検索ワード: always i believe my god alloh (インドネシア語 - 英語)







always i believe my god alloh



から: 機械翻訳








and mybe i believe in your works but not with this proof🍃 itisbulshitt!whatthefuck


and mybe i believe in your works with it proof🍃 itisbulshitt! whatthefuck

最終更新: 2017-07-22
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


the honorable juries of the english speech contest teacher , my friends , and all the audiences good morning and prosperous greeting to you all first of all,let say thanks to our god , because of god’s blessing we can stand here at this place with good condition without any troubles. and also for my friends , because they are i can stand here. secondly, i would like to introduce my self . my name is ferdiyan fendi cahyono , but you can call me ferdiyan. let me tell you , how pleased i’m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. today, i would talk about “how important is english for me and for us”. english is an international language. because this language is very universal and used for communicate among people around the world. english is the window to acquire knowledge. as we know, a lot of book, like ensiklopedia, discoveries,and inventions are written and published in english. we will not be separated from the english language, because this language can exist everywhere. like, on the computer, the internet, even in mobilephone. from this statement we can know that english is exactly beneficial for our life. for me , english is very important. because english allows me to develop and interact as social beings. in this case, developing means to follow the modern era of globalization. and compete for success as a student. and also , in this case the interaction is where we can communicate with the other people around the world. so, its very important . do you agreewith me ? i hope so … that’s means english is very important for us there is a saying, “if you can speak english, you will be able to control the world so easily”. however, there are still many people who can not speak english. the main reason is they are lazy to learn english , because it’s not used in their daily lives. some of indonesian people may be think that it’s not necessary to be able to master english , because we live in indonesia,we speak indonesian language, and all our families are indonesian people. the others think that english is difficult lesson, so they are reluctant to learn english. but from now, we have to change our mind . why ? because we lives in modern era ,we have to compete with the other people. we have to reach our dream. it will be happen if can communicate in english, right ? there so many information we can get from the internet. its very useful for us as students. by internet , we can find information about everything to support our school. it will be easier if we know english well. i think that’s all of my speech. we can conclude, that the english is very important. so,learn english is also important.those are some of the ways that i can suggest for you. if you are interested in one of them or some of them, why don’t you try to do it from now? i believe we can develop our english soon. well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention and have a nice day!


the god directly shows me wrong word upon my husband, whats then??

最終更新: 2014-11-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


8,045,613,667 より良い訳文を手にいれましょう


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