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your writing should be neat and clean



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Hindi (indiano)



writing should be neat and clean. is it correct?

Hindi (indiano)

लेखन साफ और स्वच्छ होना चाहिए। क्या यह सही है?

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-12
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

स्वच्छ और साफ

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-04
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


their nails should be clipped and clean .

Hindi (indiano)

उनके नाखून कटे हुए और साफ हों ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


write neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

साफ और स्वच्छ लिखें

Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-12-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the milker should be neat and clean and free from any communicable disease .

Hindi (indiano)

दुहनेवाले व्यक्ति को खूब साफ होना चाहिए और किसी भी संक्रामक रोग से पीड़ित नहीं होना चाहिए ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


keep books neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

मैं अपने दांतों को साफ और साफ रखता हूं

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-02-08
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


what will you do to keep your city neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

अपने शहर को साफ़ - सुथरा रखने के लिए आप क्या करेंगे

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-08-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


our school is very neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

अपने विद्यालय को साफ सुथरा रखो

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


how neat and clean our school was .

Hindi (indiano)

हमारा स्कूल कितना साफ - सुथरा था ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


essay on always neat and clean food eat

Hindi (indiano)

हमेशा साफ और स्वच्छ भोजन पर निबंध खाने

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-06-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: Anonimo


it is notified you to come in neat and clean uniform

Hindi (indiano)

यह साफ और स्वच्छ वर्दी में आने के लिए आपको सूचित किया जाता है

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-07-28
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


how to clean oursurroundings neat and clean in hindi language

Hindi (indiano)

कैसे oursurroundings स्वच्छ और हिंदी भाषा में साफ साफ करने के लिए

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-02-07
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the other advantage is it ' s kind of neat and clean .

Hindi (indiano)

दूसरा फायेदा है की यह बहुत सॉफ सुथरा है .

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


ensure that drinking water system & toilet system is neat and clean

Hindi (indiano)

सुनिश्चित करें कि कोई भी दुकान के फर्श पर न घूमे।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-04-16
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


it is very imp to keep ourselves neat and clean .its helps us stay fit and healthy

Hindi (indiano)

यह अपने आप को साफ-सुथरा रखने और स्वस्थ रहने के लिए बहुत छोटा है

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-05-09
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


house before diwali - the neighborhood markets , all neat and clean and decorated become embellished .

Hindi (indiano)

दीपावली से पहले ही घर - मोहल्ले बाज़ार सब साफ - सुथरे व सजे - धजे नज़र आते हैं ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


stand erect , sit erect , and be neat and clean in every one of your acts , and let these be an expression of your inner condition .

Hindi (indiano)

4 . तनकर खड़े रहें , तनकर बैठें ओर अपने हर काममें साफ - सुथरे रहें ; और इन सब आदतोंको अपनी आन्तरिक स्वस्थताका प्रतिबिम्ब बनने दें ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


while reviewing natyaprakash of ranchhodbhai udayram , manilal suggests that play - writing should be judged on the basis of principles of probability and propriety rather than that of unity .

Hindi (indiano)

रणछोड़भाई उदयराम की कृति नाट्यप्रकाश की समीक्षा करते हुए , मणीलाल सुझाव देते हैं कि नाट्य रचना को सम्भावना और औचित्य के सिद्धान्त की कसौटी पर परखना चाहिये , न कि समरूपता के आधार पर ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


her house used to be so neat and clean and her maintenance so perfect that sometimes it was n ' t difficult to disbelive that it was beyond human hands .

Hindi (indiano)

उनका घर तना साफ था और उनकी संभाल इतनी अच्छी थी कि कई बार आंखों पर विश्वास नहीं होता था कि यह मनुष्य के हाथों से और उसके विशेष प्रयत्न से बाहर नहीं है ।

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


a house maid is an important person in a family. she looks after the routine household chores. she is of great help to the family. she takes care of the comfort of the family even at the cost of her own convenience. she works diligently even if she is not well. she does all the household work in hot summer and chill winter. rampyari is our house maid. she is twenty-one years old. she has been working with our family for the last three years. she is a full-time maid. she lives with us. she is basically a nepali. she belongs to a tribal community of nepal. her parents and spouse live in nepal. she is very innocent and caring. sometimes she becomes disappointed to remember her family. once in a year she goes to his native place to meet her family. when she goes to her home we miss her a lot. in fact, we have become used to her. she is like our family member. my parents take great care of her as they do of us. not only of her health and well-being they are also concerned for her education. they have got her enrolled her in a nearby school. a tutor also comes to teach her as we are taught. rampyari is not good in terms of physical appearance, but she is very good at heart. she is of dark complexion, and very shy by nature. she does not mix up with us. she enjoys solitariness. but she is very caring and sweet-natured. she takes great care of us. when we are not at home, she takes care of our belongings. she keeps our things at proper place so that we do not have to face any inconvenience. she is always ready to do our work whenever asked for. even if we chide her for her wrong doings, she does not take it ill. sometimes my mother rebukes her but she ignores everything and is always around to help her. rampyari is very active and labourious. she gets up early in the morning before we get up. she brooms the house and makes it neat and clean. when my mother is in the kitchen she is with her. she helps her in cooking. she arranges everything for her. she helps her in packing our lunch. she makes ready our water bottle. she serves us our meal. she is always at our back and call. when my mother goes to market she is with her to help her in buying vegetables. in my mother’s absence she looks after our grandparents. she serves them meals on time. she takes care of their other needs. they also love her as their own children. in fact, my mother feels free due to her. rampyari is good at studies. she takes great interest in her studies. when she is free she devotes her time to study. she does her homework on time. her teachers appreciate her sincerity, hard work and punctuality. her parents feel proud to learn about her studies. whenever she finds any problem in her studies, she discusses it with my mother. my mother helps her as does she help us. she encourages her for studies. in the evening we play with her. when we are for outing, she is with us. we also love and take care of her as a family member. her parents feel good to learn all these. when my mother buys anything for us, she also buys something for her. when she goes home, my mother gives her gifts for her parents and spouse. she loves all of us. even among her family members she misses her a lot. she is very nice. we eagerly wait for her return.

Hindi (indiano)

मेरी नौकरानी पर निबंध

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-04-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 36

Riferimento: Anonimo

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