検索ワード: dark brown aesthetic wallpaper iphone music (スペイン語 - 英語)







dark brown aesthetic wallpaper iphone music



から: 機械翻訳








* "catasetum tenebrosum" : dark-brown catasetum (ecuador to perú).


*"catasetum tenebrosum" : dark-brown catasetum (ecuador to peru).

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

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select one or more files in the file list and then click , you can transfer iphone video/music back to itunes smoothly.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


== passeriformes (continuación) ===== climacteridae ===* "cormobates placens" papuan treecreeper* "cormobates leucophaeus" white-throated treecreeper* "climacteris affinis" white-browed treecreeper* "climacteris erythrops" red-browed treecreeper* "climacteris picumnus" brown treecreeper* "climacteris melanura" black-tailed treecreeper* "climacteris rufa" rufous treecreeper=== menuridae ===* "menura alberti" albert's lyrebird* "menura novaehollandiae" superb lyrebird* "atrichornis rufescens" rufous scrub-bird* "atrichornis clamosus" noisy scrub-bird=== ptilonorhynchidae ===* "ailuroedus buccoides" white-eared catbird* "ailuroedus melanotis" spotted catbird* "ailuroedus crassirostris" green catbird* "ailuroedus dentirostris" tooth-billed catbird* "archboldia papuensis" archbold's bowerbird* "archboldia sanfordi" sanford's bowerbird* "amblyornis inornatus" vogelkop bowerbird* "amblyornis macgregoriae" macgregor's bowerbird* "amblyornis subalaris" streaked bowerbird* "amblyornis flavifrons" golden-fronted bowerbird* "prionodura newtoniana" golden bowerbird* "sericulus aureus" flame bowerbird* "sericulus bakeri" fire-maned bowerbird* "sericulus chrysocephalus" regent bowerbird* "ptilonorhynchus violaceus" satin bowerbird* "chlamydera guttata" western bowerbird* "chlamydera maculata" spotted bowerbird* "chlamydera nuchalis" great bowerbird* "chlamydera lauterbachi" yellow-breasted bowerbird* "chlamydera cerviniventris" fawn-breasted bowerbird=== maluridae ===* "clytomyias insignis" orange-crowned fairywren* "sipodotus wallacii" wallace's fairywren* "malurus grayi" broad-billed fairywren* "malurus campbelli" campbell's fairywren* "malurus alboscapulatus" white-shouldered fairywren* "malurus melanocephalus" red-backed fairywren* "malurus leucopterus" white-winged fairywren* "malurus cyaneus" superb fairywren* "malurus splendens" splendid fairywren* "malurus lamberti" variegated fairywren* "malurus amabilis" lovely fairywren* "malurus elegans" red-winged fairywren* "malurus pulcherrimus" blue-breasted fairywren* "malurus coronatus" purple-crowned fairywren* "malurus cyanocephalus" emperor fairywren* "stipiturus ruficeps" rufous-crowned emuwren* "stipiturus malachurus" southern emuwren* "stipiturus mallee" mallee emuwren* "amytornis barbatus" grey grasswren* "amytornis woodwardi" white-throated grasswren* "amytornis dorotheae" carpentarian grasswren* "amytornis striatus" striated grasswren* "amytornis goyderi" eyrean grasswren* "amytornis textilis" thick-billed grasswren* "amytornis purnelli" dusky grasswren* "amytornis housei" black grasswren=== meliphagidae ===* "myzomela blasii" drab myzomela* "myzomela albigula" white-chinned myzomela* "myzomela eques" red-throated myzomela* "myzomela obscura" dusky myzomela* "myzomela cruentata" red myzomela* "myzomela nigrita" black myzomela* "myzomela pulchella" olive-yellow myzomela* "myzomela adolphinae" mountain myzomela* "myzomela kuehni" crimson-hooded myzomela* "myzomela dammermani" sumba myzomela* "myzomela erythrocephala" red-headed myzomela* "myzomela chloroptera" sulawesi myzomela* "myzomela wakoloensis" wakolo myzomela* "myzomela boiei" banda myzomela* "myzomela sanguinolenta" scarlet myzomela* "myzomela caledonica" new caledonian myzomela* "myzomela rubratra" micronesian myzomela* "myzomela cardinalis" cardinal myzomela* "myzomela chermesina" rotuma myzomela* "myzomela sclateri" scarlet-bibbed myzomela* "myzomela pammelaena" ebony myzomela* "myzomela lafargei" scarlet-naped myzomela* "myzomela eichhorni" yellow-vented myzomela* "myzomela melanocephala" black-headed myzomela* "myzomela malaitae" red-bellied myzomela* "myzomela tristrami" sooty myzomela* "myzomela jugularis" orange-breasted myzomela* "myzomela erythromelas" black-bellied myzomela* "myzomela vulnerata" red-rumped myzomela* "myzomela rosenbergii" red-collared myzomela* "certhionyx pectoralis" banded honeyeater* "certhionyx niger" black honeyeater* "certhionyx variegatus" pied honeyeater* "timeliopsis fulvigula" olive straightbill* "timeliopsis griseigula" tawny straightbill* "melilestes megarhynchus" long-billed honeyeater* "stresemannia bougainvillei" bougainville honeyeater* "glycichaera fallax" green-backed honeyeater* "lichmera lombokia" scaly-crowned honeyeater* "lichmera argentauris" olive honeyeater* "lichmera limbata" indonesian honeyeater* "lichmera indistincta" brown honeyeater* "lichmera incana" dark-brown honeyeater* "lichmera squamata" white-tufted honeyeater* "lichmera alboauricularis" silver-eared