検索ワード: ko nga atake o tenei tuhinga he wananga (マオリ語 - 英語)







ko nga atake o tenei tuhinga he wananga



から: 機械翻訳








ko nga kaiarahi hoki o tenei iwi hei whakapohehe i a ratou, a pau ake a ratou i arahi ai


for the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
使用頻度: 1


kia ngohengohe nga wairua katoa ki nga mana nunui. kahore hoki he mana, no te atua anake: ko nga mana o tenei wa he mea whakarite na te atua


let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. for there is no power but of god: the powers that be are ordained of god.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
使用頻度: 1


ko nga pa katoa o nga kerehoni, o tenei hapu, o tenei hapu o ratou, kotahi tekau ma toru nga pa me nga wahi o waho ake


all the cities of the gershonites according to their families were thirteen cities with their suburbs.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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na ko nga ingoa enei o nga tama a iharaira i haere ki ihipa; i haere tahi mai ratou me hakopa, me te whare o tenei, o tenei


now these are the names of the children of israel, which came into egypt; every man and his household came with jacob.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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ko nga kapu inu i hoatu ma ratou he oko koura; rere ke tonu te ahua o tenei oko, o tenei oko; tona nui ano o te waina kingi, rite tonu ki ta te kingi tikanga


and they gave them drink in vessels of gold, (the vessels being diverse one from another,) and royal wine in abundance, according to the state of the king.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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ko nga kaihanga i te taiepa, me nga kaiwaha i nga pikaunga, whakawaha ana ratou, a kotahi te ringa o tenei, o tenei, ki te mahi i te mahi, kotahi hei pupuri i te patu


they which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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na, ko te taha ki mua i nga ruma, kotahi te whatianga; ko tetahi atu taha hoki kotahi te whatianga; na, ko nga ruma, e ono whatianga o tenei taha, e ono whatianga o tera taha


the space also before the little chambers was one cubit on this side, and the space was one cubit on that side: and the little chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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kei a ihowa, kei to tatou atua, nga mea ngaro: ko nga mea ia ka oti nei te whakapuaki mai, ma tatou ena, ma a tatou tamariki, ake nei, kia mahi ai tatou i nga kupu katoa o tenei ture


the secret things belong unto the lord our god: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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a ko nga ringihanga o aua mea kia kotahi hawhe hine waina mo te puru kotahi, ko te whakatoru o te hine mo te hipi toa, me te whakawha o te hine mo te reme: ko te tahunga tinana tenei o tenei marama, o tenei marama, o nga marama o te tau


and their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto a bullock, and the third part of an hin unto a ram, and a fourth part of an hin unto a lamb: this is the burnt offering of every month throughout the months of the year.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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me nga tama a merari, o tenei hapu, o tenei hapu o ratou: ko mahari, ko muhi. ko nga hapu enei o nga riwaiti, o tenei whare, o tenei whare o o ratou matua


and the sons of merari by their families; mahli, and mushi. these are the families of the levites according to the house of their fathers.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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kia mohio ano koutou; ko nga tohunga katoa, ko nga riwaiti, ko nga kaiwaiata, ko nga kaitiaki keti, ko nga netinimi, ko nga kaimahi o tenei whare o te atua, e kore e tika kia tangohia he takoha taonga, he takoha tangata, he takoha huarahi i a ra tou


also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and levites, singers, porters, nethinims, or ministers of this house of god, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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na me whakarite o tatou rangatira mo te huihui katoa, a me haere mai i nga wa e whakaritea te hunga katoa kua marena ki nga wahine ke i o tatou pa, ratou ko nga kaumatua o tenei pa, o tenei pa, me nga kaiwhakawa o reira, kia tahuri atu ra ano i a tatou te riri kaha o to tatou atua, a kia tutuki ra ano tenei mea


let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them which have taken strange wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our god for this matter be turned from us.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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kua matotoru hoki te ngakau o tenei iwi, kua puhoi nga taringa ki te whakarongo, ko nga kanohi kua oti te whakamoe e ratou; kei kite o ratou kanohi, kei rongo nga taringa, a ka matau te ngakau, na ka tahuri ratou a ka whakaorangia e ahau


for this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and i should heal them.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
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katahi ka karangatia nga karaipi a te kingi i te marama tuatahi, i te tekau ma toru o nga ra o taua marama, a ka tuhituhia nga mea katoa i whakahaua e hamana ki nga kawana a te kingi, ratou ko nga kawana iti o tenei kawanatanga, o tenei kawanata nga, ki nga rangatira hoki o tenei iwi, o tenei iwi; ki tenei kawanatanga, ki tenei kawanatanga, he mea whakarite ki to reira reo; i tuhituhia i runga i te ingoa o kingi ahahueruha, hiri rawa ki te mowhiti o te kingi


then were the king's scribes called on the thirteenth day of the first month, and there was written according to all that haman had commanded unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors that were over every province, and to the rulers of every people of every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people after their language; in the name of king ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with the king's ring.

最終更新: 2012-05-05
使用頻度: 1


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