jezik umre svakih 14 dana .
a language dies every 14 days .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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kada ram umre , krishna se rađa .
when ram dies , krishna is born .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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Četiri milijuna tih beba godišnje umre .
four million of these babies die annually .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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ta tko umre, opravdan je od grijeha.
for he that is dead is freed from sin.
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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uvijek je teško kada netko tako mlad umre.
it's always hard when someone so young passes away.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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bezumnièe! to sije, ne oivljuje ako ne umre.
thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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figure se izrađuju kada jedno od djece blizanaca umre .
the figurines are made when one of the twin children dies .
最終更新: 2012-07-08
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kada jezik umre , ne znamo što smo izgubili s tim jezikom .
when a language dies , we don 't know what we lose with that language .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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kad zao èovjek umre, nada propada i ufanje u imetak rui se.
when a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth.
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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i umre josip, a pomru i sva njegova braæa i sav onaj narataj.
and joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation.
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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Širom svijeta , svaku minutu i pol jedna žena umre od posljedica poroda .
around the world , one woman dies every minute and a half from childbirth .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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odveli smo je kući i molila sam se da ulje ne ispere njenu plažu prije no što umre .
so we brought her home , and i prayed that the oil wouldn 't wash up on her beach before she died .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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svakih 30 sekundi jedan pacijent umre od bolesti koja bi se mogla liječiti regeneracijom ili zamjenom tkiva .
every 30 seconds a patient dies from diseases that could be treated with tissue regeneration or replacement .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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kae mu kraljevski slubenik: "gospodine, siði dok mi ne umre dijete."
the nobleman saith unto him, sir, come down ere my child die.
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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procjenjuje se da u europi svake 3,5 minute jedna osoba umre od posljedica ozljede na radu ili profesionalne bolesti.
it is estimated that in europe, one person dies from a work-related accident or occupational disease every 3.5 minutes.
最終更新: 2017-04-06
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rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako zbog pogrešaka u zdravstvu svakog dana u grčkoj umre 20 osoba. [afp]
a survey found that as many as 20 people die in greece every day because of medical mistakes. [afp]
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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nadao sam se doći ovdje jučer , jer je moj punac , vjerojatno , u svojih zadnjih 48 sati prije no što umre od raka .
i 'd hoped to be here yesterday , because my father-in-law is in his last , probably , 48 hours before he dies of cancer .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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nadalje, procjenjuje se da svake godine na svijetu zbog bolesti povezanih s azbestom umre 112 000 ljudi.2
it is further estimated that worldwide 112 000 people die every year of asbestos-related diseases2.
最終更新: 2017-04-06
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"nastavit ćemo raditi naporno u cilju očuvanja zdravlja naših građana i ova odluka nije donesena pod bilo kakvim pritiskom", kazao je milinović, dodajući kako pušenje predstavlja velik problem u hrvatskoj budući da 13.000 osoba godišnje umre od bolesti povezanih s pušenjem.
"we will still work hard in order to preserve the health of the citizens and this decision was not made under any pressure," said milinovic, adding that smoking poses a serious problem in croatia as more than 13,000 die annually due to smoking-related illnesses.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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