検索ワード: liga calmane (アラビア語 - 英語)







liga calmane



から: 機械翻訳








liga nazarena de solidariedad


a/conf.191/cp/27 country presentation : madagascar

最終更新: 2013-02-19
使用頻度: 2


lic liga islámica de cuba, la habana


lic liga islámica de cuba, la habana

最終更新: 2013-02-19
使用頻度: 2


other organizations that have been threatened include the casa de la mujer in bogotá, the liga de mujeres desplazadas de bolívar in cartagena and anmucic in different regions of the country.


other organizations that have been threatened include the casa de la mujer in bogotá, the liga de mujeres desplazadas de bolívar in cartagena and anmucic in different regions of the country.

最終更新: 2013-02-19
使用頻度: 2

参照: Alqasemy2006


action aid india, aga khan foundation, arigatou foundation-geneva, asociacion trabao di hubentud na aruba, associazione comunità papa giovanni xxiii, baby milk action, baha'i international community, bernard van leer foundation, bruxelles accueil et development pour la jeunesse et l'enfance (badje), canadian child care foundation, canadian coalition for the rights of children, cecodap, central union for child welfare, centre on human evolution studies, ceu-ipv, child and youth welfare association-germany, children's rights alliance for england, coalition des ong des droits de l'enfant, comité contre l'esclavage moderne, consultative group on eccd, coordination des ong pour les droits de l'enfant (code), defence for children international - and its national sections from angola, belgium, the czech republic, the democratic republic of the congo, japan, the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and switzerland, deutsche liga für das kind (german league for the child), ecpat international, eshet children and youth unity association-ethiopia, european association for children in hospital (each), the european children's network (euronet), every child, federation for the protection of children's human rights, flemish children's rights coalition, forum for crèche and childcare services (forces), ghana ngo coalition on the rights of the child, global initiative to end all corporal punishment of children, global-wfaucis, gruppo di lavoro per la crc, health canada, hopes and homes for children, iccb/bice, committee for legal aid to poor, india alliance for child rights, international alliance of women, international baby food action network (ibfan-gifa), international federation terre des hommes, international foster care organisation, ippa-the early childhood organisation, italian crc working group - arciragazzi, kind en gezin, mouvement international aid, national coalition for the implementation of the un convention on the rights of the child in germany, international catholic child bureau (iccb), netherlands institute for care and welfare/international centre, ngo group for the crc, pakistan international human rights organisation (pihro), plan finland, pro juventute, reliasle fubure leubh, rowen international, save the children - sweden and united kingdom, society for the protection of the rights of the child (sparc), sos kinderdorf international, specialist children's services, srg welfare society, university of the west indies caribbean support initiative, training and resources in early education (tree), women's world summit foundation (wwsf), world movement of mothers.


action aid india, aga khan foundation, arigatou foundation-geneva, asociacion trabao di hubentud na aruba, associazione comunità papa giovanni xxiii, baby milk action, baha'i international community, bernard van leer foundation, bruxelles accueil et development pour la jeunesse et l'enfance (badje), canadian child care foundation, canadian coalition for the rights of children, cecodap, central union for child welfare, centre on human evolution studies, ceu-ipv, child and youth welfare association-germany, children's rights alliance for england, coalition des ong des droits de l'enfant, comité contre l'esclavage moderne, consultative group on eccd, coordination des ong pour les droits de l'enfant (code), defence for children international - and its national sections from angola, belgium, the czech republic, the democratic republic of the congo, japan, the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and switzerland, deutsche liga für das kind (german league for the child), ecpat international, eshet children and youth unity association-ethiopia, european association for children in hospital (each), the european children's network (euronet), every child, federation for the protection of children's human rights, flemish children's rights coalition, forum for crèche and childcare services (forces), ghana ngo coalition on the rights of the child, global initiative to end all corporal punishment of children, global-wfaucis, gruppo di lavoro per la crc, health canada, hopes and homes for children, iccb/bice, committee for legal aid to poor, india alliance for child rights, international alliance of women, international baby food action network (ibfan-gifa), international federation terre des hommes, international foster care organisation, ippa-the early childhood organisation, italian crc working group - arciragazzi, kind en gezin, mouvement international aid, national coalition for the implementation of the un convention on the rights of the child in germany, international catholic child bureau (iccb), netherlands institute for care and welfare/international centre, ngo group for the crc, pakistan international human rights organisation (pihro), plan finland, pro juventute, reliasle fubure leubh, rowen international, save the children - sweden and united kingdom, society for the protection of the rights of the child (sparc), sos kinderdorf international, specialist children's services, srg welfare society, university of the west indies caribbean support initiative, training and resources in early education (tree), women's world summit foundation (wwsf), world movement of mothers.

最終更新: 2018-06-30
使用頻度: 3

参照: Drkhateeb


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