検索ワード: plesen (スロベニア語 - 英語)











最終更新: 2015-06-11
使用頻度: 22

参照: Wikipedia


modra plesen


blue mould

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 4

参照: Wikipedia


blue mould (modra plesen)


blue mould

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 8

参照: Wikipedia


te okužbe povzroča plesen, imenovana aspergilus.


this infection is caused by a mould called aspergillus.

最終更新: 2017-04-26
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


sadje, na katerem je prisotna plesen, ki se širi.


fruit bearing mould which is spreading.

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 2

参照: Wikipedia


cilj je izbiranje prezrelega grozdja, ki ga je prizadela žlahtna plesen ali se je zgostilo že na trti.


aim of seeking the overmatured vintages, affected by noble rot or having undergone a concentration on vine.

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 2

参照: Wikipedia


ima blag in aromatičen mlečno-saden okus ter neizrazito modro plesen, ki dajeta siru določeno milino.


it has a subtle, scented flavour and a fruity, milky taste with a hint of a blue cheese, making it rather mild.

最終更新: 2014-11-17
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


enakomerno porazdeljena plesen v testu sira „fourme d’ambert“ je rezultat znanja, uporabljenega pri njegovi proizvodnji.


the paste of ‘fourme d’ambert’ owes its evenly distributed blue veining to the special expertise applied during its production.

最終更新: 2014-11-18
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


izraz mehki zorjeni sir ne vključuje sirov s kvasovkami plesni in drugimi organizmi na površini, ki tudi vsebujejo plesen, modro ali drugačno, porazdeljeno po notranjosti sira.


the term soft ripened cheese does not include cheeses with mold yeasts and other organisms on the surface which also contain mold, blue or otherwise, distributed throughout the interior of the cheese.

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 3

参照: Wikipedia


leta 1917 je ameriški živilski tehnolog james currie odkril plesen aspergillus niger, s katero bi lahko učinkovito proizvajali citronsko kislino in pfizer je začel industrijsko proizvodnjo v tej tehniki dve leti kasneje, nato pa še citrique belge leta 1929.


the source of sugar is corn steep liquor, molasses, hydrolyzed corn starch or other inexpensive sugary solutions.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


kadar proizvod vsebuje nemlečne sestavine, ki niso začimbe ali zelišča, kakor so zlasti šunka, oreščki, kozice, losos, olive, rozine, se znesek nadomestila zmanjša za 10 %.pri opravljanju carinskih formalnosti vlagatelj v izjavi, ki je predvidena v ta namen, navede, da so dodane take nemlečne sestavine.(b) kadar proizvod vsebuje zelišča ali začimbe, kakor so zlasti gorčica, bazilika, česen, origano, se znesek nadomestila zmanjša za 1 %.pri opravljanju carinskih formalnosti vlagatelj v izjavi, ki je predvidena v ta namen, navede, da so dodana zelišča ali začimbe.(c) kadar proizvod vsebuje kazein in/ali kazeinate in/ali sirotko in/ali proizvode iz sirotke in/ali laktozo in/ali permeat in/ali proizvode pod oznako kn 3504, se pri izračunu nadomestila ne upoštevajo dodani kazein in/ali kazeinati in/ali sirotka in/ali proizvodi iz sirotke (razen sirotkinega masla pod oznako kn 04051050) in/ali laktoza in/ali permeat in/ali proizvodi pod oznako kn 3504.pri opravljanju carinskih formalnosti vlagatelj v izjavi, predvideni v ta namen, navede, ali so dodani kazein in/ali kazeinati in/ali sirotka in/ali proizvodi iz sirotke in/ali laktoza in/ali permeat in/ali proizvodi pod oznako kn 3504, in kadar so, največjo vsebnost v masi kazeina in/ali kazeinatov in/ali sirotke in/ali proizvodov iz sirotke (kadar je to ustrezno, tudi vsebnost sirotkinega masla) in/ali laktoze in/ali permeata in/ali proizvodov pod oznako kn 3504 na 100 kilogramov končnega proizvoda.(d) ti proizvodi lahko vsebujejo majhne količine dodane nemlečne snovi, potrebne za njihovo proizvodnjo ali konzerviranje, kakor so sol, sirilo ali plesen.‘


where the product contains non-lactic ingredients, other than spices or herbs, such as in particular ham, nuts, shrimps, salmon, olives, raisins, the refund amount shall be reduced by 10 %.when completing customs formalities, the applicant shall state on the declaration provided for that purpose that there is addition of such non-lactic ingredients.b) where the product contains herbs or spices, such as in particular mustard, basil, garlic, oregano, the refund amount shall be reduced by 1 %.when completing customs formalities, the applicant shall state on the declaration provided for that purpose that there is addition of herbs or spices.c) where the product contains casein and/or caseinates and/or whey and/or products derived from whey and/or lactose and/or permeate and/or products covered by cn code 3504, the added casein and/or caseinates and/or whey and/or products derived from whey (excluding whey butter covered by cn code 04051050) and/or lactose and/or permeate and/or products covered by cn code 3504 will not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the refund.when completing customs formalities, the applicant shall state on the declaration provided for that purpose whether or not casein and/or caseinates and/or whey and/or products derived from whey and/or lactose and/or permeate and/or products covered by cn code 3504 have been added and, where this is the case, the maximum content by weight of casein and/or caseinates and/or whey and/or products derived from whey (specifying where applicable the whey butter content) and/or lactose and/or permeate and/or products covered by cn code 3504 added per 100 kilograms of finished product.d) the products referred to may contain quantities of added non-lactic matter required for their manufacture or preservation, such as salt, rennet or mould.

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 3

参照: Wikipedia

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