検索ワード: raiponce (フランス語 - 英語)











最終更新: 2014-11-14
使用頻度: 5

参照: IATE


raiponce (2008)


marley and me (2008)

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: IATE


campanule fausse-raiponce


creeping bellflower

最終更新: 2014-11-14
使用頻度: 5

参照: IATE


lire la suite de raiponce


read more about the mouse, the bird, and the sausage

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: IATE


raiponce et flynn finiront par se marier


rapunzel and flynn will eventually get married

最終更新: 2015-02-16
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名


pauvre raiponce souffre de problèmes oculaires.


poor rapunzel is suffering from eye problems.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


tous droits réservés par disney, propriétaire des séries et films raiponce.


all rights reserved by disney, owners of frozen series and films.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


raiponce bébé a eu la grippe, comme elle a été mouillé par la pluie....


baby rapunzel has got flu as she got wet in the rain. check her body...

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


la raiponce belle est en attente pour le prince, mais elle ne sait pas comment...


the beautiful rapunzel is waiting for the prince but she doesn't know how to...

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


la mâche est aussi appelée doucette, raiponce, clairette, oreille de lièvre ou valérianelle.


lambs' lettuce is also known as rampion, clairette, or mâche.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


ce site non officiel est géré exclusivement par des fans de raiponce, et n'a aucun but commercial.


this unofficial fansite is managed exclusively by frozen fans, and is non-profit.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


la raiponce belle est en attente pour le prince, mais elle ne sait pas comment s'habiller pour cette réunion.


the beautiful rapunzel is waiting for the prince but she doesn't know how to dress up for this meeting.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


outre sa vidéo grand public barbie princesse raiponce acclamée par la critique, la société produit actuellement 13 épisodes de spider-man pour sony pictures television.


in addition to its critically acclaimed "barbie as rapunzel" direct-to-video feature, the company is currently producing 13 episodes of "spider-man" for sony pictures television.

最終更新: 2015-05-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名
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et quelques semaines plus tard, quand sa femme accoucha, la sorcière arriva aussitôt, donna à l'enfant le nom de raiponce et l'emporta avec elle.


in his distress of mind the man promised everything; and when the time came when the child was born the witch appeared, and, giving the child the name of rapunzel (which is the same as rampion), she took it away with her.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


dans la fureur de sa colère, elle empoigna les beaux cheveux de raiponce et les serra dans sa main gauche en les tournant une fois ou deux, attrapa des ciseaux de sa main droite et cric-crac, les belles nattes tombaient par terre.


in her anger she seized rapunzel by her beautiful hair, struck her several times with her left hand, and then grasping a pair of shears in her right - snip, snap - the beautiful locks lay on the ground.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


calamagrostis stricta calamagrostis du canada calamagrostis canadensis callitriche des marais callitriche verna callitriche heterophylle callitriche heterophylla calopogon gracieux calapogon tuberosus camarine noire empetrum nigrum campanule fausse raiponce campanula rapunculoides capselle bourse-a-pasteur capsella bursa-pastoris caquillier edentule cakile edentula cardamine de pennsylvanie cardamine pensylvanica carex ? carex wiegandii carex a balais carex scoparia carex a fruit glabre carex tonsa carex aquatique carex aquatilis carex blanchatre carex canescens carex brunatre carex brunnescens carex chetif carex paupercula carex commun carex communis carex comprime carex aretata carex continental carex interior carex crepu carex crinita carex de crawford carex crawfordii carex de houghton carex houghtonii carex de mackenzie carex mackenziei carex de nouvelle-angleterre carex novae-angliae carex de porc-epic carex hystericina carex dense carex cumulata carex deprime carex deflexa carex des bourbiers carex limosa carex disperme carex disperma carex en tete carex echinata carex etroit carex angustior carex faible carex debilis carex faux-souchet carex pseudocyperus carex filiforme carex gracillima carex gonfle carex intumescens carex pale carex pallescens carex paleace carex paleacea carex pauciflore carex pauciflora carex reflechi carex retrorsa carex rostre carex rostrata carex salin carex salina carex scabre carex scabrata carex silicicole carex silicea carex stipite carex stipata carex tribuloide cares tribuloides carex trisperme carex trisperma carez leptonerve carex leptonervia carvi commun carum carvi céloplèvre brillante angelica lucida =coelopleurum lucidum ceraiste des champs cerastium arvense ceraiste vulgaire cerastium fontanum cerisier a grappes prunus virginiana chamedaphne calicule chamaedaphne calyculata chamomille matricaria chamomilla chanvre d'eau bidens tripartita chardon des champs cirsium arvense chardon mutique cirsium muticum chardon vulgaire cirsium vulgare chaton, petit minou salix bebbiana chaudron-jaune sonchus arvensis chene rouge quercus rubra chenillee zanichellia palustris chenopode blanc chenopodium album chevre feuille de tartarie lonicera tartarica chevre feuille de velour lonicera villosa chevre feuille du canada lonicera canadensise chicorée sauvage cichorium intybus chimaphila a ambelles chimaphila unbellata chou-rave brassica napus chrysanthème leucanthème chrysanthemum leucanthemum = levanthemum cicutaire bulbifere cicuta bulbifera cicutaire maculee cicuta maculata cimna a larges feuilles cinna latifolia ciree alpine circaea alpina cirier de pennsylvanie myrica pensylvanica claquette rhinanthus minor clematite de virginie alematis virginiana clintonie boreale clintonia borealis comandra du nord geocaulon lividum ou comandra livida comandre ?


