検索ワード: spinosissima (ポーランド語 - 英語)










から: 機械翻訳








ekstrakt rosa spinosissima jest wyciągiem z owoców rosa spinosissima, rosaceae


rosa spinosissima extract is an extract of the fruit of rosa spinosissima, rosaceae

最終更新: 2019-02-08
使用頻度: 2


w przypadku pralomis spinosissima i p. formosa samce o minimalnej szerokości pancerza, odpowiednio 102 mm i 90 mm, mogą być zatrzymane na pokładzie.


in the case of paralomis spinosissima and p. formosa, males with a minimum carapace width of 102 mm and 90 mm respectively, may be retained in the catch.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1


=== systematyka ===rodzina liczy około 170 gatunków należące do dwóch opisanych podrodzin, z czego w europie wykazano 56, a w polsce 5 (oznaczone pogrubieniem):==== podrodzina: nemastomatinae ====* podrodzina: nemastomatinae simon, 1872:* rodzaj: "buresiolla" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "buresiolla bureschi" (roewer, 1926)::* "buresiolla abchasica" ljovuschkin & starobogatov, 1963::* "buresiolla caecum" (nowikoff, 1931):* rodzaj: "nemaspela" silhavý, 1966::* "nemaspela sokolovi" (ljovuschkin & starobogatov, 1963)::* "nemaspela birsteini" levushkii, 1972::* "nemaspela taurica" (lebedinskiy, 1914):* rodzaj: "giljarovia" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "giljarovia rossica" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "giljarovia stridula" (kratochvíl & miller, 1958)::* "giljarovia turcica" gruber, 1976:* rodzaj: "nemastoma" c. l. koch, in hahn & c. l. koch 1836::* podrodzaj: "nemastoma":::* "nemastoma aeginum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma amulleri" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma anatolicum" roewer, 1962:::* "nemastoma armeniacum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma atticum" roewer, 1927:::* "nemastoma bacilliferum" simon, 1879::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum bacilliferum" simon, 1879::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum simoni" roewer, 1914::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum simplex" simon, 1913::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum dipentatum" rambla, 1959:::* "nemastoma bidentatum" roewer, 1914::::* "nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum" roewer, 1914::::* "nemastoma bidentatum sparsum" gruber & martens, 1968::::* "nemastoma bidentatum relictum" gruber & martens, 1968:::* "nemastoma bimaculosum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma brevipalpatum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma caecum" grese, 1911:::* "nemastoma cancellatum" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma caporiaccoi" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma carbonarium" simon, 1907:::* "nemastoma carpathicum" roewer, 1951 :::* † "nemastoma clavigerum" menge, 1854:::* "nemastoma corcyraeum" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma cypricum" roewer, 1951 :::* † "nemastoma denticulatum" koch & berendt, 1854:::* "nemastoma dentigerum" canestrini, 1873:::* "nemastoma dubium" mello-leitão, 1936:::* "nemastoma emigratum" roewer, 1959 :::* "nemastoma ferkeri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma filipes" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma formosum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma franzi" kraus, 1959 :::* "nemastoma funebre" redikorzev, 1936:::* "nemastoma gallwitzi" roewer, 1923:::* "nemastoma gigas" sørensen, w lendl 1894:::* "nemastoma globuliferum" l. koch, 1867:::* "nemastoma gostivarense" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma gracile" redikorzev, 1936:::* "nemastoma hankiewiczii" kulczyński, 1909:::* "nemastoma hermanni" kraus, 1959 :::* "nemastoma ikarium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma insulare" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma ios" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma kastneri" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma lessinensis" caporiacco, 1940:::* "nemastoma leiobunum" wankel, 1851:::* "nemastoma lilliputanum" (lucas, 1847):::* "nemastoma lindbergi" roewer, 1959 :::* "nemastoma longipalpatum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma