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image shared from a malaysia airlines flight attendant's instagram


মালয়েশিয়ার অনেক রাজনীতিবিদ এ ঘটনায় দু:খপ্রকাশ করেছেন।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


his companion attendant will say , " i have here his record ready . "


আর তার সঙ ্ গী বলবে -- ''এই তো যা আমার কাছে তৈরি রয়েছে।’’

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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because i’m a good kid, i turned them into the station attendant.


কেউ একজন ভুলে রেলে ফেলে গিয়েছিলেন। আমি খুব ভালো ছেলে। আমি স্টেশনের একজন কর্মীর কাছে রেখে এসেছি।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


i recently met a bangali who works for a hotel as a casual housekeeping attendant.


আমি সম্প্রতি একজন বাঙ্গালীকে (বাংলাদেশী) দেখেছি যে একটা হোটেলে সাময়িক রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের কাজ করে।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


a daughter of an mh370 flight attendant tweeted her message of support to the families and friends of mh17 passengers:


নিখোঁজ এমএইচ৩৭০ বিমানটির একজন কর্মীর মেয়ে এমএইচ১৭ বিমানের যাত্রীদের পরিবার পরিজন এবং বন্ধুবান্ধবদের তাঁর সহমর্মিতা জানিয়ে একটি বার্তা টুইট করেছেনঃ

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


a malaysia airlines flight attendant highlighted the loss of lives on mh17 as well as mh370, sharing a picture on twitter and instagram:


পরপর এমন দুটি ঘটনার প্রেক্ষিতে মালয়েশিয়ার নেটিজেনরা শোকাবহ ঘটনা স্মরণ করতে টুইটারে #প্রেফরএমএইচ১৭ হ্যাশট্যাগ ব্যবহার করছেন।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the incident occurred only days after a chinese woman attacked a flight attendant with a cup of hot noodles in a row over seating arrangements on a thailand flight and her boyfriend threatened to blow up the plane.


এই ঘটনার মাত্র একদিন আগে চীনের এক বিমানের থাইল্যান্ডের যাত্রার সময় সিটে বসা নিয়ে এক চীনা নারী একজন ফ্লাইট অ্যাটেনডেন্টকে গরম নুডুলসের এক কাপ দিয়ে আঘাত করে এবং তার ছেলেবন্ধু বিমানটিকে উড়িয়ে দেওয়ার হুমকি প্রদান করে।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


he has attendant angels before him and behind him , who , by the command of allah watch over him . allah does not change what is in a nation unless they change what is in themselves .


তাঁর জন ্ য প ্ রহরী রয়েছে তাঁর সম ্ মুখভাগে ও তাঁর পশ ্ চাদভাগে , ওরা তাঁকে রক ্ ষণাবেক ্ ষণ করে আল ্ লাহ ্ ‌ র আদেশক ্ রমে । আল ্ লাহ ্ অবশ ্ যই কোনো জাতির অবস ্ থায় পরিবর ্ তন করেন না যতক ্ ষণ না তারা নিজেরাই তা পরিবর ্ তন করে । আর যখন আল ্ লাহ ্ কোনো জাতির জন ্ য অকল ্ যাণ চান তখন তা রদ করার উপায় নেই , আর তাদের জন ্ য তিনি ছাড়া কোনো অভিভাবক নেই ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


science in daily lifescience is a great blessing to mankind. nothing better has happened in the history of man than advent of science in human life. the world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering and hardship. science has come to relieve us to sufferings, to remove our ignorance and to lighter our toil. science is a faithful servant of man. it serves us in all walks of life. it is our servant in the home, in the field and in the factory. science has transformed our daily life. gone are the days when only the rich men could afford luxuries. science has made them cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody. science has produced goods on a large market. these are sold at cheap rates in every market. books, music and all other forms of entertainment have been brought to our door. radio, television, cinema help us in passing our time and also provide education to us. science is our most faithful medical attendant. it shows every care for our health. because of science we are cured of many diseases. it has given us the power to reduce epidemics. no longer are cholera, plague and small pox the scourge of mankind. science has helped in reducing the death rate and has also enhanced the living age of humans. science has reduced distance and made travelling a pleasure. science has annihilated time and space. trains roar through deserts, jungles and mountains while aeroplanes fly across thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours. the work of months and years can now be completed in hours. science is the greatest blessing to the poor housewife. a thousand devices have been placed at her disposal to lighter her toil. there is electricity run kitchens in which cooking is pleasure. there is no dirt, no smoke and cooking with the help of gas and electricity can be done in the twinkling of an eye. electricity helps her in washing and pressing clothes and even in cleaning floors. science has provided us with computers and machines which have greatly increased our efficiency. we are better connected to people today and information is only a click of the mouse away. man no longer needs to do the back breaking job of digging into mines with bare hands or tilling the soil with animals. every factory is a standing tribute from the care and comforts that science has brought into our life. science educates us in many ways. large printing presses produce number of books at cheap rates. news is brought to us from every corner of the world through the newspaper, radios and television. however science has done a great disservice to mankind in the field of armaments. weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons and sophisticated armament have endangered our lives and threaten to destroy the world. however it is upto us whether we will destroy our world or make is more beautiful and comfortable with the help of science.


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Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-12-17
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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