検索ワード: handkerchief (ロシア語 - 英語)










から: 機械翻訳








then he lay down to sleep, and put a handkerchief over his face.


then he lay down to sleep, and put a handkerchief over his face.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


also, you know the handkerchief on levi's neck? notice how joseph has it :3


also, you know the handkerchief on levi's neck? notice how joseph has it :3

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


hans pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket, wrapped up the lump in it, put it on his shoulder, and set out on the way home.


hans pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket, wrapped up the lump in it, put it on his shoulder, and set out on the way home.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


we have 100% polyester printing tie with handkerchief stock, over 10 designs, ifyou have any interest, please contact with us.


we have 100% polyester printing tie with handkerchief stock, over 10 designs, ifyou have any interest, please contact with us.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


she let down her hair, which she had concealed under a handkerchief, and it fell down in long curls about her, and thus she went into the town, and in the darkness was observed by no one.


she let down her hair, which she had concealed under a handkerchief, and it fell down in long curls about her, and thus she went into the town, and in the darkness was observed by no one.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


then marjory went to her chest of drawers, and took one of her best handkerchiefs from the bottom drawer, and picked up all the bones from under the table and tied them up in her handkerchief, and went out at the door crying bitterly.


then marjory went to her chest of drawers, and took one of her best handkerchiefs from the bottom drawer, and picked up all the bones from under the table and tied them up in her handkerchief, and went out at the door crying bitterly.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


and she went to the chest of drawers in her bedroom and took a white handkerchief out of the nearest drawer, and fitting the head to the neck, she bound them with the handkerchief, so that nothing should be seen, and set him on a chair before the door with the apple in his hand.


and she went to the chest of drawers in her bedroom and took a white handkerchief out of the nearest drawer, and fitting the head to the neck, she bound them with the handkerchief, so that nothing should be seen, and set him on a chair before the door with the apple in his hand.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


"it was my sister marjory " here four more looked up. "who all my bones in pieces found; them in a handkerchief she bound," now there were only eight left hewing. "and laid them under the almond tree." now only five. "kywitt, kywitt, kywitt, i cry," now only one. "oh what a beautiful bird am i!" at length the last one left off, and he only heard the end. "bird," said he, "how beautifully you sing; let me hear it all; sing that again!" - "no," said the bird, "i may not sing it twice for nothing; if you will give me the millstone i will sing it again." - "indeed," said the man, "if it belonged to me alone you should have it." - "all right," said the others, "if he sings again he shall have it." then the bird came down, and all the twenty millers heaved up the stone with poles - "yo! heave-ho! yo! heave-ho!" and the bird stuck his head through the hole in the middle, and with the millstone round his neck he flew up to the tree and sang,


"it was my sister marjory " here four more looked up. "who all my bones in pieces found; them in a handkerchief she bound," now there were only eight left hewing. "and laid them under the almond tree." now only five. "kywitt, kywitt, kywitt, i cry," now only one. "oh what a beautiful bird am i!" at length the last one left off, and he only heard the end. "bird," said he, "how beautifully you sing; let me hear it all; sing that again!" - "no," said the bird, "i may not sing it twice for nothing; if you will give me the millstone i will sing it again." - "indeed," said the man, "if it belonged to me alone you should have it." - "all right," said the others, "if he sings again he shall have it." then the bird came down, and all the twenty millers heaved up the stone with poles - "yo! heave-ho! yo! heave-ho!" and the bird stuck his head through the hole in the middle, and with the millstone round his neck he flew up to the tree and sang,

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1

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