longipes" schenkel, 1947:::* "nemastoma maarebense" simon, 1913:::* "nemastoma machadoi" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma mackenseni" roewer, 1923:::* "nemastoma macedonicum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma manicatum" simon, 1913:::* "nemastoma moesiacum" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma monchiquense" kraus, 1961 :::* "nemastoma montenegrinum" nosek, 1904:::* "nemastoma navarrense" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma nervosum" roewer, 1923:::* "nemastoma perfugium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma polonicum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma pyrenaeum" simon, 1879:::* "nemastoma reimoseri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma rhinoceros" roewer, 1917:::* "nemastoma riparium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma romanium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma rude" simon, 1881:::* "nemastoma santorinum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma scabriculum" simon, 1879:::* "nemastoma schenkeli" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma schuelleri" gruber & martens, 1968 :::* "nemastoma senussium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma sexmucronatum" simon, 1911:::* "nemastoma simplex" giltay, 1933:::* "nemastoma spinosissima" kraus, 1961 :::* "nemastoma spinulosum" l. koch, 1869:::* "nemastoma strasseri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma stussineri" simon, 1885:::* † "nemastoma succineum" roewer, 1939 :::* "nemastoma tenebricosum" redikorzev, 1936:::* "nemastoma tenue" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma titaniacum" roewer, 1914:::* "nemastoma transsylvanicum" gruber & martens, 1968 :::* "nemastoma triste" (c. l. koch, 1835)::::* "nemastoma triste triste" c. l. koch, in herrich-schaeffer 1835:::* "nemastoma troglodytes" (wankel, 1861) :::* † "nemastoma tuberculatum" koch & berendt, 1854:::* "nemastoma tunetanum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma vitynae" roewer, 1927 ::* podrodzaj: "dromedostoma":::* "nemastoma acrospinosum" roewer, 1951 ::::* "nemastoma acrospinosum acrospinosum" roewer, 1951 ::::* "nemastoma acrospinosum pretneri" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma bipunctatum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma bolei" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma corneluttii" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma grabovicae" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma megarae" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma multisignaltum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma nigrum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma radewi" roewer, 1926:::* "nemastoma ryla" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma sketi" hadzi, 1973 ::* podrodzaj: "lugubrostoma":::* "nemastoma boenicum":::* "nemastoma goliae" hadzi, 1973:::* "nemastoma lugubre" (müller, 1776)::::* "nemastoma lugubre lugubre" (müller, 1776) ::::* "nemastoma lugubre bimaculatum" (fabricius, 1775)::::* "nemastoma lugubre unicolor" roewer, 1914:::* "nemastoma sarae" hadzi, 1973 :* rodzaj: "paranemastoma" redikorzew, 1936::* "paranemastoma bicuspidatum" (c. l. koch, 1835)::* "paranemastoma ancae" avram, 1973 ::* "paranemastoma charitonovi" (mcheidze, 1952)::* "paranemastoma kalischevskyi" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma kochii" (nowicki, 1870)::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum" (perty, 1833):::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum quadripunctatum" (perty, 1833) :::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum aurosum" l. koch, 1869:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum armatum" kulczynski, 1909:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum thessalum" simon, 1885:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum werneri" kulczynski, 1903:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum humerale" c. l. koch, 1839::* "paranemastoma roeweri" starega, 1978::* "paranemastoma sillii" (hermann, 1871)::* "paranemastoma suchumium" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma