ffa duon
black beans
最終更新: 2007-01-19
使用頻度: 1
bydd llywodraeth y cynulliad yn edrych am dystiolaeth o lefelau bodlondeb gwell ymysg tenantiaid a thrigolion duon ac o leiafrifoedd ethnig , ynghyd â thystiolaeth o ymateb eu landlordiaid i ddigwyddiadau hiliol
the assembly government will be looking for evidence of improved satisfaction levels among black , minority and ethnic tenants and residents and of their landlord's response to racist incidents
cymeradwywn nod y cynllun o sicrhau y gosodir targedau a chyfarwyddiadau clir i landlordiaid cymdeithasol a darparwyr tai eraill er mwyn sicrhau y dilëir gwahaniaethu ac anfantais ar draws cymunedau duon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig sy'n byw yng nghymru
we endorse the plan's aim of ensuring that clear directives and targets are set for social landlords and other housing providers to ensure that discrimination and disadvantage is eliminated throughout black and minority ethnic communities living in wales
a fyddwch yn gallu dychwelyd adref i gymunedau megis merthyr tudful , glynebwy , treherbert , y coed-duon a llanelli a dweud eich bod wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn yr hawl , mewn egwyddor , i bob teulu gael peiriant golchi , a phob plentyn i gael côt aeaf ? ni allwn i
will you be able to return home to communities such as merthyr tydfil , ebbw vale , treherbert , blackwood and llanelli , and say that you have voted against the right , in principle , for every family to have a washing machine and every child to have a winter coat ? i could not