検索ワード: shortcuts (ヒンズー語 - 英語)










から: 機械翻訳








कॉन्फ़िगर@ item: intable action name in shortcuts configuration


configure@item: intable action name in shortcuts configuration

最終更新: 2018-12-24
使用頻度: 1


2012, we will get an estimate for spain's foreign-born population in 2014 (in thou- sands): 6 295 + (-269. 334) = 6 295 - 269. 334 = 6 025. 666 the question simply asks for the best esti- mate (and does not mention whether it should be in thousands or millions which means that it has to be in units). therefore: 6 025. 666 * 1 000 = 6 025 666 the result 6 025 666 can be rounded off to 6 026 000. potential shortcuts / pitfalls the key to this question is the statement 11 that the population "changed by an even annual amount between 2012 and 2015". without this information it would be impossible to answer the question. consider this example: someone earns 10,000 euro in year 1 and 30,000 euro in year 3. if you know their earnings increased by an even annual amount, it is obvious that in year 2 they earned 20,000 euro. but if you don't have that informa- tion it is impossible to say what their earnings were in year 2 - they might, for instance, have carried on earning 10,000 euro, or they might alternatively have gone straight to 30,000 or indeed any other figure. the foreign-born population figures in the table are given in thousands, so it is simplest to keep the calculations in thou- sands too. however, you must be careful to provide the final answer in units, as required in the question, and not in mil- lions or thousands. you would end up choosing answer a if you were thinking in millions or c if you were thinking in thousands.


data interpretation from the table we need: the 2012 foreign-born popula- tion figure for spain the 2015 foreign-born popula- tion figure for spain from the question, the informa- tion that the foreign-born popu- lation changed by an even annual amount between 2012 and 2015 reasoning we can use the trend in spain's foreign- born population between the years 2012 and 2015 to estimate its foreign-born pop- ulation in 2014. calculation we know spain's foreign-born popula- tions for the years 2015 and 2012. we can find the change between these two years (in thousands) by deducting the 2012 figure from the 2015 figure: 5 891 - 6 295 = -404 thus spain's foreign-born population decreased by 404 thousand during the 3 years between 2012 and 2015. therefore, the approximate yearly change (in thou- sands) was: -404 / 3 = -134.667 spain's foreign-born population decreased by approximately 134. 667 thousand every year after 2012. based on this statistic, we can estimate the approximate change that took place in the two years from 2012 to 2014 (in thousands): -134.667 * 2 = -269.334 if if we add this approximate change to spain's actual foreign-born population in

最終更新: 2021-05-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名
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