supersum" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma umbo" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma aurigerum" (roewer, 1951) :::* "paranemastoma aurigerum aurigerum" roewer, 1951 :::* "paranemastoma aurigerum joannae" starega, 1976 :* rodzaj: "histricostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "histricostoma drenskii" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "histricostoma dentipalpe" (ausserer, 1867)::* "histricostoma argenteolunulatum" (canestrini, 1872)::* "histricostoma caucasicum" (redikorzev, 1936):* rodzaj: "carinostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "carinostoma carinatum" (roewer, 1914)::* "carinostoma elegans" (sørensen, 1894):::* "carinostoma elegans elegans" (sørensen, 1894) :::* "carinostoma elegans batorligetiense" (szalay, 1951)::* "carinostoma ornatum" (hadzi, 1940):* rodzaj: "centetostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958 ::* podrodzaj:"centetostoma":::* "centetostoma centetes" (simon, 1881)::* podrodzaj: "cretostoma":::* "centetostoma creticum" (roewer, 1927):* rodzaj: "mitostoma" roewer, 1951::* "mitostoma armatissimum" roewer, 1962 ::* "mitostoma daccordii" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma fabianae" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma sabbadinii" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma orghidani" avram, 1969 ::* "mitostoma dumitrescui" avram, 1969 ::* "mitostoma patrizii" roewer, 1958::* "mitostoma saxonicum"::* "mitostoma asturicum" roewer, 1951::* "mitostoma omalosum" roewer, 1951 ::* "mitostoma chrysomelas" (hermann, 1804):::* "mitostoma chrysomelas chrysomelas" (hermann, 1804) :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas michielii" hadzi, 1973 :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas multidenticulatum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas alpinum" hadzi, 1931::* "mitostoma anophthalmum" (fage, 1946)::* "mitostoma carneluttii" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma helenae" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma macedonicum" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma moldavica" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma rodnae" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma zmajevicae" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma olgae" silhavý, 1946:::* "mitostoma olgae olgae" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae decorum" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae kratochvili" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae zorae" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma valdemonense" marcellino, 1977==== podrodzina: ortholasmatinae ====* podrodzina: ortholasmatinae shear & gruber, 1983:* rodzaj: "dendrolasma" banks, 1894 ::* "dendrolasma mirabile" banks, 1894::* "dendrolasma angka" p. j. schwendinger & j. gruber, 1992::* "dendrolasma dentipalpe" w. a. shear & j. gruber, 1983::* "dendrolasma parvula" (suzuki, 1963):* † rodzaj: "halitherses" giribet & dunlop, 2005::* † "halitherses grimaldii" giribet & dunlop, 2005:* rodzaj: "ortholasma" banks, 1894 ::* "ortholasma bolivari" (goodnight & goodnight, 1942)::* "ortholasma coronadense" cockerell, 1916::* "ortholasma levipes" w. a. shear & j. gruber, 1983::* "ortholasma pictipes" banks, 1911::* "ortholasma rugosum" banks, 1894::* "ortholasma sbordonii" silhavý, 1973==== incertae sedis ====:* rodzaj: "nemastomella" mello-leitão, 1936 ::* "nemastomella integripes" mello-leitão, 1936:* rodzaj: "hadzinia" silhavý, 1966 ::* "hadzinia karamani" (hadzi, 1940):* rodzaj: "acromitostoma" roewer, 1951 ::* "acromitostoma hispanum" (roewer, 1917)::* "acromitostoma rhinoceros" roewer, 1951:* rodzaj: "mediostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "mediostoma graecum" (roewer, 1917)::* "mediostoma topolium" (roewer, 1951) ::* "mediostoma pamiricum" w. starega, 1986::* "mediostoma ceratocephalum" gruber, 1976 :* rodzaj: "pyza" starega, 1976 ::* "pyza bosnica" (roewer, 1916):* † rodzaj: "rhabdotarachnoides" haupt, 1956::* † "rhabdotarachnoides simoni" haupt, 1956tekst rękopisu pisany jest jedną kolumną na stronę, w 19 linijek na stronę.


