検索ワード: temperat�«roje (スペイン語 - 英語)










から: 機械翻訳








roje yap es un instructor de vuelo de astronautas en la nasa. lee acerca de quién es y cómo ayuda a los astronautas a tener un viaje seguro al espacio.


roje yap is an astronaut flight instructor for nasa. read all about who he is and how he helps astronauts to have a safe trip into space. paulo younse

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


153. mars' atmosphere was probably never thick enough to keep temperatures on the planet's surface above freezing for the long term, suggests research published today in nature geoscience. although the planet's topography indicates that liquid water has flooded mars in the distant past, evidence increasingly suggests that those episodes reflect occasional warm spells, not a consistently hospitable phase of the planet's history. signs of flowing water on mars include layered sediments presumed to have been laid down in ancient lakes, as well as rugged canyons and lowlands apparently sculpted by massive floods. these had once prompted researchers to suggest that the red planet, now frigid and dry, was warm and wet throughout its early history, but that would have required an atmosphere much thicker than today's, a prospect that now seems unlikely, says edwin kite, a planetary scientist at princeton university in new jersey. ( www.nature.com ) in contrast to its cold past, mars is currently ina relatively temperate period, researchers think. b. the research indicates that floods on mars occurred only intermittently rather than during a long continuous period. c. floods were partly responsible for the canyons and lowlands existing on mars. d. mars' atmosphere has very rarely been such as to keep water above its freezing temperature.


153. mars' atmosphere was probably never thick enough to keep temperatures on the planet's surface above freezing for the long term, suggests research published today in nature geoscience. although the planet's topography indicates that liquid water has flooded mars in the distant past, evidence increasingly suggests that those episodes reflect occasional warm spells, not a consistently hospitable phase of the planet's history. signs of flowing water on mars include layered sediments presumed to have been laid down in ancient lakes, as well as rugged canyons and lowlands apparently sculpted by massive floods. these had once prompted researchers to suggest that the red planet, now frigid and dry, was warm and wet throughout its early history, but that would have required an atmosphere much thicker than today's, a prospect that now seems unlikely, says edwin kite, a planetary scientist at princeton university in new jersey. ( www.nature.com ) in contrast to its cold past, mars is currently ina relatively temperate period, researchers think. b. the research indicates that floods on mars occurred only intermittently rather than during a long continuous period. c. floods were partly responsible for the canyons and lowlands existing on mars. d. mars' atmosphere has very rarely been such as to keep water above its freezing temperature.

最終更新: 2024-02-08
使用頻度: 1


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