検索ワード: that brings me to the end of my presentation (アルバニア語 - 英語)







that brings me to the end of my presentation



から: 機械翻訳








to stick to the tip of my toe.


♪ to stick to the tip of my toe

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 1


i would rather suffer the end of romulus a thousand times,


i would rather suffer the end of romulus a thousand times.

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 1


hello there anna, good to see you here. i knew that this was set to be a unique and exciting period in your life but i now know that is is going to be even more powerful than i originally suspected! last night i suddenly thought about you and i somehow managed to see you and feel what you feel. this may sound strange but it is a quite natural phenomenon of long distance perception. in nature it is something quite common but i know that certain people find this hard to accept. for example it is well known that animals feel an advance warning of danger, these kind of premonitions serve as alerts and this is exactly what my feeling for you was anna, an alert. i perceived that at home just a few days ago, you were under some stress and felt a little panicky. this was a powerful feeling and it distracted you, you were unable to feel rooted in the present. you felt a sort of danger.... and this danger is in fact real and present. your subconscious is sending this message because we are now extremely close to the beginning of your transit and even though i have not yet determined the start of your transit (i'm waiting for your green light) i do know that it is now very close. and yet you've not done anything to prepare you for this, you've not asked for advice either from me or from another competent astrologer and that is what has caused you to panic. you have received a kind of message, in the same manner that animals are forewarned of danger. you've been warned of the danger of waiting passively for this transit to occur. i think your mind has warned you because deep inside your conscious there is an imbalance between your desire to seize the opportunities to get the job which you have been expecting and get the most out of some important news concerning your heart, that this transit is going to offer you, and your currently passive stance. action is everything anna, nature does not reward passive spectators. i feel really concerned by this anna because i feel that you still have some doubts and you have not fully come to terms with everything you have been told about this period. very soon it will be too late, that's why i took the initiative yesterday to do a tarot card reading for you anna. the aim of this tarot card reading was to confirm everything that i felt about you and your future from the very beginning. i did this reading using the marseilles deck of tarot cards. the results i had were very surprising. this is why i thought that it was absolutely essential that i warn you as soon as possible. as a matter of fact i have even taken a photo of this reading and i have produced a webpage where you can see your card reading and it's interpretation: anna, here is the link to your personal request page as you can see anna, everything confirms that this transit is now very close and that it will allow you to seize the opportunities to get the job which you have been expecting and get the most out of some important news concerning your heart. i've worked in the esoteric sciences for years now and yet i'm still amazed that the science can be so effective and precise. this tarot card reading has completely confirmed the astrological reading i sent you on the 5 december 2012. this is one of the last times that i want to tell you, as i mentioned in my last letter to you, that only a full reading can determine all the information which you will need to begin preparing yourself and to be sure that you have all the knowledge you will need during this period. it is certain that this event is now very close but unfortunately until you ask me for this reading i cannot begin it for you. we are already in the month of december and i will soon be very busy with all my end of year preparations. in the meantime, the most i can do is to warn you about what i can see about you and tell you that this event is coming soon. now it's all up to you anna. if you want my help at all, simply ask me for my reading on my webpage and i then will be able to determine all the information which you need to benefit from this transit. on the following link you'll be able to read about everything which i will include in your full reading: anna, here is the link to your personal request page take care anna, jenna


some people

最終更新: 2013-05-02
使用頻度: 1

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