検索ワード: haven (英語 - アフリカーンス語)










から: 機械翻訳








fair haven


warwickcity in germany

最終更新: 2011-10-24
使用頻度: 1


then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.


toe was hulle bly, omdat dit rustig geword het, en hy het hulle gelei na die hawe van hul begeerte.

最終更新: 2012-05-06
使用頻度: 1


zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto zidon.


sébulon sal woon by die strand van die see; en hy sal by die strand van die skepe wees, met die sykant na sidon toe.

最終更新: 2012-05-06
使用頻度: 1


xolani nkosi on february 1989 in a township east of johannesburg. his mother ; nonthlanthla daphne nkosi ;was hiv-positive and passed the virus on to her unborn child.he became a stalistic:one of more than 70 000 children born hiv-positive in south africa every year.xolani was a fighter. he survived beyond his second birthday;unusual in hiv-infected babies. as the disease began to take its toll on daphne ;she and nkosi were admitted to an aids care centre johannesburg it was there that gail johnson a volunteer worker; just saw the baby boy and ailing mother.daphne readily agreed that gail to become nkosi foster mother daphne noksi died of aids- related illness in 1997.also in 1997 ;gail johnson attempted to enrol nkosi-than eight years old at a school in the johannesburg suburb of melville when the boys hiv status was discovered ;there was immediate opposition from teachers and parentsgail went public with complaint and wonhetas nkosi went to school south africa famous child activist; nkosi johnson was born with hiv and died at the age of 12 in 2001. at the time of his death; he was the longest- surving child born with hiv in 2001in the country.he was posthumously awarded the first kidsrights foundation international children's peace prize in rome in november 2001 for hi efforts in support of the rights of children with hiv /aids and his legacy continue to live through nkosi haven ;which house and supports hiv- positive mothers and children.


xolani nkosi on february 1989 in a township east of johannesburg. his mother ; nonthlanthla daphne nkosi ;was hiv-positive and passed the virus on to her unborn child.he became a stalistic:one of more than 70 000 children born hiv-positive in south africa every year.xolani was a fighter. he survived beyond his second birthday;unusual in hiv-infected babies. as the disease began to take its toll on daphne ;she and nkosi were admitted to an aids care centre johannesburg it was there that gail johnson a volunteer worker; just saw the baby boy and ailing mother.daphne readily agreed that gail to become nkosi foster mother daphne noksi died of aids- related illness in 1997.also in 1997 ;gail johnson attempted to enrol nkosi-than eight years old at a school in the johannesburg suburb of melville when the boys hiv status was discovered ;there was immediate opposition from teachers and parentsgail went public with complaint and wonhetas nkosi went to school south africa famous child activist; nkosi johnson was born with hiv and died at the age of 12 in 2001. at the time of his death; he was the longest- surving child born with hiv in 2001in the country.he was posthumously awarded the first kidsrights foundation international children's peace prize in rome in november 2001 for hi efforts in support of the rights of children with hiv /aids and his legacy continue to live through nkosi haven ;which house and supports hiv- positive mothers and children.

最終更新: 2023-09-07
使用頻度: 14

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