検索ワード: euler (ルーマニア語 - 英語)











最終更新: 2014-08-15
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leonhard euler



最終更新: 2012-02-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


iată-l pe euler.


here comes euler.

最終更新: 2015-10-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


numele lui euler este asociat cu numeroase subiecte.


euler's name is associated with a large number of topics.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


a continuat lucrările lui euler, cauchy, lagrange, poisson.


here he continued works of euler, joseph louis lagrange, siméon denis poisson and augustin louis cauchy.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


identitatea lui euler este o consecință imediată a formulei lui euler.


euler's identity is an easy consequence of euler's formula.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


euler apare de altfel cu trei dintre primele cinci formule din acest clasament.


in total, euler was responsible for three of the top five formulae in that poll.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


euler a folosit notațiile "c" și "o" pentru constanta lui.


euler used the notations "c" and "o" for the constant.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia
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a fost discipol al lui leonhard euler și unul dintre cei mai importanți matematicieni ai rusiei Țariste.


ostrogradsky is considered to be a disciple of leonhard euler and one of the leading mathematicians of imperial russia.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia


primele lucrări ale lui euler în acest domeniu se bazează pe rezultatele obținute de pierre de fermat.


a lot of euler's early work on number theory was based on the works of pierre de fermat.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia


În 1720, la numai 13 ani, euler intră la universitatea din basel, unde a studiat filosofia.


euler's early formal education started in basel, where he was sent to live with his maternal grandmother.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia


acum, luând această formulă derivată, se poate folosi formula lui euler pentru a defini logaritmul unui număr complex.


now, taking this derived formula, we can use euler's formula to define the logarithm of a complex number.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


notația γ nu apare nicăieri în notele lui euler sau ale lui mascheroni, și a fost aleasă mai târziu datorită conexiunii constantei cu funcția gamma.


the notation formula_1 appears nowhere in the writings of either euler or mascheroni, and was chosen at a later time perhaps because of the constant's connection to the gamma function.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia


atât legendre cât și euler au speculat că π ar putea fi transcendent, ceea ce s-a demonstrat în 1882 de către ferdinand von lindemann.


in 1882, german mathematician ferdinand von lindemann proved that is transcendental, confirming a conjecture made by both legendre and euler.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


iar termenii generali al puterilor funcțiilor sau sunt (pot fi deduși din formula lui moivre, formula lui euler sau binomul lui newton).


and in general terms of powers of or the following is true, and can be deduced using de moivre's formula, euler's formula and binomial theorem .

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


alexis clairaut a fost primul care s-a gândit la o generalizare a coordonatelor polare în trei dimensiuni, iar leonhard euler a fost primul care le-a dezvoltat.


alexis clairaut was the first to think of polar coordinates in three dimensions, and leonhard euler was the first to actually develop them.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia


=== teoria numerelor ===interesul lui euler pentru teoria numerelor poate fi atribuit influenței lui christian goldbach, prietenul și colegul său de la academia din sankt petersburg.


===number theory===euler's interest in number theory can be traced to the influence of christian goldbach, his friend in the st. petersburg academy.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


nicklaus wirth a primit premiul turing din partea acm, în anul 1984 pentru dezvoltarea unei serii de limbaje de programare inovative, euler, algol-w, modula și pascal.