==species=====subfamily nemastomatinae===* nemastomatinae simon, 1872:* "buresiolla" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "buresiolla bureschi" (roewer, 1926)::* "buresiolla abchasica" ljovuschkin & starobogatov, 1963 — abkhazia::* "buresiolla caecum" (nowikoff, 1931) — crimea:* "nemaspela" silhavý, 1966::* "nemaspela sokolovi" (ljovuschkin & starobogatov, 1963)::* "nemaspela birsteini" levushkii, 1972::* "nemaspela taurica" (lebedinskiy, 1914) — crimea:* "giljarovia" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "giljarovia rossica" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "giljarovia stridula" (kratochvíl & miller, 1958)::* "giljarovia turcica" gruber, 1976:* "nemastoma" c. l. koch, in hahn & c. l. koch 1836::* subgenus "nemastoma":::* "nemastoma aeginum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma amulleri" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma anatolicum" roewer, 1962:::* "nemastoma armeniacum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma atticum" roewer, 1927:::* "nemastoma bacilliferum" simon, 1879 — spain::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum bacilliferum" simon, 1879 — pyrenees::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum simoni" roewer, 1914::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum simplex" simon, 1913::::* "nemastoma bacilliferum dipentatum" rambla, 1959:::* "nemastoma bidentatum" roewer, 1914 — central europe::::* "nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum" roewer, 1914::::* "nemastoma bidentatum sparsum" gruber & martens, 1968::::* "nemastoma bidentatum relictum" gruber & martens, 1968:::* "nemastoma bimaculosum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma brevipalpatum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma caecum" grese, 1911 — crimea:::* "nemastoma cancellatum" roewer, 1917 — bosnia:::* "nemastoma caporiaccoi" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma carbonarium" simon, 1907 — spain:::* "nemastoma carpathicum" roewer, 1951 :::* † "nemastoma clavigerum" menge, 1854 — fossil:::* "nemastoma corcyraeum" roewer, 1917 — korfu:::* "nemastoma cypricum" roewer, 1951 :::* † "nemastoma denticulatum" koch & berendt, 1854 — baltic amber fossil: oligocene:::* "nemastoma dentigerum" canestrini, 1873 — italy:::* "nemastoma dubium" mello-leitão, 1936 — spain:::* "nemastoma emigratum" roewer, 1959 :::* "nemastoma ferkeri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma filipes" roewer, 1917 — transcaucasus:::* "nemastoma formosum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma franzi" kraus, 1959 :::* "nemastoma funebre" redikorzev, 1936 — russia:::* "nemastoma gallwitzi" roewer, 1923 — serbia:::* "nemastoma gigas" sørensen, in lendl 1894 — hungary:::* "nemastoma globuliferum" l. koch, 1867:::* "nemastoma gostivarense" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma gracile" redikorzev, 1936 — russia:::* "nemastoma hankiewiczii" kulczynski, 1909 — portugal:::* "nemastoma hermanni" kraus, 1959 :::* "nemastoma ikarium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma insulare" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma ios" roewer, 1917 — sporaden:::* "nemastoma kastneri" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma lessinensis" caporiacco, 1940 — italy:::* "nemastoma leiobunum" wankel, 1851:::* "nemastoma lilliputanum" (lucas, 1847) — algeria:::* "nemastoma lindbergi" roewer, 1959 :::* "nemastoma longipalpatum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma longipes" schenkel, 1947 — albania:::* "nemastoma maarebense" simon, 1913 — algeria:::* "nemastoma machadoi" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma mackenseni" roewer, 1923 — serbia:::* "nemastoma macedonicum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma manicatum" simon, 1913 — spain:::* "nemastoma moesiacum" roewer, 1917 — serbia and bosnia:::* "nemastoma monchiquense" kraus, 1961 :::* "nemastoma montenegrinum" nosek, 1904 — montenegro:::* "nemastoma navarrense" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma nervosum" roewer, 1923 — serbia:::* "nemastoma