Da traduttori professionisti, imprese, pagine web e archivi di traduzione disponibili gratuitamente al pubblico.
payroll tax
Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 7
loon loonbelasting
payroll tax number
Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-03-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
ingelhouden loonbelasting
Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-03-16
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
wet op de loonbelasting
salaries tax act
Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-05-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 4
de toepassing van de loonbelasting en de onroerendgoedbelasting voor ondernemingen op de gibraltarese economie
the proposed application of the payroll tax and of the business property occupation tax to the gibraltar economy
zij mogen de loonbelasting en de onroerendgoedbelasting voor ondernemingen aftrekken van de aanvullende heffing.
such companies will be permitted to deduct payroll tax and business property occupation tax from their liability to top-up tax.
een onderneming die geen winst maakt, is inderdaad noch loonbelasting noch onroerendgoedbelasting voor ondernemingen verschuldigd.
it is true that neither the payroll tax nor the business property occupation tax is payable if the taxpayer company has no profit.
in de eu is de totale loonbelasting tussen 2000 en 2005 gemiddeld ongeveer 1,2 procentpunten gedaald16.
in the eu, the total tax wedge on labour decreased by around 1.2 percentage points on average between 2000 and 200516.
de desbetreffende europese regelgeving voorziet tevens expliciet in een verlaging van loonbelasting en sociale premies van zeevarenden.
in addition, reducing rates of contributions for the social protection and those of wage tax levied on seafarers are explicitly allowed by the relevant european rules.