he received the "acm turing award" for the development of these languages in 1984 and in 1994 he was inducted as a fellow of the acm.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Wikipedia
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* antonio stradivari - vioară italiană* georg philipp telemann , compozitor german* antonio vivaldi , compozitor italian* isaac watts , englez hymnist* john baskerville , tipograf* bernardo bellotto , pictor italian* michel benoist , pictor francez, arhitect, misionar în china* william blake , engleză artist și poet* edmé bouchardon , sculptor francez* françois boucher , pictor francez* canaletto , pictor italian* giuseppe castiglione , pictor italian, arhitect, misionar în china* jean-baptiste-simeon chardin , pictor francez* vasili bazhenov , arhitect rus* karl blank , arhitect rus* vladimir borovikovsky , pictor rus* leonardo coccorante , pictor italian* john singleton copley , pictor american* jacques-louis david , pictor francez* yury felten , arhitect rus* johann bernhard fischer von erlach , arhitect austriac* Étienne maurice pui de șoim , sculptor francez* jean-honoré fragonard , pictor francez* thomas gainsborough , pictor engleză* francisco de goya , pictor spaniol* jean-baptiste greuze , pictor francez* giuseppe grisoni , pictor italian* francesco guardi , pictor italian* jacob philipp hackert , pictor german* suzuki harunobu , woodblock japoneză* johann lukas von hildebrandt , austro-italian arhitect* william hogarth , pictor și gravor englez* matvey kazakov , arhitect rus* georg wenzeslaus von knobelsdorff , pictor si arhitect german* alexander kokorinov , arhitect rus* mikhail ivanovich kozlovski , sculptor rus* jean-baptiste lemoyne , sculptor francez, student al tatălui său* jean-louis lemoyne , sculptor francez* dmitri levitzky , pictor rus* jean-Étienne liotard , pictor elvețian* robert le lorrain , sculptor francez* ivan martos , sculptor rus* yuan mei , chineză pictor, poet, eseist* antoine ignace melling , franco-german pictor, arhitect* louis montoyer , arhitect belgian* giovanni paolo panini , pictor italian* giovanni battista piranesi , pictor italian* matthäus daniel pöppelmann , arhitectul german (saxonia)* gai qi , chinez pictor, poet* bartolomeo rastrelli , arhitectul italian de origine rusă* joshua reynolds , pictor englez* giacomo quarenghi , italian de origine arhitect rus* gilbert stuart , pictor american* nishikawa sukenobu , grafician japonez, profesor* giovanni battista tiepolo , pictor venețian* jiang tingxi , artist chinez și cărturar* domenico trezzini ,arhitect italian de origine rusa* kitagawa utamaro , grafician și pictor japonez* luigi vanvitelli , arhitect italian* antoine watteau , pictor francez* mihail zemtsov , arhitect rus* jane austen , scriitor englez* anna laetitia barbauld , poet, eseist, autor și copii* pierre beaumarchais , scriitor francez* nicolas boileau-despréaux , poetul francez și critic literar* james boswell , biograf scoțian* frances burney , romancier englez* robert burns , poet scoțian* giacomo casanova , venețian aventurier, scriitor și afemeiat* pierre choderlos de laclos , scriitor francez* daniel defoe , prozator și jurnalist engleză* gavrila derzhavin , poet rus* liang desheng , poet și scriitor chinez* maria edgeworth , anglo-irlandez romancier* henry fielding , romancier englez* johann wolfgang von goethe , scriitor german* carlo goldoni , dramaturg italian* oliver goldsmith , anglo-irlandez scriitor, poet, scriitor pentru copii, și dramaturg* carlo gozzi , dramaturg italian* thomas gray , poet englez, savant, pedagog* eliza haywood , scriitor englez* wu jingzi , scriitor chinez* samuel johnson , scriitor britanic, lexicograf, poet și critic literar* kazinczy ferenc , scriitor maghiar* ivan krilov , rusă fabulist* charlotte lennox , romancier și poet engleză* matthew lewis , romancier și dramaturg engleză* sadhak kamalakanta , poet indian* henry mackenzie , romancier scoțian* jean-paul marat , jurnalist francez* gaspar melchor de jovellanos , scriitor spaniol* yuan mei , poet chinez, savant și artist* honoré mirabeau , scriitor francez și politician* john newbery , editor copii engleze literatura de specialitate* alexander pope , poetul englez* ann radcliffe , romancier englez* alexander radishchev , scriitor rus* samuel richardson , romancier englez* li ruzhen , romancier chinez* marchizul de sade , scriitor și filozof francez* ramprasad sen , bengali poet și cântăreț* friedrich schiller , scriitor german* walter scott , romancier și poet scoțian* christopher inteligent , englez poet și actor* robert southey , poetul englez și biograful* hester thrale , engleză memorialist* charlotte smith turner , scriitor englez* pu songling , scriitor chinez poveste scurtă* laurence sterne , anglo-irlandez