yes, apron congestion for additional gse.
servisair: yes, apron congestion for additional gse.
最終更新: 2017-04-06
使用頻度: 1
the apron is in the region of thrace (srednogorska).
the apron is in the region of thrace (srednogorska).
最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1
la bandera aquí mostrada podría fácilmente derivar del simbolismo contenido en el apron de lafayette, el cual fue presentado al mismo washington.
the flag shown here could have easily been derived from symbolism deployed on the lafayette apron, which was presented to washington himself.
最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1
el último se produjo en diciembre de 1993, cuando el carguero cherbourg perdió varios contenedores del pesticida apron, envasado en bolsas, miles de las cuales fueron arrastradas por la marea a los litorales del mar del norte.
there is, in fact, all too blatant a contradiction between the excellent resolutions and the failure of the member states to respect the international agreements on this subject.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1
los despachadores de delantal (apron tapers) combinan cinta y papel para enmascarar con rapidez y precisión para reducir desechos de taller, ahorrar tiempo y mejorar los resultados.
apron tapers combine masking tape and masking paper quickly and accurately to reduce shop waste, save time, and improve results.
最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1
== en lucha ==* movimientos finales** "backstabber" (double knee backbreaker) o un double "backstabber"** double wrist-lock samoan drop* movimientos de firma** primo or epico suplex's the other from the apron onto a grounded opponent** dropkick (primo) / slingshot elbow drop (epico) (combination)** irish whip (epico) / dropkick (primo) (combination)** side russian legsweep (epico) / leg sweep (primo) (combination)** suplex by either primo or epico followed by a slingshot somersault senton (primo) or a springboard elbow drop (epico)* managers** el torito** rosa mendes** a. w.** layla**summer rae== campeonatos y logros ==* wwe** wwe tag team championship (1 vez)== referencias ==== véase también ==* the colóns
==in wrestling==*double team finishing moves**as los matadores***"el picador" (double reverse samoan drop)**as primo & epico***"backstabber/"double backstabber"" (double knee backbreaker sometimes in stereo)*double team signature moves**as los matadores***catapult (fernando) into a forearm smash (diego), knocking the opponent backwards, followed by a slingshot splash (diego) onto the opponent draped over fernando's knees***double back body drop***double suplex**as primo & epico***dropkick (primo) / slingshot elbow drop (epico) (combination)***irish whip (epico) / dropkick (primo) (combination)***primo or epico suplexes the other from the apron onto a grounded opponent***side russian legsweep (epico) / leg sweep (primo) (combination)***suplex by either primo or epico followed by a slingshot somersault senton or a slingshot elbow drop*managers**rosa mendes'"**the slayers (summer rae and layla)**la vaquita/la vaca**"'el torito*entrance themes**"barcode" by jack elliot feat.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1
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