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respect is very important in our culture



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family is very important because


familie is baie belangrik omdat

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-08-10
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


judges. this is very important for social


interaksie met regters te hê. dis baie

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


stand it is very important to be yourself


staan ​​dit is baie belangrik om jouself te wees

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-10-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


wiesler, this is very important. both for my career and for yours.


wiesler, dit is van die uiterste belang vir beide jou en my loopbaan

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-10-27
Frequenza di utilizzo: 7

Riferimento: Anonimo


the success of the democratic system as a whole depends on good relations of mutual respect and a spirit of partnership among the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. this is very important for our constitutional democracy.


die sukses van die demokratiese stelsel in geheel hang af van goeie verhoudings, met wedersydse respek, en ´n gees van kameraderie tussen die uitvoerende gesag, die wetgewer en die regsprekende gesag. dit is baie belangrik vir ons konstitusionele demokrasie.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


my cellphone is very important to me in many ways, example, to keep track of the time, i use my phone as a daily planner, listen to music, watch movies, and to do all my research and projects when needed.


my selfoon is baie belangrik vir my op baie maniere, byvoorbeeld om tred te hou met die tyd, ek gebruik my selfoon as 'n daaglikse beplanner, luister na musiek, kyk films en doen al my navorsing en projekte wanneer nodig.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-01-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


i would like to speech over importance of education at this great occasion in front of you. education is very important to all of us. our parents make us learn many things at home and then send us tour home is first education institute where we learn how to behave to others and other skills however school education is very necessary to be successful in practical life. through school education we learn and develop personality, mental skills, moral and physical


ek wil graag praat oor die belangrikheid van onderwys tydens hierdie groot geleentheid voor u. onderwys is baie belangrik vir ons almal. ons ouers laat ons baie dinge tuis leer en stuur ons dan na die ouderdom van drie jaar skool toe. ons huis is die eerste onderwysinstituut waar ons leer hoe om ander en ander vaardighede op te tree, maar skoolopleiding is baie nodig om suksesvol te wees in die praktiese lewe. deur middel van skoolopleiding leer en ontwikkel ons persoonlikheid, geestelike vaardighede, moreel en liggaamlik

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-05-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


in our school the teach us many good things and am also good in computer i know how to type and send emails to my friend and family thanks to the support from our teacher's the also teach us how to explore to different types of information they also teach us different types of our cultures.


in ons skool leer die ons baie goeie dinge en is ook goed in rekenaar ek weet hoe om te tik en e-posse aan my vriend en familie te stuur

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-10-16
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


what if school never existed? mm that’s a very tricky question. firstly it would be very exciting because you don’t need to always work. it would be fun because we would not need to go to school. you could just stay at home. you would always play around with your friends and you would do no work at all. if school never existed people would not know how to work and how to do things. people will never want to do something in their lives but to just stay at home and do household things and to take of their children. people would be lazy do work for their needs. if school never existed people would never be able to read and write. they could not even know how to spell their names. people would just be useless because we would not be able to do anything in life. we also would not be able to do anything else for others. this is why school is very important so that we may be able to do the important things in life such as, reading, writing, and knowing how to spell. without these things we would suffer to do things in life. we would never learn anything also if there were no schools. this is the place where people can learn to do things and to learn about other things they never even knew that they might be good at doing. also you would never meet the friends you have right now.



Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-22
Frequenza di utilizzo: 7

Riferimento: Wikipedia

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