scriitor* jonathan swift , anglo-irlandez satiric și biserica din irlanda dean* ueda akinari , scriitor japonez* voltaire , scriitor și filozof francez* horace walpole , scriitor și politician englez* mary wollstonecraft , scriitor britanic și feministă* cao xueqin , scriitor chinez* arai hakuseki , japonez savant, scriitor și politician* cesare beccaria , filosof și om politic italian* jeremy bentham , filosof englez și reformator* george berkeley , filosof irlandez empirist* edmund burke , filozof* frederick cornwallis , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* erasmus darwin , filosoful englez, poet și om de știință* denis diderot , scriitor și filozof francez* william godwin , filosof englez și romancier* aaron halle-wolfssohn , scriitor german, teolog evreu, traducător, profesor* johann gottfried herder , filozof german, scriitor, critic* thomas hering , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* david hume , filozof scoțian* matei hutton , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* immanuel kant , filosof german* kamo nu mabuchi , filosoful japonez* william legea , teolog englez* gotthold ephraim lessing , scriitor și filozof german* alfonso liguori , episcop italian, fondator al redemptorists, saint* joseph de maistre , filosof italian și diplomat* moses mendelssohn , filozof german* charles de secondat (montesquieu) , gânditor francez* john moore , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* motoori norinaga , filosof japonez și cărturar* thomas paine , filosof englez* elihu palmer , american deist* thomas percy , episcop engleză și editor* joseph perl , scriitor german, teolog evreu, și educator* john potter , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* jean-jacques rousseau , scriitor și filozof francez* thomas secker , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* serafim de sarov , călugăr rus* sugita genpaku , om de știință japonez și traducător* emanuel swedenborg , om de stiinta suedez, gânditor și mistic* thomas tenison , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* christian thomasius , filozof și jurist german* baal shem tov , ucrainean rabin* giambattista vico , filozof italian* muhammad ibn abd al-wahhab , teolog islamic arab și fondator al wahhabismul* william wake , arhiepiscopul de canterbury* john wesley , teolog englez, fondator al metodismului* nikolaus ludwig von zinzendorf , scriitor german religioase și episcop* roger joseph boscovich , fizician, astronom, matematician, filosof, diplomat, poet, și iezuit* maria gaetana agnesi , matematicianul italian* jean le rond d'alembert , matematician francez, fizician și enciclopedist* joseph băncile , botanistul englez* laura bassi , om de stiinta italian, primul profesor al colegiului european pentru femei* daniel bernoulli , matematician și fizician elvețian* anders celsius , astronom suedez* anders chydenius , filosof si economist finlandeză* alexis clairaut , matematician francez* james cook , englez navigator, explorator și cartograf* eugenio espejo , ecuador om de știință* leonhard euler , matematician elvețian* daniel gabriel fahrenheit , fizician german și inginer* george fordyce , medic scoțian și chimist* carl friedrich gauss , matematician german, fizician și astronom* edward gibbon , istoricul englez* edward jenner , inventatorul limba engleză de vaccinare* william jones , engleză filolog* nikolai karamzin , istoric rus* ivan kulibin , rus enventor* joseph louis lagrange , italiano-francez matematician și fizician* pierre simon laplace , fizician și matematician francez* antoine lavoisier , chimist francez, considerat de tatăl chimiei moderne* john law , economistul scoțian* pan lei , savant chinez și matematician* adrien-marie legendre , matematician francez* carolus linnaeus ( carl von linné ), biolog suedez* mihail lomonosov , om de știință rus* edmond malone , savant irlandez literar* thomas malthus , economist englez* joseph priestley , ministrul disident și chimist* john smeaton , inginer și fizician* adam smith , economist scoțian și filozof* vasili tatishchev , istoric rus și etnograf* antonio de ulloa , spaniol-om de știință și exploratorul* james watt , om de știință scoțian și inventator* john whitehurst , geolog englez* dai zhen , matematician chinez, geograf, fonolog și filozof* carl wilhelm scheele , chimistul suedez* henry cavendish , chimist* joseph black , chimist scoțian* edward teach (blackbeard)-barbă neagră, pirat englez* anne bonny , irlandeza pirat* olivier levasseur , pirat francez* samuel mason , pirat fluvial/ tâlhar* yemelyan pugachev ,cazac rus* john rackham (calico jack)* mary read , englezoaica pirat* bartolomeu roberts , pirat irlandez* printesa tarakanoff , aventurier rusoaică== invenții, descoperiri ==== note ==== decenii și ani ==


