applications for direct access may be dealt with summarily, without hearing oral or written argument other than that contained in the application itself: provided that where the respondent has indicated his or her intention to oppose in terms of subrule (3), an application for direct access shall be granted only after the provisions of subrule (4) (a) have been complied with.


(5) aansoeke om regstreekse toegang kan summier behandel word, sonder die aanhoor van mondelinge of skriftelike betoog, buiten dié in die aansoek self vervat: met dien verstande dat waar die respondent aangedui het dat hy of sy ingevolge subreël (3) van voorneme is om te bestry, 'n aansoek om regstreekse toegang toegestaan word slegs nadat daar aan die bepalings van subreël (4) (a) voldoen is.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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