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it's cold so you should put on a warm jacket



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- you should put on a white dish.


- es conveniente colocarlas sobre un plato de color blanco.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


6) you should put on your overcoat.


6) are

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


finally, the community should put on a human face.


durante los últimos años me he ocupado de la cooperación internacional.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-02-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


these are still numerous, so you should be able to bid on a set at a decent price.


Éstos siguen siendo numerosos, así que debes poder hacer una oferta en un sistema en un precio decente.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


before the beginning of work the carpenter should put on overalls well adjusted on a figure.


ante el comienzo del trabajo el carpintero debe ponerse el traje de trabajo, bien llevado por la figura.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


act as crazy: should put on a good show, showing emotional effort with the position that defends.


comportarse como un loco: deberá representar un buen espectáculo, demostrando el empeño emocional para con la posición que defiende.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


after you apply a selegiline patch, you should wear it all the time until you are ready to remove it and put on a fresh patch.


después de aplicar un parche de selegilina, usted deberá mantenerlo colocado en forma permanente hasta que sea el momento de colocar uno nuevo.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


to help avoid the skin reactions, you should put the patch on a different area of skin every day, and only use the same area again after 14 days.


para ayudar a que no se produzcan reacciones en la piel, debe ponerse el parche en un sitio diferente cada día, y sólo usar la misma zona si ya han pasado 14 días desde la anterior aplicación en esa misma zona.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 3


george: “i should probably get up and put on a bright colored shirt so you can more easily find me here.


george: “probablemente yo debería levantarme y ponerme una camisa de colores brillantes para que puedas encontrarme más fácilmente.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


beware — the purpose may be to figure out your address so you can be put on a mailing list and bombarded with junk mail or nuisance calls.


ten cuidado, el propósito puede ser averiguar tu dirección para que te pongan en una lista de correo y te bombardeen con correo basura o llamadas irritantes.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


all of you should put on the holy garments, and have the powerful weapons, which means having the word and power of god to be worthy of being the preachers.


todos ustedes deben vestirse con vestiduras santas y tener armas poderosas, lo cual significa tener la palabra y el poder de dios para ser dignos de ser predicadores.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the temperature has fallen to 8 degrees centigrade, and most of us have put on a warm sweater or covered ourselves with our sleeping bag.


la temperatura descendió a 8 grados centígrados, y la mayoría de nosotros se ha puesto un pulóver o se cubrieron con su saco de dormir.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the teacher said, "you should all wear your hitler youth uniforms so that everyone will see that you are nice hitler boys." i would rather have died than put on a nazi uniform.


el maestro dijo: "todos ustedes deberían vestir el uniforme de las juventudes hitlerianas y así todos los verán como bueno muchachos hitlerianos". "yo me moriría antes que ponerme un uniforme nazi."

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


in order to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, you should put on the fullness and inspiration of the holy spirit in the power of the holy spirit, and arm yourself with the word of god.


con el fin de mantener firme en contra de los esquemas del diablo, ustedes deben poner en la plenitud y la inspiración del espà ritu santo en el poder del espà ritu santo, y armarse con la palabra de dios.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


any word, action or deed that is on a lower vibration will feel out of place, so you should be able to gradually remove them from your normal interaction with others.


cualquier palabra, acción o acto que sea de una vibración baja se sentirá fuera de lugar, así que deben poder gradualmente removerla de su interacción normal con otros.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


you can imagine how a tiny dust paricle can wreak havoc on a rubber roll over which moves a whole film strip. so you should clean the rolls from time to time!


uno se puede imaginar los daños que podría causar un granito de arena sobre una de las rueditas sobre las que roda una película entera. o sea, hay que limpiar las ruedas de goma con regularidad!

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


israel and hamas, why do you keep pointing out the speck in the eye of your brother while missing the plank in your own eye? instead, you should put down your arms and pick up a pair of binoculars so you can see that most of your victims are innocent people.


lo que deberían hace es deponer las armas y tomar un binóculo, para comprobar que la mayoría de sus víctimas son personas inocentes.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


once you have cut the alfajores, then simply put them on a bakeware with very little or nothing of butter, and bake for about 10 minutes or until they are done but do not show a toasted color. next, once they are out of the oven and colder, you should put some dulce de leche in one side of one of them and cover it with another as if it was a sandwich.