perfugium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma polonicum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma pyrenaeum" simon, 1879 — pyrenees:::* "nemastoma reimoseri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma rhinoceros" roewer, 1917 — spain:::* "nemastoma riparium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma romanium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma rude" simon, 1881 — alps:::* "nemastoma santorinum" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma scabriculum" simon, 1879 — pyrenees:::* "nemastoma schenkeli" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma schuelleri" gruber & martens, 1968 :::* "nemastoma senussium" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma sexmucronatum" simon, 1911 — spain:::* "nemastoma simplex" giltay, 1933 — balkans:::* "nemastoma spinosissima" kraus, 1961 :::* "nemastoma spinulosum" l. koch, 1869 — greece:::* "nemastoma strasseri" roewer, 1951 :::* "nemastoma stussineri" simon, 1885 — greece:::* † "nemastoma succineum" roewer, 1939 — fossil: baltic amber :::* "nemastoma tenebricosum" redikorzev, 1936 — russia:::* "nemastoma tenue" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma titaniacum" roewer, 1914 — bosnia:::* "nemastoma transsylvanicum" gruber & martens, 1968 :::* "nemastoma triste" (c. l. koch, 1835) — central europe::::* "nemastoma triste triste" c. l. koch, in herrich-schaeffer 1835:::* "nemastoma troglodytes" (wankel, 1861) :::* † "nemastoma tuberculatum" koch & berendt, 1854 — fossil: oligocene:::* "nemastoma tunetanum" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma vitynae" roewer, 1927 ::* subgenus "dromedostoma":::* "nemastoma acrospinosum" roewer, 1951 ::::* "nemastoma acrospinosum acrospinosum" roewer, 1951 ::::* "nemastoma acrospinosum pretneri" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma bipunctatum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma bolei" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma corneluttii" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma grabovicae" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma megarae" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma multisignaltum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma nigrum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "nemastoma radewi" roewer, 1926 — cave in balkans:::* "nemastoma ryla" roewer, 1951:::* "nemastoma sketi" hadzi, 1973 ::* subgenus "lugubrostoma":::* "nemastoma boenicum":::* "nemastoma goliae" hadzi, 1973:::* "nemastoma lugubre" (müller, 1776)::::* "nemastoma lugubre lugubre" (müller, 1776) ::::* "nemastoma lugubre bimaculatum" (fabricius, 1775) — europe::::* "nemastoma lugubre unicolor" roewer, 1914 — southern europe:::* "nemastoma sarae" hadzi, 1973:* "paranemastoma" redikorzew, 1936::* "paranemastoma bicuspidatum" (c. l. koch, 1835)::* "paranemastoma ancae" avram, 1973 ::* "paranemastoma charitonovi" (mcheidze, 1952)::* "paranemastoma kalischevskyi" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma kochii" (nowicki, 1870)::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum" (perty, 1833) — europe:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum quadripunctatum" (perty, 1833) :::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum aurosum" l. koch, 1869:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum armatum" kulczynski, 1909 — southeastern europe:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum thessalum" simon, 1885 — greece:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum werneri" kulczynski, 1903 — asia minor:::* "paranemastoma quadripunctatum humerale" c. l. koch, 1839 — southeastern europe::* "paranemastoma roeweri" starega, 1978::* "paranemastoma sillii" (hermann, 1871) — central europe::* "paranemastoma suchumium" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma supersum" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma umbo" (roewer, 1951)::* "paranemastoma aurigerum" (roewer, 1951) :::* "paranemastoma aurigerum aurigerum" roewer, 1951 :::* "paranemastoma aurigerum joannae" starega, 1976:* "histricostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "histricostoma