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i'm currently in spain but i'm from chile



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loreta and anita are from chile but i'm from


loreta, y anita somos de chile pero yo soy de

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-09-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the commitment which we are calling on the spanish presidency to undertake consists of the following objectives, some of which the president-in-office has already mentioned: firstly, with regard to the 1996 intergovernmental conference, there is a need to build a genuine political union and develop a new approach to the process of economic and monetary union which is based on the achievement of the actual convergence of economies rather than on strict compliance with monetarist criteria — a requirement which, apart from not being met, is bringing with it enormous social costs in a number of member states; secondly, in the field of political administration, there is a vital need to give priority to combating unemployment, through the adoption of urgent measures to boost the economy and the implementation of proactive social and industrial policies, as was called for at the recent congress of the european trade union confederation; thirdly, there is also a need to adopt corrective measures in respect of those common organizations of the markets which are currently in crisis, not only in spain, but in various other member states of the union; fourthly, as regards external policy, there is a need to establish new frameworks for cooperation, specifically through the holding of the euro-mediterranean conference in barcelona, the conclusion of new association agreements with mercosur, chile and mexico, and the negotiation of a cooperation agreement with cuba aimed at facilitating the incorporation of that country into international political and economic life, as well as to promote the holding of a referendum in western sahara — something which you did not mention in your speech, mr president-in-office.


el compromiso que pedimos a la presidencia española comprende los siguientes objetivos —alguno de los cuales usted ya ha mencionado—: a) respecto de la conferencia intergubernamental, es necesario conseguir una verdadera unión política y un nuevo enfoque del camino hacia la unión económica y monetaria, que suponga la convergencia real de las economías en vez del rígido cumplimiento de índices monetaristas que, además de no cumplirse, llevan consigo un enorme coste social en numerosos países; b) en el plano de la gestión política, es imperativo dar prioridad a la lucha contra el desempleo, con medidas urgentes de reactivación económica y con políticas industriales y sociales activas, como ha pedido el reciente congreso de la confederación europea de sindicatos: c) también son necesarias medidas correctoras en la organización común de mercados interiores que hoy en día están en crisis y que afectan no sólo al país al que nosotros pertenecemos sino a varios países de la unión europea: y d) en política internacional, se deben concretar nuevos marcos de cooperación, expresados fundamentalmente por la conferencia euromediterránea de barcelona, los acuerdos de asociación con mercosur, chile y méxico, así como por un acuerdo de cooperación con cuba que facilite su incorporación a la vida económica y política internacional y por la correcta celebración del referéndum en el sahara occidental, que usted no ha mencionado en su primera intervención.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-02-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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