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as an outsider , and as someone who does not sit on the partnership council , i find this slightly confusing


fel un o'r tu allan , ac un nad yw'n eistedd ar y cyngor partneriaeth , mae hyn yn peri ychydig o benbleth i mi

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


to an outsider looking at the process , it is at that point that matters seem to have gone behind closed doors


i rywun sydd yn edrych ar y broses o'r tu allan , y pwynt hwnnw yw ei bod yn ymddangos bod materion wedi mynd y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


i am sure that it would be difficult for an outsider to know which member belongs to which party -- perhaps with one exception


yr wyf yn siwr y byddai'n anodd i unrhyw un o'r tu allan wybod i ba blaid y mae'r aelodau yn perthyn -- ac un eithriad o bosibl

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


therefore , i will give you an outsider's view of how it has appeared to people living at the other end of wales , particularly in the last few weeks


felly , rhoddaf safbwynt rhywun o'r tu allan ar y modd y mae wedi ymddangos i bobl sydd yn byw yn y pen arall o gymru , yn enwedig yn yr wythnosau diwethaf hyn

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


this message is encrypted, but with a weak encryption algorithm. it would be difficult, but not impossible for an outsider to view the content of this message in a practical amount of time.


mae'r neges hon wedi ei hamgryptio, ond gydag algorithm amgryptio gwan. fe fyddai hi'n anodd, ond nid yn amhosib, i rywun o'r tu allan weld cynnwys y neges hon ymhen cyfnod ymarferol o amser.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-08-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Translated.com


in the work programme of your assembly , i have noted the major emphasis that you have placed -- if i may say so as an outsider -- on quality of education and lifelong learning


yn rhaglen waith eich cynulliad , nodais y pwyslais mawr a roesoch -- os caf ddweud hynny fel un o'r tu allan -- ar ansawdd addysg a dysgu ar hyd eich oes

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


eleanor burnham : is it not important to secure more partnership in these communities ? i was speaking to someone who runs a housing agency in llangefni yesterday , and his view , i am sure , is the same as ours , that there should be more discussion in communities on what inhabitants think is needed in their communities , rather than outsiders telling them what they will get


eleanor burnham : onid yw'n bwysig cael mwy o bartneriaeth yn y cymunedau hyn ? yr oeddwn yn siarad ddoe â rhywun sy'n rhedeg asiantaeth dai yn llangefni , ac mae'i farn ef , yr wyf yn siwr , yn cyd-fynd â'n barn ni y dylid cael mwy o siarad yn y cymunedau ynglyn â beth mae'r trigolion yn meddwl sydd ei eisiau yn eu cymunedau , yn hytrach na bod rhywun o'r tu allan yn dweud wrthynt beth fyddant yn ei gael

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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