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and designates roles to the disco dancers



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the environment plays a significant role to support life on earth. but there are some issues that are causing damages to life and the ecosystem of the earth. it is related to the not only environment but with everyone that lives on the planet. besides, its main source is pollution, global warming, greenhouse gas, and many others. the everyday activities of human are constantly degrading the quality of the environment which ultimately results in the loss of survival condition from the earth.


the environment plays a significant role to support life on earth. but there are some issues that are causing damages to life and the ecosystem of the earth. it is related to the not only environment but with everyone that lives on the planet. besides, its main source is pollution, global warming, greenhouse gas, and many others. the everyday activities of human are constantly degrading the quality of the environment which ultimately results in the loss of survival condition from the earth.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-10-24
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