una vez que haz cortado los alfajores, simplemente ponlos en una asadera con muy poco o nada de manteca, y hornealos por unos 10 minutos o hasta que están hechos pero sin mostrar un color tostado. luego, una vez que están fuera del horno y fríos, debes poner un poco de dulce de leche en un lado de uno de ellos y cubrirlo con otro como si fuera un sándwich.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


you should put a cross with the crucified one at the entrance of your homes, because it is through the blood that he shed that the world was saved. today, more than ever, you have to shelter yourselves with your faith, with prayer, with receiving the eucharist in the temples that the well beloved left where he is sacrificed so you can be saved.


hoy, más que nunca, tenéis que resguardaros en la fe, en la oración, recibiendo la eucaristía en el templo que el bien amado os dejo donde es sacrificado para que vosotros seáis salvos.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


ã©stedragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. dragon age: set 3 open playtest document hi! welcome to the dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest! if you’ve found this document without having heard anything else about this open playtest, here’s the story: dragon age set 3 open playtest: february 2012! the dragon age rpg set 1 was enthusiastically received. old hands and new tabletop roleplayers leapt at the chance to tell exciting stories of their own in the perilous and compelling world of thedas. the dragon age rpg set 2 got delayed but, following a robust and open playtest process, was released to great appreciation by fans and newcomers alike. we at green ronin hoped once planned to release two additional sets, that would together cover character levels 11–20, but due to further delays on our end and a desire to get the whole game in front of fans and players sooner, we combined what would have been set 3 and set 4 into a single set: the dragon age rpg set 3. alas, set 3 isn't ready for publication yet. we know many of you are eager to take your characters and adventures beyond level 10. we are, too. if we could publish set 3 tomorrow, we’d do it. because we can’t, because it's not ready, we’re repeating what we did for set 2 and stress testing this new set by getting your input on it. this is our open public beta test of many of the game-mechanical aspects of set 3, including rules for advancing player characters all the way to level 20! we hope to kill two birds with one stone, giving the dragon age rpg’s fans the chance to resume their campaigns right away while also strengthening the set 3 rules with playtest notes devised by your sharp eyes and cunning. here, then, is the set 3 open beta package. our heartfelt thanks go out to the fans who’ve adventured in thedas thus far, who’ve told us how much they like the game, and who’ve patiently awaited for us. we’ll see you online! what’s here this pdf contains: (a) these playtesting instructions, (b) a blank playtest release, and (c) the playtest materials themselves. unless you’re a writer, editor, proofreader, or graphic designer by trade or inclination, you may not be used to looking at manuscript pages before they’re laid out. these playtest pages are just such a document, containing, for example, different levels of headers notated with layout tags rather than differing levels of size and weight. you’ll see similar notation marking the beginnings and ends of tables and sidebars. none of this should be especially confusing, but a warning seemed fair, so there it is. dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. you’ll also notice that most of the playtest rules haven’t been edited or proofread yet. typos abound! just ignore them. our process will catch them later on. finally (and although we hope it’s obvious) many of the mechanics you’ll find in these playtest rules have not been thoroughly playtested… yet! so let this serve as a warning that you may run into rules that still need some tweaking. heads up! what’s not here the playtest rules found here are just a peek at set 3’s mechanical contents. they are simply some of the set’s game-mechanical elements. so you may (for example) see references in the playtest rules to sections that are not actually found here. lots of lore and narrative materials are not present in this document. we take care of that sort of thing in-house, though some of it may make its way into a future playtest document, so keep your eyes open! despite all these elements being separate right now, set 3 will be released as a comprehensive product. how to playtest one of the key reasons for this open playtest is to enlist your help in making set 3 awesome, so we hope you’ll submit a playtest report. your playtest report should consist of a single pdf document, which should have three parts, occurring in this order: • first, your playtest release; • second, your answers to four main questions; • third, your other notes. please submit one report for your whole group that reflects its consensus or summarizes its differing opinions. (if different voices in your group want to submit individual reports, that’s fine, too.) what we don’t want is a series of reports that chronicle your thoughts as they evolve over the playtest period, for the simple reason that we expect to receive lots of reports even at one per group or voice. so, plan to submit one report that reflects everything you think. we promise to read all the reports we receive in their entirety. although it probably goes without saying, good reports communicate clearly and succinctly. your conclusions are most likely to be persuasive if they’re supported with concrete evidence. to be considered, submit your playtest report by midnight (us pacific time) on march 19th, 2012. send it, attached to an e-mail, to: darpgset3@greenronin.com