honeyeater* "lichmera deningeri" buru honeyeater* "lichmera monticola" seram honeyeater* "lichmera flavicans" yellow-eared honeyeater* "lichmera notabilis" black-chested honeyeater* "trichodere cockerelli" white-streaked honeyeater* "meliphaga montana" forest honeyeater* "meliphaga mimikae" mottle-breasted honeyeater* "meliphaga orientalis" hill-forest honeyeater* "meliphaga albonotata" scrub honeyeater* "meliphaga aruensis" puff-backed honeyeater* "meliphaga analoga" mimic honeyeater* "meliphaga vicina" tagula honeyeater* "meliphaga gracilis" graceful honeyeater* "meliphaga notata" yellow-spotted honeyeater* "meliphaga flavirictus" yellow-gaped honeyeater* "meliphaga lewinii" lewin's honeyeater* "meliphaga albilineata" white-lined honeyeater* "meliphaga reticulata" streaky-breasted honeyeater* "guadalcanaria inexpectata" guadalcanal honeyeater* "foulehaio carunculata" wattled honeyeater* "lichenostomus subfrenatus" black-throated honeyeater* "lichenostomus obscurus" obscure honeyeater* "lichenostomus frenatus" bridled honeyeater* "lichenostomus hindwoodi" eungella honeyeater* "lichenostomus chrysops" yellow-faced honeyeater* "lichenostomus versicolor" varied honeyeater* "lichenostomus fasciogularis" mangrove honeyeater* "lichenostomus virescens" singing honeyeater* "lichenostomus flavus" yellow honeyeater* "lichenostomus unicolor" white-gaped honeyeater* "lichenostomus leucotis" white-eared honeyeater* "lichenostomus flavicollis" yellow-throated honeyeater* "lichenostomus melanops" yellow-tufted honeyeater* "lichenostomus cratitius" purple-gaped honeyeater* "lichenostomus keartlandi" grey-headed honeyeater* "lichenostomus flavescens" yellow-tinted honeyeater* "lichenostomus fuscus" fuscous honeyeater* "lichenostomus plumulus" grey-fronted honeyeater* "lichenostomus ornatus" yellow-plumed honeyeater* "lichenostomus penicillatus" white-plumed honeyeater* "xanthotis flaviventer" tawny-breasted honeyeater* "xanthotis polygramma" spotted honeyeater* "xanthotis macleayana" macleay honeyeater* "xanthotis provocator" kadavu honeyeater* "oreornis chrysogenys" orange-cheeked honeyeater* "apalopteron familiare" bonin honeyeater* "melithreptus lunatus" white-naped honeyeater* "melithreptus affinis" black-headed honeyeater* "melithreptus albogularis" white-throated honeyeater* "melithreptus laetior" golden-backed honeyeater* "melithreptus gularis" black-chinned honeyeater* "melithreptus validirostris" strong-billed honeyeater* "melithreptus brevirostris" brown-headed honeyeater* "notiomystis cincta" stitchbird* "pycnopygius ixoides" plain honeyeater* "pycnopygius cinereus" marbled honeyeater* "pycnopygius stictocephalus" streak-headed honeyeater* "melitograis gilolensis" white-streaked friarbird* "philemon meyeri" meyer's friarbird* "philemon inornatus" plain friarbird* "philemon kisserensis" grey friarbird* "philemon brassi" brass's friarbird* "philemon citreogularis" little friarbird* "philemon fuscicapillus" dusky friarbird* "philemon moluccensis" black-faced friarbird* "philemon subcorniculatus" grey-necked friarbird* "philemon buceroides" helmeted friarbird* "philemon novaeguineae" new guinea friarbird* "philemon albitorques" white-naped friarbird* "philemon cockerelli" new britain friarbird* "philemon eichhorni" new ireland friarbird* "philemon argenticeps" silver-crowned friarbird* "philemon corniculatus" noisy friarbird* "philemon diemenensis" new caledonian friarbird* "ptiloprora plumbea" leaden honeyeater* "ptiloprora meekiana" olive-streaked honeyeater* "ptiloprora erythropleura" rufous-sided honeyeater* "ptiloprora mayri" mayr's honeyeater* "ptiloprora guisei" rufous-backed honeyeater* "ptiloprora perstriata" black-backed honeyeater* "melidectes fuscus" sooty melidectes* "melidectes whitemanensis" bismarck melidectes* "melidectes nouhuysi" short-bearded melidectes* "melidectes princeps" long-bearded melidectes* "melidectes ochromelas" cinnamon-browed melidectes* "melidectes leucostephes" vogelkop melidectes* "melidectes belfordi" belford's melidectes* "melidectes rufocrissalis" yellow-browed melidectes* "melidectes foersteri" huon melidectes* "melidectes torquatus" ornate melidectes* "melidectes sclateri" san cristobal melidectes* "melipotes gymnops" arfak honeyeater* "melipotes fumigatus" smoky honeyeater* "melipotes ater" spangled honeyeater* "myza celebensis" dark-eared myza* "myza sarasinorum" white-eared myza* "gymnomyza viridis" giant honeyeater* "gymnomyza samoensis" mao* "gymnomyza aubryana" crow honeyeater* "moho braccatus" kauai oo* "moho apicalis" oahu oo* "moho bishopi" bishop's oo* "moho nobilis" hawaii oo* "chaetoptila angustipluma" kioea* "phylidonyris pyrrhoptera" crescent honeyeater* "phylidonyris novaehollandiae" new holland honeyeater* "phylidonyris nigra" white-cheeked honeyeater* "phylidonyris albifrons" white-fronted honeyeater* "phylidonyris undulata" barred honeyeater* "phylidonyris notabilis" new hebrides honeyeater* "phylidonyris melanops" tawny-crowned honeyeater* "ramsayornis modestus" brown-backed