検索ワード: all of them are on schedule (デンマーク語 - イタリア語)







all of them are on schedule



から: 機械翻訳








ingen tegn fundet. a sentence that uses all of the letters of the alphabet


non sono stati trovati caratteri. a sentence that uses all of the letters of the alphabet

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


the fees for these schools have to be paid by the member of staff directly , but a portion of them will be reimbursed by the ecb on the basis of the education allowance .


the fees for these schools have to be paid by the member of staff directly , but a portion of them will be reimbursed by the ecb on the basis of the education allowance .

最終更新: 2024-04-13
使用頻度: 1


all of these specialists require secretarial , administrative and support services , so we hire in these areas too .


all of these specialists require secretarial , administrative and support services , so we hire in these areas too .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


although some of the affected member states have already ratified the agreement , it still needs to be ratified by most of them .


sebbene alcuni degli stati membri in questione l' abbiano già ratificato , l' accordo deve ancora essere ratificato dalla maggior parte di essi .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


in the event of a failure of the ecb , some or all of its technical functions in relation to target2-ecb may be performed by other eurosystem cbs .


in the event of a failure of the ecb , some or all of its technical functions in relation to target2-ecb may be performed by other eurosystem cbs .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


the terms of the system documents and the rights and obligations created by them are valid and legally binding under the laws of the federal republic of germany by which they are expressed to be governed , and the choice of the laws of the federal republic of germany to govern the system documents is recognised by the laws of the federal republic of germany ;


the terms of the system documents and the rights and obligations created by them are valid and legally binding under the laws of the federal republic of germany by which they are expressed to be governed , and the choice of the laws of the federal republic of germany to govern the system documents is recognised by the laws of the federal republic of germany ;

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 4


( b ) in the event of a failure of the ecb , some or all of its technical functions in relation to target2-ecb may be performed by other eurosystem cbs .


( b ) in the event of a failure of the ecb , some or all of its technical functions in relation to target2-ecb may be performed by other eurosystem cbs .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


in the following steps, you will create two truecrypt volumes (outer and hidden) within the first partition behind the system partition. the hidden volume will contain the hidden operating system (os). truecrypt will create the hidden os by copying the content of the system partition (where the currently running os is installed) to the hidden volume. to the outer volume, you will copy some sensitive looking files that you actually do not want to hide. they will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the hidden os partition. you can reveal the password for the outer volume within the hidden os partition (the existence of the hidden os remains secret).finally, on the system partition of the currently running os, you will install a new os, so-called decoy os, and encrypt it. it must not contain sensitive data and will be there for anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. in total, there will be three passwords. two of them can be disclosed (for the decoy os and outer volume). if you use the third one, the hidden os will start.


nei passi seguenti, voi creerete due volumi truecrypt (esterno ed ignoto) all’interno della prima partizione dietro a quella di sistema. il volume ignoto conterrà il sistema operativo ignoto (os). truecrypt creerà l’os ignoto copiando il contenuto della partizione di sistema (dove l’os attualmente in esecuzione è installato) nel volume ignoto. nel volume ignoto, copierete alcuni dati che sembrano sensitivi e che attualmente non desiderate nascondere. questi saranno qui a disposizione di chi vi forza a svelare la password per la partizione dell’os ignoto. potete rivelare la password per il volume esterno all’interno della partizione dell’os ignoto (comunque, l’esistenza dell’os ignoto rimane segreta).finalmente, nella partizione di sistema dell’ os attualmente in esecuzione, voi installerete un nuovo os, cosiddetto os di richiamo, e quindi codificarlo. non deve contenere dei dati sensibili e deve essere presente per chiunque vi costringe a rivelare la password di autenticazione di preavvio. in totale, ci saranno tre password. due di esse possono essere svelate (per l’os di richiamo ed il volume esterno). usando la terza password, l’os ignoto potrà partire.

最終更新: 2016-10-20
使用頻度: 1


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