Hai cercato la traduzione di vulture] da Inglese a Tagalog

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Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 12

Riferimento: Wikipedia


a lion and a cougar arrived at a water hole at the same time. they began to argue about who should drink first. the argument grew heated, and each decided he would rather die than let the other go first. their emotions turned to rage and a battle erupted. suddenly, the fight stopped. vultures had appeared and were circling overhead, waiting for the loser to fall. the two beasts watched the vultures for a moment, then both drank and walked away. the thought of being devoured ended their quarrel.


a lion and a cougar arrived at a water hole at the same time. they began to argue about who should drink first. the argument grew heated, and each decided he would rather die than let the other go first. their emotions turned to rage and a battle erupted. suddenly, the fight stopped. vultures had appeared and were circling overhead, waiting for the loser to fall. the two beasts watched the vultures for a moment, then both drank and walked away. the thought of being devoured ended their quarrel.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-03-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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