you are free to discuss, debate, write, and talk about the open playtest rules on forums, blogs, podcasts, and other social media. just be aware that we won’t necessarily be aware of those discussions unless you also submit your thoughts as described above. dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. playtest release the first page of your playtest report pdf must be a playtest release signed by each member of your group who contributed. any playtest report whose first page is not one of these releases gets deleted unread. note that we assemble our list of playtest credits from the names recorded on these releases, so legibility counts! four questions in the next section, answer the following questions in as little or as much detail as you wish: 1. how did you use the playtest rules? (did you just read them? use them in actual play? for how many sessions? using what kind of pcs?) 2. what kind of experience does your group have with tabletop rpgs? (are you old hands? relative novices? a mix of both? feel free to list your most favorite, or least favorite, other rpgs if that would help us understand your perspective.) 3. what is the most critical problem you’ve identified in the playtest rules? (keep in mind that if you have an issue with something that’s baked into the core of the adventure game engine, taking issue with it here isn’t likely to result in your satisfaction. we obviously can’t make sweeping changes to the basics of the game in set 3.) 4. what’s the most critical success you’ve identified in the playtest rules? (that is, what would you like to see published in set 3 exactly the way it’s presented in the playtest rules, without any significant changes at all?) other notes after answering the four questions, include any other notes you want us to read, the bad and the good. (or just the bad. or just the good. up to you!) if you want to summarize your critical problem and critical success (#3 and #4, above) at first and then provide extended notes and back-up in the “other notes” section, that’s fine. if you want to draw diagrams and make charts and embed videos of the members of your group waving their arms in outrage about some travesty of game design, that’s great! one area you might want to address in this section are any rules or elements that you expected to see but did not seem to be addressed, or that you observed but you don’t think belong here. (keep in mind that the playtest rules only include some set 3 game mechanics. lots of background material will also be provided as part of set 3, it’s just not included in the open playtest.) you are likely to want to refer to specific passages of the playtest rules in these notes. it’s generally better to refer to sections by their header names, rather than by page numbers, dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. but keep in mind that some headers recur in different sections, so make sure you’re clear when you make a reference. (for example, every class description has a “class powers” header, so it’s not specific enough to say that you love everything found underneath that header.) something that’s not useful are proofreading and editing comments, unless you want to identify a passage so obtuse that you could not even understand what it meant. at this stage, proofreading and editing comments just distract everyone from the big picture. one final—and important!—instruction about writing your playtest notes is that we’re not looking for you to do design work. that’s our job! because tabletop rpgs attract creative people, you may be tempted to whip together a new subsystem to address something that you think is a hole or shortcoming, and drop it into your playtest report. when this urge strikes, please restrain yourself. we simply want your feedback on the playtest rules as they exist. to be clear, though, it’s fine to say something like, “i think there should be a talent for auctioneering.” what you shouldn’t do is send us any new talents you designed. many thanks! we at green ronin are excited about this open playtest. we thank you in advance for downloading this playtest package, especially if you’re able to send us a playtest report. thanks! dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest — playtest release form by signing my name below, i certify and agree that my playtesting suggestions, ideas, and comments as recorded in this document are mine to freely express, and become the exclusive property of green ronin publishing, llc. name (print legibly!): signature: name and signature of parent or guardian, if playtester is a minor: e-mail and physical address: name (print legibly!): signature: name and signature of parent or guardian, if playtester is a minor: e-mail and physical address: name (print legibly!): signature: name and signature of parent or guardian, if playtester is a minor: e-mail and physical address: name (print legibly!): signature: name and signature of parent or guardian, if playtester is a minor: e-mail and physical address: dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. darpgs3 playtest texts pg2: character options player characters that have survived the first ten levels of their class are hardened veterans who have faced and overcome difficult challenges. they should be proud of their accomplishments but they have not tamed thedas just yet. there are still sinister foes to be faced and plots to foil but now the stage of action is much larger. as a low level character, you might aid a village or rescue a caravan. now you must look at the bigger picture. a blight threatens ferelden and heroes must step forward to fight it. as a high level character, this is your challenge. this chapter provides more options for your characters. the core of it is the level 11–20 class information for mages, rogues, and warriors. this completes the basic arc of all the character