drenskii" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "histricostoma dentipalpe" (ausserer, 1867) — central europe::* "histricostoma argenteolunulatum" (canestrini, 1872) — corcica, italy::* "histricostoma caucasicum" (redikorzev, 1936) — russia:* "carinostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "carinostoma carinatum" (roewer, 1914) — southeastern europe::* "carinostoma elegans" (sørensen, 1894) — hungary:::* "carinostoma elegans elegans" (sørensen, 1894) :::* "carinostoma elegans batorligetiense" (szalay, 1951)::* "carinostoma ornatum" (hadzi, 1940):* "centetostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958 ::* subgenus "centetostoma":::* "centetostoma centetes" (simon, 1881) — alps::* subgenus "cretostoma":::* "centetostoma creticum" (roewer, 1927):* "mitostoma" roewer, 1951::* "mitostoma armatissimum" roewer, 1962 ::* "mitostoma daccordii" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma fabianae" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma sabbadinii" tedeschi & sciaky, 1997 ::* "mitostoma orghidani" avram, 1969 ::* "mitostoma dumitrescui" avram, 1969 ::* "mitostoma patrizii" roewer, 1958::* "mitostoma saxonicum"::* "mitostoma asturicum" roewer, 1951::* "mitostoma omalosum" roewer, 1951 ::* "mitostoma chrysomelas" (hermann, 1804) — europe:::* "mitostoma chrysomelas chrysomelas" (hermann, 1804) :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas michielii" hadzi, 1973 :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas multidenticulatum" hadzi, 1973 :::* "mitostoma chrysomelas alpinum" hadzi, 1931 — yugoslavia::* "mitostoma anophthalmum" (fage, 1946) — italy::* "mitostoma carneluttii" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma helenae" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma macedonicum" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma moldavica" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma rodnae" avram, 1970 ::* "mitostoma zmajevicae" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma olgae" silhavý, 1946 — dalmatia, montenegro:::* "mitostoma olgae olgae" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae decorum" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae kratochvili" silhavý, 1946 :::* "mitostoma olgae zorae" hadzi, 1973 ::* "mitostoma valdemonense" marcellino, 1977===subfamily ortholasmatinae===* ortholasmatinae shear & gruber, 1983:* "dendrolasma" banks, 1894 ::* "dendrolasma mirabile" banks, 1894 — washington::* "dendrolasma angka" p. j. schwendinger & j. gruber, 1992 — thailand::* "dendrolasma dentipalpe" w. a. shear & j. gruber, 1983 — california::* "dendrolasma parvula" (suzuki, 1963):* † "halitherses" giribet & dunlop, 2005::* † "halitherses grimaldii" giribet & dunlop, 2005 — fossil: cretaceous (albian) burmese amber, c. 100 mya:* "ortholasma" banks, 1894 ::* "ortholasma bolivari" (goodnight & goodnight, 1942) — mexico::* "ortholasma coronadense" cockerell, 1916 — coronados islands::* "ortholasma levipes" w. a. shear & j. gruber, 1983 — california::* "ortholasma pictipes" banks, 1911 — california::* "ortholasma rugosum" banks, 1894 — california::* "ortholasma sbordonii" silhavý, 1973===incertae sedis===:* "nemastomella" mello-leitão, 1936 ::* "nemastomella integripes" mello-leitão, 1936 — spain:* "hadzinia" silhavý, 1966 ::* "hadzinia karamani" (hadzi, 1940):* "acromitostoma" roewer, 1951 ::* "acromitostoma hispanum" (roewer, 1917) — spain: granada::* "acromitostoma rhinoceros" roewer, 1951:* "mediostoma" kratochvíl & miller, 1958::* "mediostoma graecum" (roewer, 1917)::* "mediostoma topolium" (roewer, 1951) ::* "mediostoma pamiricum" w. starega, 1986 — tajikistan::* "mediostoma ceratocephalum" gruber, 1976:* "pyza" starega, 1976 ::* "pyza bosnica" (roewer, 1916):* † "rhabdotarachnoides" haupt, 1956 — fossil::* † "rhabdotarachnoides simoni" haupt, 1956 — permian==footnotes====references==* joel hallan's biology catalog: nemastomatidae* (2005): first identifiable mesozoic harvestman (opiliones: dyspnoi) from cretaceous burmese amber.the text is written in one column per page, 19 lines per page.

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