* bernardo bellotto, italian painter* michel benoist, french painter, architect, missionary in china* william blake, english artist and poet* edmé bouchardon, french sculptor* françois boucher, french painter* canaletto, italian painter* giuseppe castiglione, italian painter, architect, missionary in china* jean-baptiste-siméon chardin, french painter* vasili bazhenov, russian architect* karl blank, russian architect* vladimir borovikovsky, russian painter* leonardo coccorante, italian painter* john singleton copley, american painter* jacques-louis david, french painter* yury felten, russian architect* johann bernhard fischer von erlach, austrian architect* Étienne maurice falconet, french sculptor* jean-honoré fragonard, french painter* thomas gainsborough, english painter* francisco de goya, spanish painter* jean-baptiste greuze, french painter* giuseppe grisoni, italian painter* francesco guardi, italian painter* jacob philipp hackert, german painter* suzuki harunobu, japanese woodblock printer* johann lukas von hildebrandt, austrian-italian architect* william hogarth, english painter and engraver* matvey kazakov, russian architect* georg wenzeslaus von knobelsdorff, german painter and architect* alexander kokorinov, russian architect* mikhail ivanovich kozlovsky, russian sculptor* jean-baptiste lemoyne, french sculptor, student of his father* jean-louis lemoyne, french sculptor* dmitry levitzky, russian painter* jean-Étienne liotard, swiss painter* robert le lorrain, french sculptor* ivan martos, russian sculptor* yuan mei, chinese painter, poet, essayist* luis egidio meléndez, spanish painter* antoine ignace melling, french-german painter, architect* louis montoyer, belgian architect* giovanni paolo panini, italian painter* giovanni battista piranesi, italian painter* matthäus daniel pöppelmann, german architect (saxony)* gai qi, chinese painter, poet* bartolomeo rastrelli, italian-born russian architect* joshua reynolds, english painter* giacomo quarenghi, italian-born russian architect* francisco salzillo, spanish sculptor* gilbert stuart, american painter* nishikawa sukenobu, japanese printmaker, teacher* giovanni battista tiepolo, venetian painter* jiang tingxi, chinese artist and scholar* domenico trezzini, italian-born russian architect* kitagawa utamaro, japanese printmaker and painter* luigi vanvitelli, italian architect* juan de villanueva, spanish architect* antoine watteau, french painter* mikhail zemtsov, russian architect===writers, poets===* jane austen, english writer* anna laetitia barbauld, english poet, essayist, and children's author* pierre beaumarchais, french writer* bernardin de st. pierre, french writer* nicolas boileau-despréaux, french poet and literary critic* james boswell, scottish biographer* frances burney, english novelist* robert burns, scottish poet* giacomo casanova, venetian adventurer, writer and womanizer* pierre choderlos de laclos, french writer* daniel defoe, english novelist and journalist* gavrila derzhavin, russian poet* liang desheng, chinese poet and writer* maria edgeworth, anglo-irish novelist* henry fielding, english novelist* bernard le bovier de fontenelle, french writer* johann wolfgang von goethe, german writer* oliver goldsmith, anglo-irish writer, poet, children's writer, and playwright* thomas gray, english poet, scholar, and educator* eliza haywood, english writer* wu jingzi, chinese writer* samuel johnson, british writer, lexicographer, poet, and literary critic* ferenc kazinczy, hungarian writer* ivan krylov, russian fabulist* pierre choderlos de laclos, french writer* charlotte lennox, english novelist and poet* matthew lewis, english novelist and playwright* sadhak kamalakanta, indian poet* henry mackenzie, scottish novelist* jean-paul marat, french journalist* pierre de marivaux, french writer* gaspar melchor de jovellanos, spanish writer* yuan mei, chinese poet, scholar and artist* honoré mirabeau, french writer and politician* john newbery, english children's literature publisher* alexander pope, english poet* olaudah equiano, eboe writer and abolitionist* abbe prevost, french writer* ann radcliffe, english novelist* alexander radishchev, russian writer* samuel richardson, english novelist* li ruzhen, chinese novelist* marquis de sade, french writer and philosopher* ramprasad sen, bengali poet and singer* friedrich schiller, german writer* walter scott, scottish novelist and poet* christopher smart, english poet and actor* robert southey, english poet and biographer* hester thrale, english memoirist* vasily trediakovsky, russian poet and playwright* charlotte turner smith, english writer* pu songling, chinese short story writer* laurence sterne, anglo-irish writer* jonathan swift, anglo-irish satirist and church of ireland dean* ueda akinari, japanese writer* voltaire, french writer and philosopher* horace walpole, english writer and politician* mary wollstonecraft, british writer and feminist* cao xueqin, chinese writer===philosophers, theologians===* jonathan edwards, american theologian and philosopher* arai hakuseki, japanese scholar, writer and politician* cesare beccaria, italian philosopher and politician* jeremy bentham, english philosopher and reformer* george berkeley, irish empiricist philosopher* edmund burke, british statesman and philosopher* Étienne bonnot de condillac, french philosopher* marquis de condorcet, french philosopher* frederick cornwallis, archbishop of canterbury* erasmus darwin, english philosopher, poet and scientist* denis diderot, french writer and