other organ physical therapy
other organ physical therapy
最終更新: 2014-12-09
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* holmes had degrees in physical therapy, medicine, and political science from ucla.
"* holmes had degrees in physical therapy, medicine, and political science from ucla.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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otro estudio publicado en "physial therapy" de la american physical therapy association se centró en el uso de wii para la rehabilitación de un adolescente que padecía de parálisis cerebral.
a case study published in the american physical therapy association's journal, "physical therapy", focused on use of the wii for rehabilitation in a teenager with cerebral palsy.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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pero una fuerza de prensión baja se ha asociado constantemente a discapacidad en la madurez, además de con complicaciones postoperatorias y muerte prematura, de acuerdo con richard bohannon de la university of connecticut, cuyo estudio de revisión se publicó hace poco en el journal of geriatric physical therapy.
but low grip strength has consistently been associated with disability later in life, as well as with postoperative complications and premature death, according to richard bohannon of the university of connecticut, whose review study on the subject was recently published in the journal of geriatric physical therapy.
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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dice la american physical therapy association (asociación estadounidense de fisioterapia): “un límite arbitrario para los servicios ambulatorios de terapia que no tenga en cuenta la idoneidad clínica de la atención discrimina contra los beneficiarios de medicare más vulnerables”.
says the american physical therapy association: "an arbitrary cap on outpatient therapy services without regard to clinical appropriateness of care discriminates against the most vulnerable medicare beneficiaries."
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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el pinamonti physical therapy & wellness center de pittsburg, kansas, cuenta con sistemas, opciones y servicios combinados de manera holística para garantizar un programa completo que mejore el estilo de vida de sus miembros y pacientes. desde el principio, el equipo de fitness con el que ha trabajado ha sido technogym.
pinamonti physical therapy & wellness center in pittsburg, kansas has systems, features and services, holistically combined to assure an overall programme that improves its members’ and patients’ lifestyles.from the beginning, the fitness equipment that has been used has been technogym.
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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