honeyeater* "ramsayornis fasciatus" bar-breasted honeyeater* "plectorhyncha lanceolata" striped honeyeater* "conopophila albogularis" rufous-banded honeyeater* "conopophila rufogularis" rufous-throated honeyeater* "conopophila whitei" grey honeyeater* "grantiella picta" painted honeyeater* "xanthomyza phrygia" regent honeyeater* "acanthorhynchus tenuirostris" eastern spinebill* "acanthorhynchus superciliosus" western spinebill* "entomyzon cyanotis" blue-faced honeyeater* "manorina melanophrys" bell miner* "manorina melanocephala" noisy miner* "manorina flavigula" yellow-throated miner* "anthornis melanura" new zealand bellbird* "acanthagenys rufogularis" spiny-cheeked honeyeater* "anthochaera lunulata" little wattlebird* "anthochaera chrysoptera" brush wattlebird* "anthochaera carunculata" red wattlebird* "anthochaera paradoxa" yellow wattlebird* "prosthemadera novaeseelandiae" tui* "epthianura tricolor" crimson chat* "epthianura aurifrons" orange chat* "epthianura crocea" yellow chat* "epthianura albifrons" white-fronted chat* "ashbyia lovensis" gibberbird=== pardalotidae ===* "pardalotus punctatus" spotted pardalote* "pardalotus quadragintus" forty-spotted pardalote* "pardalotus rubricatus" red-browed pardalote* "pardalotus striatus" striated pardalote* "dasyornis longirostris" western bristlebird* "dasyornis brachypterus" eastern bristlebird* "dasyornis broadbenti" rufous bristlebird* "pycnoptilus floccosus" pilotbird* "origma solitaria" origma* "oreoscopus gutturalis" fernwren* "crateroscelis murina" rusty mouse-warbler* "crateroscelis nigrorufa" bicolored mouse-warbler* "crateroscelis robusta" mountain mouse-warbler* "sericornis citreogularis" yellow-throated scrubwren* "sericornis frontalis" white-browed scrubwren* "sericornis humilis" brown scrubwren* "sericornis keri" atherton scrubwren* "sericornis beccarii" beccari's scrubwren* "sericornis virgatus" perplexing scrubwren* "sericornis nouhuysi" large scrubwren* "sericornis magnirostris" large-billed scrubwren* "sericornis rufescens" vogelkop scrubwren* "sericornis perspicillatus" buff-faced scrubwren* "sericornis arfakianus" grey-green scrubwren* "sericornis papuensis" papuan scrubwren* "sericornis spilodera" pale-billed scrubwren* "acanthornis magnus" scrubtit* "pyrrholaemus brunneus" redthroat* "chthonicola sagittatus" speckled warbler* "calamanthus campestris" rufous calamanthus* "calamanthus fuliginosus" striated calamanthus* "hylacola pyrrhopygia" chestnut-rumped hylacola* "hylacola cautus" shy hylacola* "acanthiza murina" papuan thornbill* "acanthiza katherina" mountain thornbill* "acanthiza pusilla" brown thornbill* "acanthiza ewingii" tasmanian thornbill* "acanthiza reguloides" buff-rumped thornbill* "acanthiza inornata" western thornbill* "acanthiza iredalei" slender-billed thornbill* "acanthiza chrysorrhoa" yellow-rumped thornbill* "acanthiza uropygialis" chestnut-rumped thornbill* "acanthiza nana" yellow thornbill* "acanthiza lineata" striated thornbill* "acanthiza robustirostris" slaty-backed thornbill* "smicrornis brevirostris" weebill* "gerygone cinerea" mountain gerygone* "gerygone chloronotus" green-backed gerygone* "gerygone palpebrosa" fairy gerygone* "gerygone olivacea" white-throated gerygone* "gerygone chrysogaster" yellow-bellied gerygone* "gerygone magnirostris" large-billed gerygone* "gerygone tenebrosa" dusky gerygone* "gerygone sulphurea" golden-bellied gerygone* "gerygone inornata" plain gerygone* "gerygone dorsalis" rufous-sided gerygone* "gerygone ruficollis" brown-breasted gerygone* "gerygone levigaster" mangrove gerygone* "gerygone fusca" western gerygone* "gerygone insularis" lord howe island gerygone* "gerygone mouki" brown gerygone* "gerygone modesta" norfolk island gerygone* "gerygone igata" grey gerygone* "gerygone albofrontata" chatham islands gerygone* "gerygone flavolateralis" fan-tailed gerygone* "aphelocephala leucopsis" southern whiteface* "aphelocephala pectoralis" chestnut-breasted whiteface* "aphelocephala nigricincta" banded whiteface=== petroicidae ===* "amalocichla sclateriana" greater ground robin* "amalocichla incerta" lesser ground robin* "monachella muelleriana" torrent robin* "microeca fascinans" jacky-winter* "microeca hemixantha" golden-bellied flyrobin* "microeca flavigaster" lemon-bellied flyrobin* "microeca griseoceps" yellow-legged flyrobin* "microeca flavovirescens" olive flyrobin* "microeca papuana" canary flyrobin* "eugerygone rubra" garnet robin* "petroica bivittata" alpine robin* "petroica archboldi" snow mountain robin* "petroica multicolor" scarlet robin* "petroica macrocephala" tomtit* "petroica goodenovii" red-capped robin* "petroica phoenicea" flame robin* "petroica rosea" rose robin* "petroica rodinogaster" pink robin* "petroica australis" new zealand robin* "petroica traversi" chatham islands robin* "melanodryas cucullata" hooded robin* "melanodryas vittata" dusky robin* "tregellasia leucops" white-faced robin* "tregellasia capito" pale-yellow robin* "eopsaltria australis" yellow robin* "eopsaltria griseogularis" grey-breasted