検索ワード: grustag (スウェーデン語 - 英語)










gravel pit

最終更新: 2014-11-14
使用頻度: 6

参照: IATE


som ni, herr kommissionsledamot, påpekade kan ett stenbrott eller ett sand- eller grustag inte betraktas på samma sätt som en grop för farligt avfall; de uppfyller bara kraven för byggnadsmaterial.


as you, commissioner, pointed out, a quarry, or a sand or gravel pit cannot be regarded in the same light as a landfill for hazardous waste; all they are doing is meeting the demand for building materials.

最終更新: 2012-02-29
使用頻度: 2

参照: IATE


frågorna har uppkommit i samband med en talan som väckts av det danska bolaget sydhavnens sten & grus aps (nedan kallat sydhavnens sten & grus) mot københavns kommune angående den ordning för insamling av ickemiljöfarligt bygg- och anläggningsavfall som inrättats av kommunen. sydhavnens sten & grus är ett bolag vars verksamhet sedan år 1983 består i dels att köpa och sälja material som härrör från havsterritoriet och grustag, dels att återvinna ickemiljöfarligt bygg- och anläggningsavfall i form av jord, betong, tegel och asfalt. artikel 4 första stycket i direktiv 75/442 har följande lydelse:


in that capacity, the municipality of copenhagen adopted two regulations in succession, the first of which became applicable on 1 january 1992 (hereinafter the '1992 municipal regulation') and the second on 1 january 1998 (hereinafter the '1998 municipal regulation'), on the basis of which it refused to approve sydhavnens sten & grus. the two municipal regulations establish a system for the collection of building waste for recovery which entails the conclusion by the defendant of agreements with a limited number of undertakings concerning the receipt and processing of waste produced within its boundaries. the other reception sites, such as that run by sydhavnens sten & grus, are thereby excluded from the market in the processing of building waste produced on the lands of the municipality of copenhagen. statute and the municipal regulations provide for an exception, which is aimed at maintaining recycling agreements which have already been concluded. sydhavnens sten & grus obtained the approval sought from the municipality of copenhagen, by letter of 7 july 1994, and concluded a contract with københavns havn (the port of copenhagen) to set up at prøvesten, within the boundaries of the municipality of copenhagen, plant for the sorting and crushing of building waste. by virtue of that approval, sydhavnens sten & grus was qualified in environmental terms to process building waste, although it was not entitled to process waste produced within the boundaries of the municipality of copenhagen. those municipal regulations followed on from the adoption of a regional plan aimed at establishing a high-capacity crushing plant at grøften for building waste originating in greater copenhagen.

最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: IATE
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