comandra umbellata common burdock arctium minus common chickweed stellaria media common coltsfoot tussilago farfara common great bulrush scirpus validus common hemp-nettle galeopsis tetrahit common hop humulus lupulus common knotweed polygonum prolificum common mugwort artemisia vulgaris common orach atriplex patula common peppergrass lepidium densiflorum common plantain plantago major common ragweed ambrosia artemisiifolia common rattle rhinanthus minor common rush juncus effusus common saltwort salsola kali common sedge carex communis common speedwell veronica officinalis common st. john's-wort hypericum perforatum common stitchwort stellaria graminea common tansy tanacetum vulgare common water-starwort callitriche verna common wild oat grass danthonia spicata common wood-grass scirpus cyperinus common wood-rush luzula campestris common yarrow achillea millefolium compressed sedge carex aretata coneflower rudbeckia laciniata corn spurry spergula arvensis couch-grass agropyron repens cow parsnip heracleum lanatum cow vetch vicia cracca cow-wheat melampyrum lineare crawford's sedge carex crawfordii creeping bellflower campanula rapunculoides creeping bent-grass agrostis stolonifera creeping crowfoot ranunculus repens creeping snowberry gaultheria hispidula crested wood fern dryopteris cristata curled dock rumex crispus cyperus-like sedge carex pseudocyperus cypress spurge euphorbia cyparissias daisy fleabane erigeron annuus dandelion taraxacum officinale day lily hemerocallis fulva dense cotton-grass eriophorum spissum dense sedge carex cumulata depressed sedge carex deflexa deptford pink dianthus armeria devil's paint brush hieracium aurantiacum dew drops dalibarda repens dewberry rubus pubescens district of columbia panic-grass panicum columbianum dock-leaved knotweed polygonum lapathifolium dogbane apocynum androsaemifolium downy goldenrod solidago puberula drooping woodreed cinna latifolia dusty miller artemisia stellariana dwarf huckleberry gaylussacia dumosa dwarf mistletoe arceuthobium pusillum dwarf rattlesnake plaintain goodyera repens dwarf scouring-rush equisetum scirpoides dyer's cleavers galium trifidum early coral-root corallorhiza trifida eastern hemlock tsuga canadensis eastern white cedar thuja occidentalis eel grass zostera marina elliptic st. john's-wort hypericum ellipticum emersed pond weed potamogeton epihydrous english hawthorn crataegus monogyna erect cinquefoil potentilla recta european garden columbine aquilegia vulgaris evening primrose oenothera biennis evening primrose oenothera parviflora evergreen wood fern dryopteris intermedia eyebright euphrasia arctica eyebright euphrasia nemorosa false heather hudsonia tomentosa false melic-grass schizachne purpurascens false pimpernel lindernia dubia false salamon's-seal smilacina racemosa fan-shaped clubmoss lycopodium digitatum fernalds manna grass glyceria pallida (torr.)

最終更新: 2015-05-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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