robin* "eopsaltria flaviventris" yellow-bellied robin* "eopsaltria georgiana" white-breasted robin* "eopsaltria pulverulenta" mangrove robin* "poecilodryas brachyura" black-chinned robin* "poecilodryas hypoleuca" black-sided robin* "poecilodryas superciliosa" white-browed robin* "poecilodryas placens" olive-yellow robin* "poecilodryas albonotata" black-throated robin* "peneothello sigillatus" white-winged robin* "peneothello cryptoleucus" smoky robin* "peneothello cyanus" blue-grey robin* "peneothello bimaculatus" white-rumped robin* "heteromyias albispecularis" ashy robin* "heteromyias cinereifrons" grey-headed robin* "pachycephalopsis hattamensis" green-backed robin* "pachycephalopsis poliosoma" white-eyed robin* "drymodes superciliaris" northern scrub robin* "drymodes brunneopygia" southern scrub robin=== irenidae ===* "irena puella" asian fairy-bluebird* "irena cyanogaster" philippine fairy-bluebird* "chloropsis flavipennis" philippine leafbird* "chloropsis palawanensis" yellow-throated leafbird* "chloropsis sonnerati" greater green leafbird* "chloropsis cyanopogon" lesser green leafbird* "chloropsis cochinchinensis" blue-winged leafbird* "chloropsis aurifrons" golden-fronted leafbird* "chloropsis hardwickii" orange-bellied leafbird* "chloropsis venusta" blue-masked leafbird=== orthonychidae ===* "orthonyx temminckii" logrunner* "orthonyx spaldingii" chowchilla=== pomatostomidae ===* "pomatostomus isidorei" new guinea babbler* "pomatostomus temporalis" grey-crowned babbler* "pomatostomus superciliosus" white-browed babbler* "pomatostomus halli" hall's babbler* "pomatostomus ruficeps" chestnut-crowned babbler=== laniidae ===* "lanius tigrinus" tiger shrike* "lanius bucephalus" bull-headed shrike* "lanius collurio" red-backed shrike* "lanius isabellinus" rufous-tailed shrike* "lanius cristatus" brown shrike* "lanius collurioides" burmese shrike* "lanius gubernator" emin's shrike* "lanius souzae" souza's shrike* "lanius vittatus" bay-backed shrike* "lanius schach" long-tailed shrike* "lanius tephronotus" grey-backed shrike* "lanius validirostris" mountain shrike* "lanius minor" lesser grey shrike* "lanius ludovicianus" loggerhead shrike* "lanius excubitor" northern shrike* "lanius sphenocercus" chinese grey shrike* "lanius excubitoroides" grey-backed fiscal* "lanius cabanisi" long-tailed fiscal* "lanius dorsalis" teita fiscal* "lanius somalicus" somali fiscal* "lanius mackinnoni" mackinnon's shrike* "lanius collaris" common fiscal* "lanius newtoni" newton's fiscal* "lanius marwitzi" uhehe fiscal* "lanius senator" woodchat shrike* "lanius nubicus" masked shrike* "corvinella corvina" yellow-billed shrike* "corvinella melanoleuca" magpie shrike* "eurocephalus rueppelli" white-rumped shrike* "eurocephalus anguitimens" white-crowned shrike=== vireonidae ===* "cyclarhis gujanensis" rufous-browed peppershrike* "cyclarhis nigrirostris" black-billed peppershrike* "vireolanius melitophrys" chestnut-sided shrike-vireo* "vireolanius pulchellus" green shrike-vireo* "vireolanius eximius" yellow-browed shrike-vireo* "vireolanius leucotis" slaty-capped shrike-vireo* "vireo brevipennis" slaty vireo* "vireo bellii" bell's vireo* "vireo atricapillus" black-capped vireo* "vireo nelsoni" dwarf vireo* "vireo huttoni" hutton's vireo* "vireo carmioli" yellow-winged vireo* "vireo griseus" white-eyed vireo* "vireo pallens" mangrove vireo* "vireo bairdi" cozumel vireo* "vireo gundlachii" cuban vireo* "vireo crassirostris" thick-billed vireo* "vireo caribaeus" st. andrew vireo* "vireo vicinior" grey vireo* "vireo hypochryseus" golden vireo* "vireo modestus" jamaican vireo* "vireo nanus" flat-billed vireo* "vireo latimeri" puerto rican vireo* "vireo osburni" blue mountain vireo* "vireo cassinii" cassin's vireo* "vireo plumbeus" plumbeous vireo* "vireo solitarius" blue-headed vireo* "vireo flavifrons" yellow-throated vireo* "vireo philadelphicus" philadelphia vireo* "vireo olivaceus" red-eyed vireo* "vireo flavoviridis" yellow-green vireo* "vireo gracilirostris" noronha vireo* "vireo altiloquus" black-whiskered vireo* "vireo magister" yucatan vireo* "vireo swainsonii" western warbling-vireo* "vireo gilvus" eastern warbling-vireo* "vireo leucophrys" brown-capped vireo* "hylophilus amaurocephalus" grey-eyed greenlet* "hylophilus poicilotis" rufous-crowned greenlet* "hylophilus thoracicus" lemon-chested greenlet* "hylophilus semicinereus" grey-chested greenlet* "hylophilus pectoralis" ashy-headed greenlet* "hylophilus sclateri" tepui greenlet* "hylophilus muscicapinus" buff-cheeked greenlet* "hylophilus brunneiceps" brown-headed greenlet* "hylophilus hypoxanthus" dusky-capped greenlet* "hylophilus semibrunneus" rufous-naped greenlet* "hylophilus aurantiifrons" golden-fronted greenlet* "hylophilus flavipes" scrub greenlet* "hylophilus olivaceus" olivaceous greenlet* "hylophilus ochraceiceps" tawny-crowned greenlet* "hylophilus decurtatus" lesser greenlet== véase también ==* charles sibley* taxonomía de sibley-ahlquist* aves* lista de familias de aves según estudios más actualizados.