philosopher* william godwin, english philosopher and novelist* aaron halle-wolfssohn, german writer, jewish theologian, translator, and professor* johann gottfried herder, german philosopher, writer, and critic* thomas herring, archbishop of canterbury* baron d'holbach, french-german philosopher and writer* david hume, scottish philosopher* matthew hutton, archbishop of canterbury* immanuel kant, german philosopher* kamo no mabuchi, japanese philosopher* charles-louis, french philosopher and writer* william law, english theologian* gotthold ephraim lessing, german philosopher and writer* alphonsus liguori, italian bishop, founder of redemptorists, saint* joseph de maistre, italian philosopher and diplomat* moses mendelssohn, german philosopher* charles de secondat (montesquieu), french thinker* john moore, archbishop of canterbury* motoori norinaga, japanese philosopher and scholar* thomas paine, english philosopher* elihu palmer, american deist* thomas percy, english bishop and editor* joseph perl, german writer, jewish theologian, and educator* john potter, archbishop of canterbury* jean-jacques rousseau, french writer and philosopher* thomas secker, archbishop of canterbury* seraphim of sarov, russian theologian* sugita genpaku, japanese scholar and translator* emanuel swedenborg, swedish scientist, thinker and mystic* thomas tenison, archbishop of canterbury* christian thomasius, german philosopher and jurist* baal shem tov, ukrainian rabbi* giambattista vico, italian philosopher* muhammad ibn abd al wahhab, arab islamic theologian and founder of wahhabism* william wake, archbishop of canterbury* john wesley, english theologian, founder of methodism* nikolaus ludwig von zinzendorf, german religious writer and bishop===scientists, researchers===* maria gaetana agnesi, italian mathematician* jean le rond d'alembert, french mathematician, physicist and encyclopedist* joseph banks, english botanist* laura bassi, italian scientist, the first european female college teacher* daniel bernoulli, swiss mathematician and physicist* roger joseph boscovich, physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, and jesuit* comte de buffon, french scientist* anders celsius, swedish astronomer* anders chydenius, finnish philosopher and economist* alexis clairaut, french mathematician* james cook, english navigator, explorer and cartographer* eugenio espejo, ecuadorian scientist* leonhard euler, swiss mathematician* daniel gabriel fahrenheit, german physicist and engineer* george fordyce, scottish physician and chemist* carl friedrich gauss, german mathematician, physicist and astronomer* edward gibbon, english historian* edward jenner, english inventor of vaccination* william jones, english philologist* nikolai karamzin, russian historian* ivan kulibin, russian inventor* joseph louis lagrange, italian-french mathematician and physicist* jean-baptiste lamarck, french naturalist, biologist* pierre simon laplace, french physicist and mathematician* antoine lavoisier, french chemist, considered father of modern chemistry* john law, scottish economist* pan lei, chinese scholar and mathematician* adrien-marie legendre, french mathematician* carolus linnaeus, swedish biologist* mikhail lomonosov, russian scientist* edmond malone, irish literary scholar* thomas malthus, english economist* pierre louis maupertuis, french mathematician* peter simon pallas, german-russian zoologist and botanist* joseph priestley, dissenting minister and chemist* rené antoine ferchault de réaumur, french scientist* françois quesnay, french economist* john smeaton, civil engineer and physicist* adam smith, scottish economist and philosopher* vasily tatishchev, russian historian and ethnographer* anne-robert-jacques turgot, baron de laune, french economist* antonio de ulloa, spanish scientist and explorer* james watt, scottish scientist and inventor* john whitehurst, english geologist* dai zhen, chinese mathematician, geographer, phonologist and philosopher* carl wilhelm scheele, swedish chemist (discovered oxygen)* henry cavendish, chemist (recognized hydrogen as its own elemental substance)* joseph black, scottish chemist (discovered carbon dioxide)===outlaws===* maurice benyovszky, slovak adventurer, "king of madagaskar"* anne bonny, irish pirate* alessandro cagliostro, italian adventurer and occultist* robert-françois damiens, french domestic worker whose attempted assassination of king louis xv* olivier levasseur, french pirate* samuel mason, american revolutionary war soldier and river pirate/highwayman* yemelyan pugachev, russian cossack and rebel leader* john rackham (calico jack), english pirate* mary read, english pirate* bartholomew roberts, welsh pirate* count of st. germain, adventurer, alchemist and occultist* princess tarakanoff, russian adventurer* edward teach (blackbeard), english pirate==inventions, discoveries, introductions==* 1709: the first piano was built by bartolomeo cristofori* 1711: the tuning fork was invented by john shore* 1712: the steam engine invented by thomas newcomen* 1714: the mercury thermometer by daniel gabriel fahrenheit* 1717: the diving bell was successfully tested by edmond halley, sustainable to a depth of 55 ft* c. 1730: the octant navigational tool was developed by john hadley in england, and thomas godfrey in america* 1733: flying shuttle invented by john kay* 1736: europeans encountered rubber – the discovery was made by charles-marie de la condamine while on expedition in south america.

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