classes, as level 20 is the maximum in dragon age. the chapter also introduces twelve new backgrounds for the game. they can be used by new players joining the campaign, or when making replacements for those that have fallen in battle. they’re also useful for new campaigns set beyond fereldan’s borders. new backgrounds set 3 introduces twelve new backgrounds for the dragon age rpg: ander survivor, escaped elven slave, fereldan noble, orlesian commoner, orlesian noble, orlesian student, rivaini swashbuckler, seheron convert, tevinter commoner, tevinter mage, tevinter noble, and waking sea raider. about half of these backgrounds come from orlais and tevinter, which are the focus of the new lore presented in set 3. the others provide more options from the wide world of thedas. not all of them will make sense in every campaign, of course. if you aren’t sure how a background will fit into the campaign, talk it over with your gm before making your final choice. anders survivor [text] playing an anders survivor if you choose to play an ander survivor, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your constitution ability. anders must be tough to live past childhood. • pick one of the following ability focuses: constitution (stamina) or strength (climbing). • you can speak and read ander and the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the ander survivor table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. anders survivor 2d6 roll benefit dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. 2 +1 dexterity 3-4 focus: constitution (running) 5 focus: cunning (historical lore) 6 focus: perception (tracking) 7-8 +1 strength 9 focus: dexterity (brawling) 10-11 focus: willpower (courage) 12 +1 perception escaped elven slave [text] playing an escaped elven slave if you choose to play an escaped elven slave, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your strength ability. only the strong survive bondage in the tevinter imperium. • pick one of the following ability focuses: perception (hearing) or strength (might). • you can speak and read the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the escaped elven slave table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. escaped elven slave 2d6 roll benefit 2 +1 communication 3-4 speak elven 5 focus: communication (deception) 6 focus: dexterity (brawling) 7-8 +1 dexterity 9 focus: strength (driving) 10-11 focus: willpower (self-discipline) 12 +1 willpower fereldan noble [text] playing a fereldan noble if you choose to play a fereldan noble, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your strength ability. nobles in ferelden must be strong to protect their people. dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. • pick one of the following ability focuses: cunning (military lore) or strength (intimidation). • you can speak and read the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the fereldan noble table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. fereldan noble 2d6 roll benefit 2 +1 constitution 3-4 focus: cunning (heraldry) 5 focus: communication (etiquette) 6 focus: dexterity (riding) 7-8 +1 cunning 9 focus: communication (leadership) 10-11 focus: cunning (historical lore) 12 +1 dexterity orlesian commoner [text] playing an orlesian commoner if you choose to play an orlesian commoner, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your dexterity ability. life is fast-paced in orlais. • pick one of the following ability focuses: dexterity (brawling) or willpower (faith). • you can speak and read orlesian and the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the orlesian commoner table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. orlesian commoner 2d6 roll benefit 2 +1 communication 3-4 focus: cunning (religious lore) 5 focus: dexterity (crafting) 6 focus: communication (bargaining) 7-8 +1 willpower 9 focus: dexterity (legerdemain) dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. 10-11 focus: communication (deception) 12 +1 constitution orlesian noble [text] playing an orlesian noble if you choose to play an orlesian noble, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your communication ability. in orlais the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. • pick one of the following ability focuses: communication (etiquette) or strength (intimidation). • you can speak and read orlesian and the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the orlesian noble table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. orlesian noble 2d6 roll benefit 2 +1 constitution 3-4 focus: communication (leadership) 5 focus: cunning (cultural lore) 6 focus: dexterity (riding) 7-8 +1 strength 9 focus: cunning (heraldry) 10-11 focus: communication (persuasion) 12 +1 cunning orlesian student [text] playing an orlesian student if you choose to play an orlesian student, modify your character as follows: • add 1 to your cunning ability. intelligence is prized at the university. • pick one of the following ability focuses: communication (persuasion) or cunning (research). • you can speak and read orlesian and the trade tongue. • choose a class. you can play either a rogue or a warrior. • roll twice on the orlesian student table for additional benefits. roll 2d6 and add the dice together. if you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. dragon age rpg set 3 open playtest document. copyright 2011 green ronin publishing, llc. all rights reserved. dragon age, the dragon age logo, bioware, and the bioware logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ea international (studio and publishing) ltd. in the united states, canada, and other countries. orlesian student 2d6 roll benefit 2 +1 perception 3-4 focus: dexterity (calligraphy) 5 focus: communication (etiquette) 6 focus: cunning (historic


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