==passeriformes (continued)=====climacteridae===* "cormobates placens" (papuan treecreeper)* "cormobates leucophaeus" (white-throated treecreeper)* "climacteris affinis" (white-browed treecreeper)* "climacteris erythrops" (red-browed treecreeper)* "climacteris picumnus" (brown treecreeper)* "climacteris melanura" (black-tailed treecreeper)* "climacteris rufa" (rufous treecreeper)===menuridae===* "menura alberti" (albert's lyrebird)* "menura novaehollandiae" (superb lyrebird)* "atrichornis rufescens" (rufous scrub-bird)* "atrichornis clamosus" (noisy scrub-bird)===ptilonorhynchidae===* "ailuroedus buccoides" (white-eared catbird)* "ailuroedus melanotis" (spotted catbird)* "ailuroedus crassirostris" (green catbird)* "ailuroedus dentirostris" (tooth-billed catbird)* "archboldia papuensis" (archbold's bowerbird)* "archboldia sanfordi" (sanford's bowerbird)* "amblyornis inornatus" (vogelkop bowerbird)* "amblyornis macgregoriae" (macgregor's bowerbird)* "amblyornis subalaris" (streaked bowerbird)* "amblyornis flavifrons" (golden-fronted bowerbird)* "prionodura newtoniana" (golden bowerbird)* "sericulus aureus" (flame bowerbird)* "sericulus bakeri" (fire-maned bowerbird)* "sericulus chrysocephalus" (regent bowerbird)* "ptilonorhynchus violaceus" (satin bowerbird)* "chlamydera guttata" (western bowerbird)* "chlamydera maculata" (spotted bowerbird)* "chlamydera nuchalis" (great bowerbird)* "chlamydera lauterbachi" (yellow-breasted bowerbird)* "chlamydera cerviniventris" (fawn-breasted bowerbird)===maluridae===* "clytomyias insignis" (orange-crowned fairywren)* "sipodotus wallacii" (wallace's fairywren)* "malurus grayi" (broad-billed fairywren)* "malurus campbelli" (campbell's fairywren)* "malurus alboscapulatus" (white-shouldered fairywren)* "malurus melanocephalus" (red-backed fairywren)* "malurus leucopterus" (white-winged fairywren)* "malurus cyaneus" (superb fairywren)* "malurus splendens" (splendid fairywren)* "malurus lamberti" (variegated fairywren)* "malurus amabilis" (lovely fairywren)* "malurus elegans" (red-winged fairywren)* "malurus pulcherrimus" (blue-breasted fairywren)* "malurus coronatus" (purple-crowned fairywren)* "malurus cyanocephalus" (emperor fairywren)* "stipiturus ruficeps" (rufous-crowned emuwren)* "stipiturus malachurus" (southern emuwren)* "stipiturus mallee" (mallee emuwren)* "amytornis barbatus" (grey grasswren)* "amytornis woodwardi" (white-throated grasswren)* "amytornis dorotheae" (carpentarian grasswren)* "amytornis striatus" (striated grasswren)* "amytornis goyderi" (eyrean grasswren)* "amytornis textilis" (thick-billed grasswren)* "amytornis purnelli" (dusky grasswren)* "amytornis housei" (black grasswren)===meliphagidae===* "myzomela blasii" (drab myzomela)* "myzomela albigula" (white-chinned myzomela)* "myzomela eques" (red-throated myzomela)* "myzomela obscura" (dusky myzomela)* "myzomela cruentata" (red myzomela)* "myzomela nigrita" (black myzomela)* "myzomela pulchella" (olive-yellow myzomela)* "myzomela adolphinae" (mountain myzomela)* "myzomela kuehni" (crimson-hooded myzomela)* "myzomela dammermani" (sumba myzomela)* "myzomela erythrocephala" (red-headed myzomela)* "myzomela chloroptera" (sulawesi myzomela)* "myzomela wakoloensis" (wakolo myzomela)* "myzomela boiei" (banda myzomela)* "myzomela sanguinolenta" (scarlet myzomela)* "myzomela caledonica" (new caledonian myzomela)* "myzomela rubratra" (micronesian myzomela)* "myzomela cardinalis" (cardinal myzomela)* "myzomela chermesina" (rotuma myzomela)* "myzomela sclateri" (scarlet-bibbed myzomela)* "myzomela pammelaena" (ebony myzomela)* "myzomela lafargei" (scarlet-naped myzomela)* "myzomela eichhorni" (yellow-vented myzomela)* "myzomela melanocephala" (black-headed myzomela)* "myzomela malaitae" (red-bellied myzomela)* "myzomela tristrami" (sooty myzomela)* "myzomela jugularis" (orange-breasted myzomela)* "myzomela erythromelas" (black-bellied myzomela)* "myzomela vulnerata" (red-rumped myzomela)* "myzomela rosenbergii" (red-collared myzomela)* "certhionyx pectoralis" (banded honeyeater)* "certhionyx niger" (black honeyeater)* "certhionyx variegatus" (pied honeyeater)* "timeliopsis fulvigula" (olive straightbill)* "timeliopsis griseigula" (tawny straightbill)* "melilestes megarhynchus" (long-billed honeyeater)* "stresemannia bougainvillei" (bougainville honeyeater)* "glycichaera fallax" (green-backed honeyeater)* "lichmera lombokia" (scaly-crowned honeyeater)* "lichmera argentauris" (olive honeyeater)* "lichmera limbata" (indonesian honeyeater)* "lichmera indistincta" (brown honeyeater)* "lichmera incana" (dark-brown honeyeater)* "lichmera squamata" (white-tufted honeyeater)* "lichmera alboauricularis" (silver-eared honeyeater)* "lichmera deningeri" (buru honeyeater)* "lichmera monticola" (seram honeyeater)* "lichmera flavicans" (yellow-eared honeyeater)* "lichmera notabilis" (black-chested honeyeater)* "trichodere cockerelli" (white-streaked honeyeater)* "meliphaga montana" (forest honeyeater)* "meliphaga mimikae" (mottle-breasted