gospodarska zbornica
chamber of commerce and industry
最終更新: 2014-11-14 使用頻度: 5 品質: 参照: IATE
gospodarska zbornica junin
chamber of commerce junin
最終更新: 2014-02-06 使用頻度: 1 品質: 参照: IATE
vir: torinska gospodarska zbornica, 2011.
source: turin chamber of commerce, 2011
最終更新: 2017-04-26 使用頻度: 1 品質: 参照: IATE
euriscoal in belgijska gospodarska zbornica
euriscoal and belgian chamber of commerce
最終更新: 2017-04-06 使用頻度: 1 品質: 参照: IATE
wko – avstrijska zvezna gospodarska zbornica
wko (austrian federal economic chamber)
kraj: gospodarska zbornica slovenije, ljubljana
venue: chamber of commerce and industry of slovenia, ljubljana
gospodarska zbornica sodeluje pri tem ukrepu.
the chamber of commerce participates in the realization of facilitation of administration.
wirtschaftskammer Österreich (avstrijska gospodarska zbornica)
austrian chamber of commerce
gospodarska zbornica nima statusa socialnega partnerja.
the chamber of commerce does not have social partner status.
v tem organu je zastopana le gospodarska zbornica.
only the chamber of commerce is represented in this body.
gospodarska zbornica je danes namenjena predvsem podjetjem.
it is becoming primarily a chamber of commerce that serves business.
amcham eu, ameriška gospodarska zbornica za evropsko unijo
amcham eu, american chamber of commerce to the european union
estonska gospodarska zbornica, estonska kmetijska in gospodarska zbornica.
estonian chamber of commerce and industry, estonian chamber of agriculture and commerce.
1.3 podporna storitev pri zagonu podjetja, dunajska gospodarska zbornica
1.3 vienna economic chamber start-up-service
odgovore so predložili tudi kitajska gospodarska zbornica in dve združenji uporabnikov.
submissions were also received from the chinese chamber of commerce, and from two associations of users.
最終更新: 2014-11-12 使用頻度: 1 品質: 参照: IATE
‰gospodarska zbornica slovenije oddelek za evropske zadeve dimičeva 13, 1000 ljubljana
go online information in all the official languages of the european union is available on the europa website: europa.eu
leta 2006 je portugalska gospodarska zbornica v luksemburgu zaprosila za prevodtega orodja v portugalščino.
in 2006, the portuguese chamber of commerce and industry in luxembourg also asked for collaboration to translate the tool into portuguese.
kontaktni podatki poslovnih organizacij latvijsko združenje delodajalcev ter gospodarska in trgovinska zbornica latvije.
contact details of business organisation latvian confederation of employers, latvian chamber of trade and commerce.
k obveščanju javnosti so pomembno prispevale tudi gospodarska zbornica, bančni sektor in trgovina na drobno.
chambers of commerce and the banking and retail sectors also played a role.
最終更新: 2012-03-19 使用頻度: 3 品質: 参照: IATE
drugič, gospodarska zbornica ni oblikovala nobene pripombe glede obstoja prodajnih možnosti za zadevne proizvode.
secondly, the chamber of commerce made no comments on the existence of market outlets for the products in question.
最終更新: 2014-11-06 使用頻度: 1 品質: 参照: IATE