syracuse university press.
syracuse university press.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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new york: syracuse university press.
new york: syracuse university press.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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also published by syracuse university press, 1997.
also published by syracuse university press, 1997.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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8. instituto burton blatt de syracuse university
8. burton blatt institute (bbi) of syracuse university.
最終更新: 2016-11-29
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se graduó en la syracuse university con un ph.b.
he graduated from syracuse university with a b.ph.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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" syracuse university press: syracuse, ny, usa, 1988.
" syracuse university press: syracuse, ny, usa, 1988.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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harvard university, graduate school of arts and sciences, cambridge, ma
1999-2001 harvard university, graduate school of arts and sciences, cambridge, ma
最終更新: 2016-11-30
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guatemala: un estudio de caso en la resolución de conflictos , syracuse university.
guatemala: a case study in conflict resolution, syracuse university
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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(new york: schocken, 1973; reprint edition syracuse university press, 1996).
(new york: schocken, 1973; reprint edition syracuse university press, 1996).
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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se licenció en la universidad de kobe en 1987 y realizó su doctorado en osaka city university graduate school en 1993.
at kobe university in 1987 and his phd at osaka city university graduate school in 1993.
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association of arab-american university graduates
association of arab-american university graduates
最終更新: 2016-11-30
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syracuse university press, isbn 0-8156-0528-5==lecturas==* yuri, suhl (1990).
syracuse university press, isbn 0-8156-0528-5==further reading==* yuri, suhl (1990).
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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"geography of new york state" (syracuse: syracuse university press, 1977)* engeln, o. d., von.
"geography of new york state" (syracuse: syracuse university press, 1977)*engeln, o. d., von.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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el proceso de paz de guatemala , global affairs institute, syracuse university. reforma de la policía en afganistán , us institute of peace, febrero 2013.
the guatemalan peace process, global affairs institute, syracuse university; police reform in afghanistan, us institute of peace, february 2013
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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también en 1933, el profesor herbert n. shenton de la syracuse university, organizó un estudio intensivo de los problemas encontrados con las lenguas artificiales cuando se usaban en congresos internacionales.
also in 1933, professor herbert n. shenton of syracuse university organized an intensive study of the problems encountered with interlanguages when used in international conferences.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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durante el otoño del 2008, la banda realizó un tour en norte américa que incluyó una aparición en el virgin festival en toronto, así como la primer aparición en un colegio estadounidense en la syracuse university.
during the autumn of 2008, the band went on a short tour of north america, which included an appearance at the virgin festival in toronto, as well as the band's first ever american college show at syracuse university.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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se incorporó al fondo monetario internacional como consejero con respecto la tasa monetaria, cambiaria y la política fiscal en 1980, y enseñó brevemente en la universidad george washington y en el new york university graduate school of business.
he joined the international monetary fund as an adviser on monetary, exchange rate, and fiscal policy in 1980, and briefly taught at george washington university and the new york university graduate school of business.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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el 7 de abril, el sr. sÖderman dio una conferencia a 12 estudiantes de ciencias políticas procedentes del strasbourg centre of syracuse university (nueva york, ee.uu.).
on 7 april, mr sÖderman gave a lecture to 12 students of political science from the strasbourg centre of syracuse university (new york, usa).
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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sheila coronel , director, stabile center for investigative journalism, professor of professional practice, columbia university graduate school of journalism sheila coronel, director, stabile center for investigative journalism, profesor de práctica profesional, universidad de columbia graduate school of journalism
sheila coronel, director, stabile center for investigative journalism, professor of professional practice, columbia university graduate school of journalism
最終更新: 2016-02-24
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su actividad docente se inició en 1979 en el departamento de historia del arte del university college, en la london university. también impartió clases en el visual arts department, syracuse university (1987) y en la graduate sculpture school, yale university (1990, 1992, 1998).
her teaching work began in 1979 in the history of art department at university college, london university. she also gave classes in the visual arts department, syracuse university (1987) and the graduate sculpture school, yale university (1990, 1992, 1998).
最終更新: 2018-02-13
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