honeyeater)* "meliphaga orientalis" (hill-forest honeyeater)* "meliphaga albonotata" (scrub honeyeater)* "meliphaga aruensis" (puff-backed honeyeater)* "meliphaga analoga" (mimic honeyeater)* "meliphaga vicina" (tagula honeyeater)* "meliphaga gracilis" (graceful honeyeater)* "meliphaga notata" (yellow-spotted honeyeater)* "meliphaga flavirictus" (yellow-gaped honeyeater)* "meliphaga lewinii" (lewin's honeyeater)* "meliphaga albilineata" (white-lined honeyeater)* "meliphaga reticulata" (streaky-breasted honeyeater)* "guadalcanaria inexpectata" (guadalcanal honeyeater)* "foulehaio carunculata" (wattled honeyeater)* "lichenostomus subfrenatus" (black-throated honeyeater)* "lichenostomus obscurus" (obscure honeyeater)* "lichenostomus frenatus" (bridled honeyeater)* "lichenostomus hindwoodi" (eungella honeyeater)* "lichenostomus chrysops" (yellow-faced honeyeater)* "lichenostomus versicolor" (varied honeyeater)* "lichenostomus fasciogularis" (mangrove honeyeater)* "lichenostomus virescens" (singing honeyeater)* "lichenostomus flavus" (yellow honeyeater)* "lichenostomus unicolor" (white-gaped honeyeater)* "lichenostomus leucotis" (white-eared honeyeater)* "lichenostomus flavicollis" (yellow-throated honeyeater)* "lichenostomus melanops" (yellow-tufted honeyeater)* "lichenostomus cratitius" (purple-gaped honeyeater)* "lichenostomus keartlandi" (grey-headed honeyeater)* "lichenostomus flavescens" (yellow-tinted honeyeater)* "lichenostomus fuscus" (fuscous honeyeater)* "lichenostomus plumulus" (grey-fronted honeyeater)* "lichenostomus ornatus" (yellow-plumed honeyeater)* "lichenostomus penicillatus" (white-plumed honeyeater)* "xanthotis flaviventer" (tawny-breasted honeyeater)* "xanthotis polygramma" (spotted honeyeater)* "xanthotis macleayana" (macleay honeyeater)* "xanthotis provocator" (kadavu honeyeater)* "oreornis chrysogenys" (orange-cheeked honeyeater)* "apalopteron familiare" (bonin honeyeater)* "melithreptus lunatus" (white-naped honeyeater)* "melithreptus affinis" (black-headed honeyeater)* "melithreptus albogularis" (white-throated honeyeater)* "melithreptus laetior" (golden-backed honeyeater)* "melithreptus gularis" (black-chinned honeyeater)* "melithreptus validirostris" (strong-billed honeyeater)* "melithreptus brevirostris" (brown-headed honeyeater)* "notiomystis cincta" (stitchbird)* "pycnopygius ixoides" (plain honeyeater)* "pycnopygius cinereus" (marbled honeyeater)* "pycnopygius stictocephalus" (streak-headed honeyeater)* "melitograis gilolensis" (white-streaked friarbird)* "philemon meyeri" (meyer's friarbird)* "philemon inornatus" (plain friarbird)* "philemon kisserensis" (grey friarbird)* "philemon brassi" (brass's friarbird)* "philemon citreogularis" (little friarbird)* "philemon fuscicapillus" (dusky friarbird)* "philemon moluccensis" (black-faced friarbird)* "philemon subcorniculatus" (grey-necked friarbird)* "philemon buceroides" (helmeted friarbird)* "philemon novaeguineae" (new guinea friarbird)* "philemon albitorques" (white-naped friarbird)* "philemon cockerelli" (new britain friarbird)* "philemon eichhorni" (new ireland friarbird)* "philemon argenticeps" (silver-crowned friarbird)* "philemon corniculatus" (noisy friarbird)* "philemon diemenensis" (new caledonian friarbird)* "ptiloprora plumbea" (leaden honeyeater)* "ptiloprora meekiana" (olive-streaked honeyeater)* "ptiloprora erythropleura" (rufous-sided honeyeater)* "ptiloprora mayri" (mayr's honeyeater)* "ptiloprora guisei" (rufous-backed honeyeater)* "ptiloprora perstriata" (black-backed honeyeater)* "melidectes fuscus" (sooty melidectes)* "melidectes whitemanensis" (bismarck melidectes)* "melidectes nouhuysi" (short-bearded melidectes)* "melidectes princeps" (long-bearded melidectes)* "melidectes ochromelas" (cinnamon-browed melidectes)* "melidectes leucostephes" (vogelkop melidectes)* "melidectes belfordi" (belford's melidectes)* "melidectes rufocrissalis" (yellow-browed melidectes)* "melidectes foersteri" (huon melidectes)* "melidectes torquatus" (ornate melidectes)* "melidectes sclateri" (san cristobal melidectes)* "melipotes gymnops" (arfak honeyeater)* "melipotes fumigatus" (common smoky honeyeater)* "melipotes ater" (spangled honeyeater)* "myza celebensis" (dark-eared myza)* "myza sarasinorum" (white-eared myza)* "gymnomyza viridis" (giant honeyeater)* "gymnomyza samoensis" (mao)* "gymnomyza aubryana" (crow honeyeater)* "moho braccatus" (kauai oo)* "moho apicalis" (oahu oo)* "moho bishopi" (bishop's oo)* "moho nobilis" (hawaii oo)* "chaetoptila angustipluma" (kioea)* "phylidonyris pyrrhoptera" (crescent honeyeater)* "phylidonyris novaehollandiae" (new holland honeyeater)* "phylidonyris nigra" (white-cheeked honeyeater)* "phylidonyris albifrons" (white-fronted honeyeater)* "phylidonyris undulata" (barred honeyeater)* "phylidonyris notabilis" (new hebrides honeyeater)* "phylidonyris melanops" (tawny-crowned honeyeater)* "ramsayornis modestus" (brown-backed honeyeater)* "ramsayornis fasciatus" (bar-breasted honeyeater)* "plectorhyncha lanceolata" (striped honeyeater)* "conopophila albogularis" (rufous-banded honeyeater)* "conopophila rufogularis" (rufous-throated honeyeater)* "conopophila whitei" (grey honeyeater)* "grantiella picta" (painted honeyeater)* "xanthomyza phrygia" (regent honeyeater)* "acanthorhynchus tenuirostris" (eastern spinebill)* "acanthorhynchus superciliosus" (western spinebill)* "entomyzon cyanotis" (blue-faced honeyeater)* "manorina melanophrys" (bell miner)* "manorina melanocephala" (noisy miner)* "manorina flavigula" (yellow-throated miner)* "anthornis melanura" (new zealand bellbird)* "acanthagenys rufogularis" (spiny-cheeked honeyeater)* "anthochaera lunulata" (little wattlebird)* "anthochaera chrysoptera" (brush wattlebird)* "anthochaera carunculata" (red wattlebird)* "anthochaera paradoxa" (yellow wattlebird)* "prosthemadera novaeseelandiae" (tui)* "epthianura tricolor" (crimson chat)* "epthianura aurifrons" (orange chat)* "epthianura crocea" (yellow chat)* "epthianura albifrons" (white-fronted chat)* "ashbyia lovensis" (gibberbird)===pardalotidae===* "pardalotus punctatus" (spotted pardalote)* "pardalotus quadragintus" (forty-spotted pardalote)* "pardalotus rubricatus" (red-browed pardalote)* "pardalotus striatus" (striated pardalote)* "dasyornis longirostris" (western bristlebird)* "dasyornis brachypterus" (eastern bristlebird)* "dasyornis broadbenti" (rufous bristlebird)* "pycnoptilus floccosus" (pilotbird)* "origma solitaria" (origma)* "oreoscopus gutturalis" (fernwren)* "crateroscelis murina" (rusty mouse-warbler)* "crateroscelis nigrorufa" (bicolored mouse-warbler)* "crateroscelis robusta" (mountain mouse-warbler)* "sericornis citreogularis" (yellow-throated scrubwren)* "sericornis frontalis" (white-browed scrubwren)* "sericornis humilis" (brown scrubwren)* "sericornis keri" (atherton scrubwren)* "sericornis beccarii" (beccari's scrubwren)* "sericornis virgatus" (perplexing scrubwren)* "sericornis nouhuysi" (large scrubwren)* "sericornis magnirostris" (large-billed scrubwren)* "sericornis rufescens" (vogelkop scrubwren)* "sericornis perspicillatus" (buff-faced scrubwren)* "sericornis arfakianus" (grey-green scrubwren)* "sericornis papuensis" (papuan scrubwren)* "sericornis spilodera" (pale-billed scrubwren)* "acanthornis magnus" (scrubtit)* "pyrrholaemus brunneus" (redthroat)* "chthonicola sagittatus" (speckled warbler)* "calamanthus campestris" (rufous calamanthus)* "calamanthus fuliginosus" (striated calamanthus)* "hylacola pyrrhopygia" (chestnut-rumped hylacola)* "hylacola cautus" (shy hylacola)* "acanthiza murina" (papuan thornbill)* "acanthiza katherina" (mountain thornbill)* "acanthiza pusilla" (brown thornbill)* "acanthiza ewingii" (tasmanian thornbill)* "acanthiza reguloides" (buff-rumped thornbill)* "acanthiza inornata" (western thornbill)* "acanthiza iredalei" (slender-billed thornbill)* "acanthiza chrysorrhoa" (yellow-rumped thornbill)* "acanthiza uropygialis" (chestnut-rumped thornbill)* "acanthiza nana" (yellow thornbill)* "acanthiza lineata" (striated thornbill)* "acanthiza robustirostris" (slaty-backed thornbill)* "smicrornis brevirostris" (weebill)* "gerygone cinerea" (mountain gerygone)* "gerygone chloronotus" (green-backed gerygone)* "gerygone palpebrosa" (fairy gerygone)* "gerygone olivacea" (white-throated gerygone)* "gerygone chrysogaster" (yellow-bellied gerygone)* "gerygone magnirostris" (large-billed gerygone)* "gerygone tenebrosa" (dusky gerygone)* "gerygone sulphurea" (golden-bellied gerygone)* "gerygone inornata" (plain gerygone)* "gerygone dorsalis" (rufous-sided gerygone)* "gerygone ruficollis" (brown-breasted gerygone)* "gerygone levigaster" (mangrove gerygone)* "gerygone fusca" (western gerygone)* "gerygone insularis" (lord howe island gerygone)* "gerygone mouki" (brown gerygone)* "gerygone modesta" (norfolk island gerygone)* "gerygone igata" (grey gerygone)* "gerygone albofrontata" (chatham islands gerygone)* "gerygone flavolateralis" (fan-tailed gerygone)* "aphelocephala leucopsis" (southern whiteface)* "aphelocephala pectoralis" (chestnut-breasted whiteface)* "aphelocephala nigricincta" (banded whiteface)===petroicidae===* "amalocichla sclateriana" (greater ground robin)* "amalocichla incerta" (lesser ground robin)* "monachella muelleriana" (torrent robin)* "microeca fascinans" (jacky-winter)* "microeca hemixantha" (golden-bellied flyrobin)* "microeca flavigaster" (lemon-bellied flyrobin)* "microeca griseoceps" (yellow-legged flyrobin)* "microeca flavovirescens" (olive flyrobin)* "microeca papuana" (canary flyrobin)* "eugerygone rubra" (garnet robin)* "petroica bivittata" (alpine robin)* "petroica archboldi" (snow mountain robin)* "petroica multicolor" (scarlet robin)* "petroica macrocephala" (tomtit)* "petroica goodenovii" (red-capped robin)* "petroica phoenicea" (flame robin)* "petroica rosea" (rose robin)* "petroica rodinogaster" (pink robin)* "petroica australis" (new zealand robin)* "petroica traversi" (chatham islands robin)* "melanodryas cucullata" (hooded robin)* "melanodryas vittata" (dusky robin)* "tregellasia leucops" (white-faced robin)* "tregellasia capito" (pale-yellow robin)* "eopsaltria australis" (yellow robin)* "eopsaltria griseogularis" (grey-breasted robin)* "eopsaltria flaviventris" (yellow-bellied robin)* "eopsaltria georgiana" (white-breasted robin)* "eopsaltria pulverulenta" (mangrove robin)* "poecilodryas brachyura" (black-chinned robin)* "poecilodryas hypoleuca" (black-sided robin)* "poecilodryas superciliosa" (white-browed robin)* "poecilodryas placens" (olive-yellow robin)* "poecilodryas albonotata" (black-throated robin)* "peneothello sigillatus" (white-winged robin)* "peneothello cryptoleucus" (smoky robin)* "peneothello cyanus" (blue-grey robin)* "peneothello bimaculatus" (white-rumped robin)* "heteromyias albispecularis" (ashy robin)* "heteromyias cinereifrons" (grey-headed robin)* "pachycephalopsis hattamensis" (green-backed robin)* "pachycephalopsis poliosoma" (white-eyed robin)* "drymodes superciliaris" (northern scrub robin)* "drymodes brunneopygia" (southern scrub robin)===irenidae===* "irena puella" (asian fairy-bluebird)* "irena cyanogaster" (philippine fairy-bluebird)* "chloropsis flavipennis" (philippine leafbird)* "chloropsis palawanensis" (yellow-throated leafbird)* "chloropsis sonnerati" (greater green leafbird)* "chloropsis cyanopogon" (lesser green leafbird)* "chloropsis cochinchinensis" (blue-winged leafbird)* "chloropsis aurifrons" (golden-fronted leafbird)* "chloropsis hardwickii" (orange-bellied leafbird)* "chloropsis venusta" (blue-masked leafbird)===orthonychidae===* "orthonyx temminckii" (logrunner)* "orthonyx spaldingii" (chowchilla)===pomatostomidae===* "pomatostomus isidorei" (new guinea babbler)* "pomatostomus temporalis" (grey-crowned babbler)* "pomatostomus superciliosus" (white-browed babbler)* "pomatostomus halli" (hall's babbler)* "pomatostomus ruficeps" (chestnut-crowned babbler)===laniidae===* "lanius tigrinus" (tiger shrike)* "lanius bucephalus" (bull-headed shrike)* "lanius collurio" (red-backed shrike)* "lanius isabellinus" (rufous-tailed shrike)* "lanius cristatus" (brown shrike)* "lanius collurioides" (burmese shrike)* "lanius gubernator" (emin's shrike)* "lanius souzae" (souza's shrike)* "lanius vittatus" (bay-backed shrike)* "lanius schach" (long-tailed shrike)* "lanius tephronotus" (grey-backed shrike)* "lanius validirostris" (mountain shrike)* "lanius minor" (lesser grey shrike)* "lanius ludovicianus" (loggerhead shrike)* "lanius excubitor" (northern shrike)* "lanius sphenocercus" (chinese grey shrike)* "lanius excubitoroides" (grey-backed fiscal)* "lanius cabanisi" (long-tailed fiscal)* "lanius dorsalis" (teita fiscal)* "lanius somalicus" (somali fiscal)* "lanius mackinnoni" (mackinnon's shrike)* "lanius collaris" (southern fiscal)* "lanius newtoni" (newton's fiscal)* "lanius marwitzi" (uhehe fiscal)* "lanius senator" (woodchat shrike)* "lanius nubicus" (masked shrike)* "corvinella corvina" (yellow-billed shrike)* "corvinella melanoleuca" (magpie shrike)* "eurocephalus rueppelli" (white-rumped shrike)* "eurocephalus anguitimens" (white-crowned shrike)===vireonidae===* "cyclarhis gujanensis" (rufous-browed peppershrike)* "cyclarhis nigrirostris" (black-billed peppershrike)* "vireolanius melitophrys" (chestnut-sided shrike-vireo)* "vireolanius pulchellus" (green shrike-vireo)* "vireolanius eximius" (yellow-browed shrike-vireo)* "vireolanius leucotis" (slaty-capped shrike-vireo)* "vireo brevipennis" (slaty vireo)* "vireo bellii" (bell's vireo)* "vireo atricapillus" (black-capped vireo)* "vireo nelsoni" (dwarf vireo)* "vireo huttoni" (hutton's vireo)* "vireo carmioli" (yellow-winged vireo)* "vireo griseus" (white-eyed vireo)* "vireo pallens" (mangrove vireo)* "vireo bairdi" (cozumel vireo)* "vireo gundlachii" (cuban vireo)* "vireo crassirostris" (thick-billed vireo)* "vireo caribaeus" (st. andrew vireo)* "vireo vicinior" (grey vireo)* "vireo hypochryseus" (golden vireo)* "vireo modestus" (jamaican vireo)* "vireo nanus" (flat-billed vireo)* "vireo latimeri" (puerto rican vireo)* "vireo osburni" (blue mountain vireo)* "vireo cassinii" (cassin's vireo)* "vireo plumbeus" (plumbeous vireo)* "vireo solitarius" (blue-headed vireo)* "vireo flavifrons" (yellow-throated vireo)* "vireo philadelphicus" (philadelphia vireo)* "vireo olivaceus" (red-eyed vireo)* "vireo flavoviridis" (yellow-green vireo)* "vireo gracilirostris" (noronha vireo)* "vireo altiloquus" (black-whiskered vireo)* "vireo magister" (yucatan vireo)* "vireo swainsonii" (western warbling-vireo)* "vireo gilvus" (eastern warbling-vireo)* "vireo leucophrys" (brown-capped vireo)* "hylophilus amaurocephalus" (grey-eyed greenlet)* "hylophilus poicilotis" (rufous-crowned greenlet)* "hylophilus thoracicus" (lemon-chested greenlet)* "hylophilus semicinereus" (grey-chested greenlet)* "hylophilus pectoralis" (ashy-headed greenlet)* "hylophilus sclateri" (tepui greenlet)* "hylophilus muscicapinus" (buff-cheeked greenlet)* "hylophilus brunneice

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